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FUNDATIA Viata si Lumina Noi construim vieti! Viziunea Fundatiei ,,Viata si Lumini Noi dorim o societate in care toti coy sf triasca in siguranta, Misiunea Fundatiei ,, Vial este si ajute copii si tinerii aflati in dificultate i sa-i formeze pentru o viata independenta. 4 »Life and Light” Foundation vision: We envisage a society where all children and youngsters live safe, ssLife and Light” Foundation mission is to rescue abandoned children and youngsters in difficulty and empower them to a self-sustaining life, CUPRINS INDEX Viziunea si misiunea .. Vision and mission Editorial . Seacicreeomchiane Un bine fiicut bine / A good deed well done Preveaire asiniatcsncisnierenrarcin 4 Prevention Reintegrare 6 Reintegration Integrare 8 Integration Raport financiar ..ccenneennnnne 10 Financial report Marturii... u Testimonies Programs links sso ennnvnene 1S Editorial Un bine facut bine Ne-am obisnuit sti gandim c&, in general, riul este prea mare, iar noi suntem prea mici ca si putem schimba ceva. Sunt prea multi siraci, prea mulfi ama, iar resursele noastre sunt prea putine, Si totusi avem un sentiment de vinovatie cand trecem pe ing’ semenul nostru, 2drobit de soarti si nu facem nimic, pentru c& adevirul riizbate dincolo de orice, chiar si dincolo de sistemul nostru de gindire, tributar propriului confort si opiniei generale a societiti desprecei aflai la margineaei, in lumea aceasta unii au mult, iar atii au putin, uni ‘sunt fnzestrati,iaralfii nu prea, unii sunt puternici, iar alfi sabi, unii au ce le trebuie, iar alti nu, unii fac alegeri bune, iar alti fac alegeri gresite. Cu toate acestea, nu putem spune caivinovati se afl numai deo parte abaricadei. Se spune ci primul pas in aindrepta raul din jurul ti. este siajuti un om, Acesta este un lucru foarte bun. Liucrurile ‘mari au fost la inceput lucruri mici, iar necajitii de Kanga noi ne ac siicim testul omeniei, al credintei, al caracterult Doar c& atunci cAnd ajuttim personal semenii, le ‘apreciem nevoile in mod subiectiv, uneori poate chiar gresit, far a avea legituri cu realitatea obiectiva. De multe ofi, binele pe care il oferim este bazat pe emoti, care nu sunt totdeauna cel mai bun sfetnic. Pe de alti parte, atunci cfnd ajutim constant un om, vem tendinta dea fi dezamiigiti deel, de a-iobservadefectele, greselile si dea opri ajutorul pe care dim. ‘Toma neajunsuri de acest fel sunt evitate prin acordarea unui ajutor organizat, care presupune si faci o analiza, sievalue7i, si plinuiesti, asa incét resurscle si fie alocate in directia cea mai buna sin forma cea mai buna, pentru ciitrebuie sa existe eficienta si in a oferi. lar oferta trebuie si si bazeze pe disciplini, continuitate si dialog cucei asistati. Fundatia ,. iat si Lumind” a luat nastere tocmai din dorinta de. ajuta organizat si sistematic pe cei defavorizati, astfel incdt vietile lor sa fie schimbate, reconstruite. Programele pe care le derulaim sunt in interdependent, se coreleazi in aga fel unele cu altele, ineat cei ajutati de noi, la iegirea din program si faci fata propriei viet, puttind siisedescurve singuri Oferim brani, cazare, educate, imbriciminte, asistent ‘medical’, consiliere, sustinem calificarea sirevalificarea profe- sionla, cdutim pe strizi sau prin canale sit vedem pe cine mai putem ajuta, mergem in familii sirace si le oferim alimente si ajutor financiar, sprijinim copii siraci si poatii merge la scoal, iar pe lang’ aceasta, mai oferim un zAmbet si, nu de putine ori, cate o lacrim’. Ajutim copii, tineri, adulti, urmand sé nu facem, ei niste dependenti de altii, ci oameni care si se poatit descurca singuti lata de ce Fundatia ..Viata si Lumina” va invita ca ‘impreuni si construim vieti! A good deed well dene We got used to thinking that, in general, evil is too big and we are to small to be able to change something. There are too many poor people and ‘our resources are few. Still, we get a feeling of guilt when we pass by our fellow, crushed by fate, but still we do nothing, because truth goes beyond anything, even beyond our thinking system that is tributary to its own ‘comfort and to the general opinion of the society conceming the people who find themselves attheedgeot _ FLORIN TANOVICI the society Tn this world some have alo, _-_-PWFeetor general othershave little, ome areendowed, ‘others not so much, some are strong and others are weak, some have everything they need but others do not, some take good choices while others take bad choices. All in all, we cannot say that the guilty ones are only on one side of the barricade. ‘They say thatthe first step in straightening the evil around one is to help a human, This is a very good thing and atthe beginning big things started with small joys andthe helpless people surrounding us rmakeustakethe es of faith, characterand humanity ‘The problem is that when we personally help people we appreciate theirneeds in a selective way, sometimes even wrong, ‘and without any connection toreality. In most cases the good we offer is based on emotions which do not represent the best ‘adviser. Onthe other side, when weconstantly help a person, we tend to become disappointed about him, we tend to observe his flaws, hismistakes and therefore to stop thehelp we give. Exactly this kind of shortcomings are avoided by giving organizedaid that involves analysing, evaluating and planning, so that the resources should be assigned in