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Triad v2.

Cameron Browne December 2002.
Triad is an abstract board game for three players (Bar, Comma and Dot)
with player-defined move order.
1 2 3 4 5
/ / / / / 6
/ 7
A, . - , .
/ 8
B. - , . - ,
/ 9
C. , . - , . /
D, . - , . - , .
E- . , . - , . - ,
F, . - , . - , .
G. , . - , . H. - , . - ,
I, . - , Bar
(B) owns those cells marked Comma (C) owns those cells marked .
(D) owns those cells marked ,

1 2 3 4 5
/ / / / / 6
/ 7
A, . C C C
/ 8
B. - , C C C
/ 9
CB , . - C C C
DB B - , . - , .
EB B B . - , . - ,
FB B - , . - , .
GB , . - D D D
H. - , D D D
I, . D D D
Starting Position

Start: Bar moves first.

The weakest player (or loser of the previous game) should be Bar. The
strongest player (or winner of the previous game) should be Dot.
Moves: Each turn the current player must (a) move, (b) capture, and (c)
(a) The current player must move one of their pieces in a straight line
in any of the six hexagonal directions, so as to land on a vacant
foreign cell; any intervening cells must be empty. The player who owns
the landing cell becomes the "candidate" and the other opponent becomes
the "bunny".
(b) All opponents pieces immediately adjacent to the landing cell are
captured and removed from the board. The current player is obliged to
make the legal move that captures the most pieces each turn; he may
choose among equals.
(c) The moving player must then drop a bunny piece on any empty point,
unless a player has just been eliminated.
The candidate becomes the next player to move.
Goal: Play stops the moment any player is eliminated. The game is won by
the player with the most pieces left, or else is a tie between the two
remaining players if they have equal numbers left.
If the current player has no legal move then they are eliminated and the
game ends.

Tournament Scoring: There are 4 pts per game. If a player wins outright
by eliminating both opponents simultaneously then 4-0-0 pts are awarded,
else if a player wins by eliminating one opponent then 3-1-0 pts are
awarded. If the game is drawn (or a player forfeits) then 2-2-0 pts are
[Thanks to Bill Taylor and Joao Neto for valuable suggestions and play

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