Attention and Focus

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One of the ways in which you can better understand the workings of the Sephiros

on the Tree of Life is to meditate upon their various properties using the metap
hor of flowing water as a backdrop to your thinking process.
When you focus upon the flow itself then you have become a part of the flow and
are there in even its most secret passages. You move as it moves and you learn
to recognize its various currents.
In view of these images of flows and currents visualize the Tree of Life as a wa
ter pipe with connecting pipes representing the various Sephiros.
The central flow is endless but by directing its flow there is a seeming rush he
re, or a lack there depending upon where your attention is focused. It is your a
ttention that provides the current inside of every flow.
Imagine that you are approaching the center of this flow and your attention is p
oised now and ready to focus on the meanings that are starting to come through.
At first there is the customary silence. Then gradually a level of awareness a
ppears that is like the shaping tool used by potters and their clay.
This shaping tool is represented by your poised attention. Like the potter your
attention works upon the continuous flow shaping thoughts as the potter does hi
s clay. Your work that then takes its shape does so according to the subtle shi
fts of attention correcting here and there and letting go to allow the work to a
ssume its desired form.
All the while you are focusing the flow of intention is coursing through you. T
he immediate effect is to put you in contact with that higher realm of being whe
rein you experience your connection with the Eternal. While this connection ca
n never be adequately described you will know it the feelings you have of unity
and a sense being in the right place at the right time.
Consider now too that the operations of the various Sephiros in their correspond
ing and conjoined worlds are acting as a system of valves that regulate the flow
s of being accordingly. These valves are opened and closed according to both yo
ur attention and your focus.
Attention opens the valves meaning that when you think about a specific Sephirah
you are opening up your thought stream to all the information that can be found
concerning this particular field of energy and all of its subsequent interconne
When you remain focused on a Sephirah you increase the flow of thoughts surround
ing this area leading to an overflow that takes you naturally to the next area o
f study. The very act of your thinking about something increases the flow of re
lationships that are dependent upon that focused area of meditation.
The purpose behind becoming conscious of these inner flows is so that you may le
arn the best way to 'water the garden.' The 'garden' is your own life experienc
e and it is watered by the thoughts you pay attention to and as a result focus u
The only control we ever have is to turn the water on (our attention) and then d
irect its flow (our focus). The source is ever continuous and in terms of our l
ife experiences works much better when we are actively engaged. The lessons of
the Sephiros teach us about the attributes we can embody in order to maximize ou
r limitless potential. B"H

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