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Digit al Law

Digital Law is the electronic responsibility for actions and deeds. Digital Law
deals with certain people or groups that purposefully misuse the Internet or
Information. Crimes may include stealing or causing damage to other people?s
work, identity, property online Hacking into others information, downloading
illegal music, plagiarizing, creating destructive worms, viruses or creating Trojan
Horses, sending spam, or stealing anyone?s identify. These laws apply to anyone
and everyone who violates the laws.
Cyber Bullying is also a crime nearly 43% of kids have been bullied online. 1 in
4 has had it happen more than once. Only 1 in 10 victims will inform a parent or
trusted adult of their abuse. Over 80% of teens use a cell phone regularly,
making it the most common medium for cyber bullying. Bullying victims are 2
to 9 times more likely to consider committing suicide. These numbers are still
way to high but there is hope. 84% have seen others tell cyber bullies to stop.
68% of teens agree that cyber bullying is a serious problem. 0% of students
report seeing frequent bullying online. Filling up your friends' Facebook feeds
with positive posts instead of negative ones can boost school-wide morale.
Stand against Cyber Bulling.

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