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Vastu-Proof your Home

Creating Superior Vastu Bioenergetics for Your Home

by Remediating the Environment Around Your Home

Superior Vastu Energetics
for Your Home to Ensure:

A Happier Life
Excellent Health
Financial Prosperity
Warm, Loving Relationships
Key Products
to 5 containers HemaProTM
(quantum-state magnetic hematite)



Soil Remediation Products:

SR Master Blend, Nitro-Boost,


2 strands Cell-resonant Jade Chips
2 strands Cell-resonant Tigers Eye

Vastu-Proof Your Home

for a Happy, Healthy Life for the Entire Family

Life-Long Benefits

Changing your Vastu bioenergetics for the better (i.e. correcting Vastu deficiencies and enhancing source bioenergetics) is considered, from ancient times, to be the most important thing you can do to ensure a happier life (i.e. good
health, relationships, success, etc.) Thousands of years of Vastu research shows that homes (no matter how physically
attractive) if they have poor Vastu energetics, the inhabitants will still be subject to unnecessary suffering (whether
in health, business, love, etc.)
Vastu-proofing your home can dramatically improve the quality and strength of beneficial incoming source energies
into your home (or office) for superior Vastu energetics (the ancient science of ideal building design and bioenergetics
for health, harmony, prosperity and long life).
By changing the bioenergetics inside your home as well as outside, the ancient science of Vastu states that you can literally change every aspect of your life -- including even the attraction of desirable opportunities (whether you decide
to act on them or not).
Premier Research Labs

Nutrition that really works

The Great Science of Vastu

Step 2. Remediation of Cut-Outs in your Home

In the great ancient science of Vastu (a strategic system to

optimize a persons living conditions), there are two universal Source Energies that flow around Earth: the first of
the two travels continuously from north to south (called
geomagnetic energy or Jaivik Urja) and the second from
east to west (called solar energy or Panick Urja). When
these two Source Energies intersect with little impediment, then ideal bioenergetic conditions transpire supporting a persons optimum health.

A cut-out is any area of the houses shape that has been

cut inwards in any side of your home. In the science
of Vastu, in general, a cut-out creates a weakened energy field inside the home near the cut-out because the
dimensions of the home are no longer a balanced shape.

When artificially created depolarizing energetics are neutralized using magnetic hematite and when the quality of
the soil is very healthy, the two main Source Energies
are able to commingle with the luxurious ground energetics (stimulated by the earths natural Schumann waves)
which further enhance the quality of the Source Energies
that ceaselessly enter the home.

Therefore, for every cut-out area you will need to apply

an additional set of HemaProTM (21 nuggets) in order
to strengthen the weakened Vastu energetics in that area
using the HemaProTM procedure. Even a single cut-out
in the houses shape can negatively affect the entire
After placing a set of HemaProTM (21 nuggets) at each
main corner, add another set of HemaProTM at any areas that are cut-out.
Example of a Home with Cut-outs
2a) Below is an example of a home with cut-outs in its outer

Six Steps

Aerial View

to Create Superior Vastu for Your Home

Step 1. HemaProTM at Four Main Corners of Home

Certain grades of magnetic hematite have the unique ability to attract, anchor and re-radiate large amounts of beneficial cosmic energy. To enhance both the amount and
strength of your homes incoming source energies, place
HemaProTM (quantum-state magnetic hematite) outside
at each corner of your home.
For a 2,000 sq. ft home, the suggested use is to apply one
set of HemaProTM nuggets (21 nuggets per set) at each
corner of your home. Application is needed only one
time for lasting effects. (See Diagram 1)
Example: For the home in Diagram 1, place one set of
HemaProTM (21 nuggets per set) about 6 inches away
from each corner of the house.
HemaProTM Procedure: Bury each HemaProTM set only
in natural ground about 3 to 6 inches into the soil (do
not place it over concrete or other man-made materials
where its effects are neutralized).





