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Today in the software business new hires are required to know the material and

the scifics of thir job rsonsibilitis. Therefore, immediately after Microsoft hr

team managers are hired the new mloys, they allocate new employees to
the tams where they begin doing rojcts with a survisor. In their teams, the
nw mloys ar xctd to know th details of thir job rsonsibilitis and
they are supposed to have the ability to handle how to rform diffrnt tasks.
Microsoft has bn criticizd for not training their nw mloys. As a result of
this, in May 1997 Microsoft launchd a nw Microsoft Skills 2000 initiativ. Th
uros of Skills 2000 is to decrease th growing ga btwn comany nds
and availabl skills of employees by raching out to mloys in th comuting
work forc as wll as thos intrstd in dvloing a carr. Also, thy ar
assignd to mor xrincd mloys, whr thy can larn during th work
rocss. As a consequence, recently Microsoft took a global aroach to
rcruitmnt, which is rathr than having diffrnt carrs sits for diffrnt
countris and vn diffrnt businss units within th sam country whr
Microsofts old onlin rcruiting was a navigational nightmar for jobskrs, who
suffrd from contnt ovrload and lack of an organizd, cntral carrs hub.

Burda ben biraz bahsediyorum, o yuzden sen konuya girerken, satinin de dedii
gibi felan demeyi unutma, konuyu balamak anlamnda.
They use some method to recruit and retain disabled people. one of these
method is to rar ol with disabilities to recruit by providing new Recruiter
Orientation training. During this two-day training for new full-time Microsoft
staffing members, modules are rsntd which teach general disability
tiqutt in a relaxed on atmoshr. Also, to make sure that the information
covered during the training is readily accessible, an online "Disability Toolkit" is
available for recruiters and other staffing members to refer back to when they
mt or interview candidates with disabilities. The primary goal of the training
and the online tool is to make sure that the interview rocss highlights the
strengths of the rson and their qualifications for the position they are alying
for. Furthermore, the launch of a new pilot program positions Microsoft as the
latest corporate giant looking to tap the mloymnt otntial of those on the
sctrum. So, the company announce that they are underway to hire individuals
with autism for full-time positions at its Redmond, Wash. headquarters.

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