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The Dark Angels Lament

Evil beyond description lives

At the bottom of the world
Under lock and key, where none can see
In a godforsaken place at the bottom of the world.

Long ago the Dark Angel was bound

At the bottom of the world
Locked in tight, out of thought and sight,
In its wretched hole at the bottom of the world

Trapped in a place, too deep to be found

At the bottom of the world.
And yet still it has visitors, scrabbling, lonely and sore
In its cursed hole at the bottom of the world.

Unable to tear, to maim and rend,

At the bottom of the world,
The Dark Angel squirms in its lair, beyond despair
In this horrid place at the bottom of the world

With no other choice, it will speak with its guests

At the bottom of the world
At first furious and mad, then pitiful and sad
It will always eventually admit,

I cant hurt you, Lost Angel*

*Line taken from Jennifer Toths, The Mole People, page 165

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