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Bailey Smith, Sarah Dusza, Caleb Horton, Ariel Alvarez, Sam Johnson

1756- French and Indian war
1764- quest for independence
1770- Boston massacre
1773- Boston tea party
1775- battle of bunker
1775- battle of Lexington and concord
1776- Declaration of Independence

1765- Stamp Act
Parliament imposed an unpopular tax on
stamps, which resulted in colonial protests
and petitions.
1767- Townsend Act
This act was viewed as an abuse of power ,
resulting in the passage of agreements to
limit imports from Britain.
1773- Tea Act
The tax on tea angered the colonists and
ultimately resulted in the Boston Tea Party.

In order to pay for the debts of the
French and Indian War, the British
began to tax the Americans highly. Tea
and other products had a tax placed
on them. The British also believed this
would stop the Americans from
rebelling, due to lack of resources.

The colonists felt like they were being
unfairly treated. They had no representation
in Parliament, but were still being taxed and
ruled by the British. They thought that they
should either be represented in parliament,
or have independence from the British.

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