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To whom it may concern, It is my pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for Montana Phillips. | was very surprised when he asked me. I've known Montana since the day he was born. His mom and | were best friends all through school, beginning in kindergarten. My son, Michael, is the same age as Montana and they are friends. Montana frequently comes over and on occasion spends the night, He is a very well-mannered young man. | enjoy it when he comes over. He always has a smile on his face and is so polite. | couldn't have asked for a better friend for my son to hang around. In today's society you always hear about how bad kids are but you never hear about the good ones — Montana is one of those good ones. I wasn't real sure what the letter was for, but he explained it was for a portfolio that he is creating for his class at school. | asked him why he didn't have his teachers write the letters and he explained that since | have known him so long and that he likes coming to my house, he thought of me. That made me proud to be able to do something for him. Michael, my son, has had a pretty tough upbringing, losing his dad at a young age and | think Montana attitude and demeanor with him and I can tell Michael responds to that. | really enjoy Montana's, company and his stories that he likes to tell. | can’t wait to see what the future brings for this his friend has really helped him. Montana brings a calm fine young man. Thank you Angie Ziegler 260-388-6639

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