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Blood is a liquid connective
tissue that circulates in
capillaries, veins and
arteries of all vertebrates.
Its color is red due to the
presence hemoglobnico
pigment content in red
blood cells

Blood is a liquid connective
tissue that circulates in
capillaries, veins and
arteries of all vertebrates.
Its color is red due to the
presence hemoglobnico
pigment content in red
blood cells

His functions are the defense to

infections, gas exchange and
distribution of nutrients
To fulfill all these functions has different types of
cells suspended in plasma

Blood composition

distribution of blood

The distribution of blood types is

not the same, depending on the
area and ethnicity may have a
higher concentration of some

blood type O the most present

this blood type is extremely low in Latin America

The B type is present in approximately 16% of

the population, mainly in Asia

the rarest blood type is AB, as it is only present in 4% of

the world population.

One blood type to unite us all

What is it?
It is to change the structure of red blood
cells. because all blood types have a basic
structure of sugar, but above that base, the
A and B have a different residue each (the
fourth most common group, AB, has a
mixture of both). That makes little
difference if, for example, it is transfused
type B blood to a person with type A, your
immune system will recognize it as foreign
and provoke a response that will endanger
your life.

What is it?

Esto no sucede con la sangre de

tipo O, que solo tiene la
estructura de azcar bsica, que
comparte con los otros grupos, y
por ese motivo es universal.

what is the progress?

scientists in Canada has created an
enzyme that brings the possibility of
converting any blood type universal blood
that can be used regardless of whether
such is compatible with the patient.
the enzyme is called glycoside hydrolase
which had extracted from pneumococcal
bacteria that causes pneumonia or

the authors say will have to

improve the enzyme, also while
not in circulation use can be more
expensive than normal transfucion

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