Diagram 2(a). (above) The existing outline of the outer

walls of a home with cut-out areas.

2b) To remediate this home, first, place one HemaProTM set
(21 nuggets per set) at each main corner.





Diagram 2(b). (above) Place one set of HemaProTM at each

main corner of a home with cut-outs.

= HemaProTM nuggets

Yard area

Diagram 1. (above) Aerial View of a Home and Yard

One set of HemaProTM (21 nuggets per set) should be buried

at each main corner of your home.

Premier Research Labs

Nutrition that really works

2c) Next, place additional HemaProTM sets at the cut-out

points to allow the house to resonate at a uniform frequency (rather than lop-sided, warped resonance due to the cutouts).

10 Feet

10 Feet




10 Feet

10 Feet

Diagram 2(e). (above) Additional HemaProTM sets can be

Diagram 2(c). (above) One set of HemaPro


has been

placed at each cut-out (i.e. wall point).

2d) Special Case: The cut-out area of the house below has no
soil or grass at the NE corner to place the HemaProTM.


Placement of HemaProTM as close

as possible to the
NE corner




Diagram 2(d). (above) One set of HemaProTM has been

placed at each corner and each cut-out corner, including one

set placed as close as possible to the NE corner next to a concrete patio that exists at the NE corner.

In 2(d) above, the home has 2 cut-out areas on the east

side. The southeast corner may be easily remediated using HemaProTM nuggets because soil is present near the
southeast corner of the house. However, for the northeast
house corner, a concrete porch exists and HemaProTM
nuggets cannot be used over concrete. Therefore, to remediate this cut-out (or any cut-out that has concrete flooring
or other man-made materials), place the HemaProTM as
close as possible to the house corner but in natural soil.
2e) For the very best energetics, in addition to the sets
around each corner, place an additional 4 sets of HemaProTM (21 nuggets per set) about 10 feet out from each
corner of the house to further reinforce the quantum
energetics of the entire yard, especially if you and your
family will be outside in the yard often.

= HemaProTM nuggets
Premier Research Labs

added 10 ft. out from the main four corners of the house to
reinforce good Vastu effects in the yard area.

Step 3. Remediate Ground Sloping Down

(called a slope defect)
If the ground slopes down on any side of the house
(north, south, east, or west), this is a serious Vastu defect.
The huge weight of the missing soil (that would have
made the ground level near the house) creates an imbalanced effect. It is as if the energy is being pulled out of
the house on the low side. This will tend to depolarize
the Vastu energetics inside the home from the floor level
up to 1 to 3 feet. The steeper the slope, the worse the
energetics will be inside the house. Therefore, if there
is a downward slope on any side of the house, you will
need extra HemaProTM sets on that side of the house.
(To place the nuggets, follow the HemaProTM procedure
on p2.)
Example: Ground sloping down near a home which
needs to be remediated.

A slope starts here.

Diagram 3(a). (above) A downward slope exits at the edge

of a home.

A slope starts here.

Diagram 3(b). (above) A downward slope exists 10 feet from

the edge of a home.

Nutrition that really works

Step 4. Remediate Ground that Slopes Upward

(called a slope defect or a below grade home)

A home that has ground that slopes upward near

the house in any direction (north, south, east or
west) should be remediated in order to receive
ideal Vastu energetics inside the home. A home
with a slope defect on the north or east can be an
especially serious Vastu situation that should be
remediated as soon as possible.

Extra HemaProTM

Diagram 3(c). (above) A slope starts immediately downward

from the side of the house; place 2 extra HemaProTM sets

together on that side of the home to stop the energy-draining
Place two sets of HemaProTM (42 nuggets) in one
straight line here.

Aerial View


A home with an upward slope defect means that in relation to the homes foundation, the ground slopes upward
on one or more sides of the home.

No incoming
Source Energy at
this level

Slope starts here.

East Source

Diagram 3(d). (above) Aerial view of 3(c).

