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COMMUNICATION, ‘mmuncton i nt general mote mening ha be the. language since CIS. Ie fe is commmicacin, OF, fom commumiceionem, 1 a noun of action from the ster of the ast Dpancple of commanicae, Ly frm rw communis, L~ como! nor commanicate ~ make commoa 10 mun), impart. Com= ‘munication was Gr this action, and then oan IC15, the object thur made common a cemimunieation. Ths bas teaived ke main "ange of ue. But (rors there was an important extension tothe Inet of communication, spectialy in auch poraer Unes of ‘communication Inthe mai pend f developrent of oad, canals ‘nd railways, communications was oflen the absiract general term fer these physical facts, Ir was in C20, with the development of ‘ther means of passing information und maining social contact, (whe is eartier i USA than in UK} oot sted before C20. The Sommunications Industry, a iti ow called, i thus wsoally Gdminguinbed from the tenspore industry: communications for Information and teas, in pent and broadcasting; ansport forthe ‘sca cariage of people nd gods. In controversy about communications systems and communication ‘theory i afien useful wo real the unresolved range ofthe orginal ‘oun of action, represented at its extremes by transi, a one-way ‘procs, and share (cf, communion en especially commmunicant) 8 Govomanivaion, Communion 73 ‘sommon of mutual process. The intenmadat ene ~ make common {oimany and impart ~can be readin either diertio, ad the choice of direction is fen crucial. Hence the attempt to groeralize the ‘listinetion in. tuch conteasted pheates as manipulative ‘sonumunicatlon() end pardeipatory communteation(s) ‘Seeconnon Media 203 MEDIA Medium, from medion, L ~ mide, has been in regular use in| English fro IC16, and from at atest «C17 has had the sense of a intervening or intermediate ageoey or substance. Thus Burton (G62t}r “To the Sight three things are required, the Object, the ‘Organ, and the Medi’; Bacon (1605): ‘expressd by the Medium ‘of Worde’ There wat then a conventional C18 use relation newspapers: “through the mediom of your circus publication’ (0795), and this was developed through C19 to such ues as “con ‘idering your Journal one of tbe best posible mediums for such 8 scheme’ (1880). Within this general use tbe description of a newpaper 424 medium for advering became common i eC20, ‘The C20 development of media (which had been avaiable ws a general plural fom C19) wan probably muialy ia thie conte. Media became widly ined when broadcasting as well a the pres had become important in COUNUNICATIONS (Qi wat the the necessary general Word. MASS (@17) media, eedia people, media sencle, media studies foloves "There hus probably ben a conergeoce of thre sess () the od general sense of an iacervening or intermediate agency or subtance; {ithe conscious techni eae, a ia the distinction between print snd sound and vision a media (ithe specazed capital vase, Jn which a newspaper oF brosceaing senice ~ something that aleeady exist or canbe planned ~is teen a a medium for seething ‘lb, sch at adverng. Is intererting that rene () depended 08 ‘articular physical or piloaphcal ees where there had to be & Substance sxermediate between # sense 0 a thought and ks operi= tion er expression. In most modem science and plsopby, and ‘specially im thinking about language, this idea of @ medium bes ‘been dlpeased with; hus language snot» medium bot a pricy practice, and. writing (for prim) and speaking or acing (Cor bwondeting) would aie be practi, It ix then controversial whether print and broadcasting, os in the wehnical seve (3) ee ‘media of, more stl, material forms nd sign atoms. IC is 204 Media, Mediation probably re that specific soil ea, ia which wring and ‘Nondeanag ae een se en (go) by other ends the ‘elie metal “iformation’ tothe ily specie ‘advering ‘nd propaganda’ — confirm he recived sna bt then cone ay ‘inde sete of COMMUNICATION (Qu) The fechakal sete ‘rium, us vrsbing with is own este and dtrnning pope Su or wc ersbown. hr in otar See cpt ss Soa ens af medi in whieh the practices and intitle ae en ‘agencies for gue she han te pinay parpres T gh be wl tht i is apd popuarzton since the 19508 media hes come often ob ane at angular (phenome See conmumtenrion, MEBIATION

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