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Written Task 1: Ashleigh Pearson S00135130

a) What do you understand by the term social racism?

Social racism can be described as a form of racism which appears
through social interactions. This racism is often intended to be offensive
although occasionally it occurs accidently. Social racism is quite common,
often in little comments people make, with some people being too
ignorant to know what they have said/done is a racist remark.

b) B) According to Dennis Foley, why is physical appearance not a reasonable

way of determining whether or not somebody is Aboriginal?
It is not reasonable to determine whether or not somebody is
Aboriginal based on physical appearance. This is because physical
appearance doesnt define aboriginality. Regardless of what somebody
looks like, Aboriginality is strongly linked with upbringing, culture and life
experiences. Being an Aboriginal person is a combination of these things
as well as decent.
c) Why is it important for people to understand the negative impacts of
stereotyping and out-dated ideas about Aboriginal identity?
Stereotyping and out-dated ideas about Aboriginal identity can have
negative impacts on Aboriginal people and it is important for people to
understand these impacts. Stereotyping can be described as a simplified
and standardized conceptual image of a person or group. Stereotyping
Aboriginal people to only people of a certain colour or how broad your
nose is can be seen as ignorant and make Aboriginal people feel helpless.
It has been mentioned by Foley (2000), that some Aboriginal people have
denied, or not mentioned their Aboriginality in order to avoid the hassle or
shame it can bring. This is not only sad, but can also negatively impact the
Aboriginal culture if people are not willing to be proud and share their
culture with others. No group or person would like to be stereotyped with
out-dated ideas about them, and people must understand this should not
only apply to themselves, but everyone around them.

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