Raised ground

Diagram 4(a). (above) A home with an east slope defect; also

called a below grade home.

Extra HemaProTM

Diagram 3(e). (above) A slope starts downward about 10 feet

out from the house. Place two extra HemaProTM sets (42 nuggets total) in a straight line on the slopes edge.

In Diagram 4(a), the ground slopes upward on the east

side of the home. This is a serious Vastu defect because it
can severely limit or block the beneficial, life-supporting
East Source Energy from entering the home.

Aerial View

East Slope Defect



In Diagram 4(a), between the house and the upward sloping ground on the east, an area of depolarization or chaotic energy will occur, depleting healthy life energetics
on the east side. The field inside the house will tend to
become depolarized at the same height as the upward
sloping ground outside.

Slope starts here.

Diagram 3(f). (above) Aerial view of 3(e).


For example, if the upward east slope outside the house

is 4 feet high, then inside the home, from the floor up to
about 4 feet up, the entire base of the home will also be
depolarized. (See Diagram 4(b) on the next page).

= HemaProTM nuggets

Premier Research Labs

Nutrition that really works

Areas of

East Source
l Areas outside home

Inside home

Raised ground

4 ft

The home pictured in Diagram 4(d) is situated 10 miles

from a high-rising mountain on its east side. In this case,
the mountain is blocking the incoming East Source Energy so the entire house is engulfed in depolarized energy.
The people living in a house such as this often have poor
energy levels, chronic health concerns, depleted finances
and exert much effort for minimal returns.

Diagram 4(b). (above) Frontal view of home with areas of

Depolarized Areas

depolarization caused by nearby ground sloped upward.

In a home with an east slope defect, at night (when solar energy is gone), the slope defect will worsen and the
depolarized areas will usually rise 2 to 3 feet higher in
height. In other words, instead of a 4 feet high area being
depolarized both inside and around the home (during sunlight hours), the depolarized region may rise to a height
of 7 feet above the ground. In such houses, the inhabitants
are living and sleeping in depolarized energy. Insomnia
and other health concerns are common.
How To Remediate a Raised Slope Defect
After placing HemaPro sets at the four main corners
of a house, then also place 2 sets of HemaProTM nuggets
in a straight line slightly below the top of the sloped-up
ground area about four feet away from each other, on the
side near the house (buried about 3 to 6 inches into the


10 miles

Diagram 4(d). (above) A below grade home with a high

mountain 10 miles away that is creating depolarizing effects.

To remediate this house, first remediate the house with

HemaProTM (at main corners and cut-outs), then place
a line of 2 extra HemaProTM sets (42 nuggets total) in a
straight line on the east side of the house (the side near the
Aerial View

The line of HemaProTM nuggets act to entrain the incoming beneficial East Source Energy to be pulled downwards (including down the slope) and into the home,
thus eliminating areas of depolarization in and around
the home.

areas gone

of slope

East Source Energy
drawn down into

Incoming East
Source Energy



Place a line of 2 extra sets

of HemaProTM (42 nuggets
total) here.

East Source

Diagram 4(e). (above) Place 2 extra sets of HemaProTM in a

straight line on the side of the house near the high mountain.

Raised ground

Place 2 sets of HemaProTM nuggets

in a straight line here.

Vastu Wisdom
A slope defect (higher ground on any side of
a home) of even 1 or 2 inches can negatively
impact your home.

Diagram 4(c). (above) Remediation of a below grade

home. Place 2 sets of HemaProTM (42 nuggets total) together in a straight line to remediate an east hill blocking the
incoming East Source Energy into a home.
Premier Research Labs


= HemaProTM nuggets

Nutrition that really works

Step 5. Remediate Negative EMF Frequencies

Your home is like a cocoon of EMFs (electromagnetic

frequencies) because every single wall in your home contains wires that emit EMFs that saturate each room. To
convert the typical negative EMF frequencies to biocompatible ones, place two sets of HemaProTM (42 nuggets
total) in a straight line directly under the main power line
at the back or front of your yard. Bury them about 3 to
6 underground.

