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The Story of Steve

Written By Kali D

Chapter 1
The Beginning
One dark and scary night, there was a man named Steve. He had
a crop farm, an animal farm, and a house. Steve only had one
sheep that he loved so much. One night when Steve was walking
to his house, BOOM, turned around and saw his sheep was gone.
He rushed over to see what had happened. Then he realized, a
Creeper ate her. The Creeper ran for his life. Oh look a cave.
Maybe I can hide in there. The Creeper hissed.
For the next four weeks Steve searched for another sheep or that
creepy Creeper. He gave up so he decided to go mining. But
Steve didnt know the terror that lied ahead.

Chapter 2
Creeper Cave
Steve entered the cave and found a big, black, creepy, mysterious
tunnel. He didnt know that that was Creeper Cave. But he
entered it anyways. The guard creeper saw Steve and went to tell
the other creepers. The leader of the creepers (the one who ate
the sheep) came up with a plan to kill Steve. Meanwhile, Steve
was humming a soft little tune, He had all his worries behind him.

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