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the Hero's journey has played a great part in helping us to understand many of the popular

stories behind the scriptures and mythologies. Through it, we are able to understand how the
soul of a man becomes divine. As a man, he is half human and half potential god and it is up to
him to realize his latent potential. As a woman, these stories help us to understand the basic
inclinations and motivations for man. However, as a woman, it is incombant upon me to
explore mythology from a woman's perspective and to determin if the same journey applies
within women. To that end, I have become aware that our process may either be different or
may be in addition to the Hero's Journey.
Queens journey
all start out on top and then descend into a lower plane usually dropping pieces in some way. It
is through grief that the search for wholeness begins. There she begins to pick up the pieces
left on the journey mastering them one by one.

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