8 gap

Pole with a

Two lines of HemaProTM (42 nuggets per

line) under a power line.

Diagram 5(d). (above) Aerial view of the home in 5(c).

Transformer box
on power line

Power line

8 lines of HemaProTM (42 nuggets per

line) under a power line.


Pole with a

Place two sets of HemaProTM
(42 nuggets total) directly
under the power line near a

Diagram 5(e). (above) For the very best Vastu energetics, and

Diagram 5(a). (above) Place two sets of HemaProTM (42

nuggets total) in a straight line directly under the main power

line in your yard, but especially near a transformer if one exists. Bury the line about 3 to 6 underground.
Power line

Two sets of HemaProTM (42 nuggets)

buried in the ground near a transformer.

Pole with a

to create the strongest unified field inside the house, place 8

lines of HemaProTM (42 nuggets per line) under the power
line, each line separated from the next by an 8 inch gap.

Step 6. Remediate Your Incoming Water

In a typical home, the water traveling through pipes into
your home is depolarized. When you turn on your faucet
or shower, the depolarized water that touches your skin
can also partially depolarize you.
To remediate depolarized water from these pipes, place
one set of HemaProTM (8 nuggets each) right next to
your water main. To do this, find the cover to the water
main (usually placed near the front of your yard near the
street). Open the cover and you will see the water meter
usually sunk in dirt. Bury 8 HemaProTM nuggets about
3 to 6 into the ground right next to the meter, then replace the cover.

Diagram 5(b). (above) Aerial view of the home in 5(a).

Take off cover of water main

8 gap

Exposed dirt
near meter


Grass around
water main

Two lines of HemaProTM (42

nuggets per line) placed directly
under the power line, with 8 inches
between the two lines.

Water meter
Circular metal pipe
around meter

Diagram 5(c). (above) For even better Vastu energetics (to

create a stronger unified field), place two lines of HemaProTM

(42 nuggets per line) under the power line, 8 inches apart.

Power line

Premier Research Labs

Bury HemaProTM here

Diagram 6. (above) Bury 8 nuggets of HemaProTM next to

the water meter in your front yard.

Nutrition that really works

Step 7. Optional: Vastu Soil Enhancement

When the ground energetics around your home are poor
(i.e. pesticide sprayed grass, poor soil, nutrient-deficient
or worn out soil, etc.), then the two main Source Energies often do not even travel close to the ground, but may
enter the home 5 or 6 feet off the ground (since the area
immediately above the ground has been depolarized)
thus depriving the home of rich, full, bioenergetic earth
energies. That is why supplying the soil in your yard with
excellent quality natural fertilizers (even if the soil is
not deficient) is one of the most important things you
can do to increase the beneficial Vastu effects of your
Because of the supreme importance of healthy soil to create superior Vastu energetics in and around your home,
soil remediation is highly recommended. If possible, test
your soil using QRATM testing to determine what soil
products are needed. If QRATM testing is not available,
then apply the three foundation soil products, SR Master
Blend, Nitro-Boost and Biotic-Boost, according to label
instructions (these are the key soil remediation products
commonly needed).
Pay special attention to applying soil enhancements
within 3 to 10 feet of your home. Healthy, fertile soil
immediately surrounding the outer walls of your home
can help vastly increase the resonant properties of the
exterior walls and thus, the entire home.
Apply natural fertilizers and compost

3 ft.

3 ft.

3 ft.

Yard around home

Diagram 7(a). (above) Apply natural fertilizers and com-

post from the houses foundation out to 3 feet on all 4 sides

of the home, to increase the overall beneficial Vastu energetics.

= Fertilizer

Premier Research Labs

7 ft.
3 ft.

7 ft.

3 ft.

3 ft.


7 ft.

3 ft.

10 ft.

7 ft.

