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Mood Disorder

Depression. Adolescent depression is the most common mental health disorder, and it can be
fatal. (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2008). Adolescents have difficulty
describing their emotional or mood states. Young teenagers often do not complain about the way
they feel and instead act moody and irritable. Youth who develop depression between ages 14
and 16 years are at greater risk for major depression later in life.
Facts about depression in adolescents

Major depression affects approximately 4% to 8% of adolescents

Within 5 years of the onset of major depression, 70% of depressed youths will experience

a recurrence.
Depression in young people often co-occurs with other mental disorder, most often

anxiety, disruptive behavior, or substance use disorders.

Longitudinal follow-up studies estimate that 20% to 25% of depressed adolescents will

develop a substance use disorder.

As many as 5% to 10% of adolescents will complete suicide within 15 years of their

initial episode of major depression.

Although adolescent depression is twice as common among girls as boys, between the
ages of 15 and 19 years, the male suicide rate is five times that of the female rate.

Symptoms of adolescent depression


Frequent, nonspecific physical complaints

Absences from school
Poor school performance and problems concentrating
Talk or actions of running away
Boredom or lethargy
Outbursts of crying or moody behavior
Irritable, angry, or hostile demeanor
Lack of interest in friends
Alcohol or drug use
Decreased interaction and communication
Fears of death
Lack of interest in usual hobbies, sports, or recreational activities
Sensitivity to rejection or failure
Reckless, risk-tasking behavior
Relationship problems
Changes in eating and sleep patterns
Sense of hopelessness

Feeling overwhelmed easily and often

Thoughts or expression of suicide or self destructive behavior

(Gail Wiscarz Stuart, Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing 10 th Edition, 2013, Mosby
Elsevier Inc.)

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