Yard around home

Diagram 7(b). (above) For even better Vastu energetics

inside and outside your home, apply natural fertilizers and
compost from the houses outer foundation out to 10 feet all
around the home.

Step 8. Optional: Gemstone Distribution

Genuine, quantum-state gemstones have the ability to radiate high amounts of complex life-supporting resonant
frequencies. For superior Vastu effects, once you have
used HemaProTM , you may then apply two types of genuine gemstone chips to the yard area around your home:
Jade and Tigers Eye. On the west and south side, apply
1 strand of quantum-state Tigers Eye chips on each side.
On the east and north side, apply 1 strand of quantumstate Jade chips on each side.

Recommended Application: To apply, simply cut the plastic strand that holds the gemstone chips with scissors and
slide the chips off the strand. Then lightly toss the chips
into the yard area, spreading them as evenly as possible
from about 10 ft. out from the house up to the base of the
house on all sides. Application is needed only once. If desired, do the same procedure outside your place of work.
The gemstone placement around a building helps to thoroughly anchor and re-radiate the Incoming Source Energies. (See Diagram 8.)

3 ft.


Apply natural fertilizers and compost

Note: Apply the gemstones only over natural ground (not

concrete, blacktop or other man-made materials). If natural ground is not near your home, then apply the chips as
close as possible to the nearest natural ground to your
house. If the grass appears thin (or if the area is exposed
dirt), you may want to push the chips into the ground by
stepping on them (so they are less easily seen). The chips
will work just as well embedded into the ground. Since the

Nutrition that really works

jade chips are partly green in color, they usually appear

as part of the natural vegetation so it is usually not a concern that someone may see them and take them.
Alternative Application. If you are not going to stay indefinitely in a house (or an apartment), you can place the
entire gemstone strand in the ground by burying it under
1 to 3 inches of soil, under a bush. Be sure to record
where you put them. Later, if you are permanently leaving the premises, you can retrieve them to use them at
your next place of residence.

B.) If you live in an apartment building, bury at least

one set of HemaProTM (21 nuggets) in the ground on
the side of the building nearest to your apartment, even
if your apartment is not on the ground floor (such as the
second or third floor).
Bury 2 more
sets of HemaProTM on
either side of
the first set.

Aerial View
Bury one set of
HemaProTM in front of
your apartment.

Landscaping (areas
with natural ground)

10 ft.

Jade Chips

Tigers Eye Chips

Jade Chips



10 ft.

Tigers Eye Chips


Diagram 8. (above) Aerial view of a home and yard. Sprinkle

gemstones as marked on the ground near the sides of the home.

Special Cases
A.) If you live in an area with extensive concrete areas,
you can still achieve outstanding Vastu effects by applying HemaProTM at the nearest natural ground areas.
Example: One persons condominium (labeled A, in the
aerial view below) is located in a long building that has
large concrete areas all around the entire building.

Natural grass areas

2 condominium buildings

Optional: Place 2 more

sets of HemaProTM here.

Large apartment building

Diagram B. (above) Bury one set of HemaProTM (21 nuggets) in a straight line in the natural ground area nearest your
apartment (in this case, apartment B). For the best Vastu
energetics, place 2 sets on either side of the first set, separated
by at least 8 inches.

High quantum resonance
magnetic hematite for
exquisite Vastu support
and remediation

Place one HemaProTM set here.

The 21st century solution

to superior Vastu energetics for your home and

Large concrete parking lot

surrounding both buildings

Optional: Place
a third set of
here and on
the opposite
side. For best
results, place 2
or more sets in
a straight line.

My family and I noticed the difference the

very next day after we placed HemaProTM
around our house we all woke up feeling refreshed more than normal and asked,
What happened?
- Dr. Jeannine M. Brisley,
DC, QRATM Diplomate

Diagram A. (above) Bury at least one set of HemaProTM (21

nuggets per set) in a straight line as close as possible to your
residence (in this case, condo A) in the nearby natural ground

Premier Research Labs


Nutrition that really works

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