the right direction and in the best form because there must also be efficiency when offering. The offer must also rely on discipline, continuity and communication with the assisted one ‘The ,.Light and Life” foundation was established exactly ‘out of the desire to help, in an organized and systematical way, the disadvantaged ones so that their lives could be changed and reconstructed. ‘The programs we have depend on each other, they maintain relationship between them so that when the ones we help get outof the program areabletoface life and manageon their own. We offer food, shelter, education, clothing, medical care, counseling, we sustain work qualification and requalification, We search the streetsand channels to see whoelse needs ourhelp. To the poor families we offer financial support, food and aid For the ‘poor children to go to school. Besides all of these, we offer a smile and many times even tears. We help children, youth, adults trying not to make them depend onpeople, but manage on theirown, This is why the ,,Life and Light” foundation invites you tobuild livestogether. Cine ar fi gandit vreodati ci strada poate deveni casi pentru unii dintre semenii nostri? Siricia si neputinta i-au fcut pe unit dintre copii sau uneori pe intreaga familie sii ajung’ in strads, cersind ziua si dormind incanale, in sciri de bloc sau case parlsite Unii copii au fugit din famille care fi alungau si au rimas, fird casi, fri familie. Altii s-au niiscut chiar in stradi. Fara o educate, fri un acoperis deasupra capului, fir ingrijire medical, ei au ficut din supravietuire scopul vieti lor. Hirtuiti, blamati, bolnavi, trtiesc in grupuri siti gasesti peste tot. Echipele noastre mobile fi intélnese zilnic in cet putin 12 Jocatii. Sunt multi, prea multi pentru timpul pe care il {i hranim zilnic, fi asistim medical, fi ajutim cu sete, le gisimun loc unde si stea, unde si poatifirecuperati sisi duck zilele cudemnitatea ce i se cuvine unei fiinfe umane. in strada, 200 de oameni si alte 23 de familii cu 40 de copii sunt doar cifrele acestui program. Dardincolo deele sunt suflete care au nevoie de ajutor. Cum sti misori cand fiecare poveste este unic’ si atat de dureroast’? Din 1999 pandiin prezent, noi nuam dezertat sin fiecare zi am fostin stradiialituri de ei. $i vom fin continuare..! LENUTA PIRVAN Manager Program Prevenire Prevention Who would have ever thought that the street ‘would become home to some of our peers? Poverty, inability have led some of the children and sometimes the entire family to end up on the street, begging during the day and sleeping in sewers, block staircases or abandoned houses at night. Some children have run away from families who whould get rid of them, some became homeless, without family, others were actually born on the street. Without education, without a roof over their heads, without medical care they have made out of survival the purpose of their lives. Harassed, blamed, sick, they live in groups and they can be foundeverywhere, Our mobile teams meet them daily in at least 12 locations, There are many, too many forthe time being We feed them daily, we assist them medically, help them with documentation work, we find a place for them to stay, out of where they can be recovered as to live with the dignity of a human being 200 in the street, 23 families with 40 children are only the numbers of this project, but beyond, them are souls that need help. How to decide and. choose when each story is unique and so painful? From 1999 up to today, we have not given up, we have been with them on the street daily and we shall continue being....! Prevention Program Children, youngster and parents Progamul de sea coptilor ce provin in famille destrimate gi care sunt in stra, tinerilorcare au frescut in stradi si pentru care nu s-au_gisit solutii de {ntegrare la timpul potrvit, precum si familillorcare au rimas Fic locuint si fart vreun mijloc de subzistenta, asa ined si {i poati pistra copii Media lunari a celor trei categorii' de beneficiari, la hivelul anului 2012, este de 380. Existé in cursul anului Muctuatii privind numarul, tm funetie de anotimp. Tarna ‘numrul este cel mai ridicat. Din cei 380 de beneficiari, 165 sunt asistati direct in stradi, 45 sunt asistati prin centul de urgent’, 111 sunt sista prin proiectul de primire a unui adipost, iar 60 prin pproiectul de sustinere material, psihologic’, Riri si implice ‘lsirca unui adipost Jn grafic sunt trecute cftele ce reprezinté numrul de «copii pentru fiecare categorie de beneficiari descrisi Monthly average 380 Asisted in street - 165 © Daily hot meal - 45 "Shelter to families - 111 “) Help to families - 60 Children - in the inner part of the diagram program addresses to children who come ‘who are living on the street, to youngsters, who grew up on the street and for whom we found integration solutionsat the right moment, as well asto the families who have become homeless and without any sustenance means to keep theirchildren, ‘The monthly average of thethree categories of beneficiaries, at the level of 2012, is 380. During the year, there are fluctua- tions regarding the number, depending on the season, The highestnumberis during the winter. ‘Out of the number of 380 beneficiaries, 165 are assisted in street, 45 are assisted through the emergency center, LIT are assisted through the project of receiving a shelter and 60 throug! the project of material and psychological support, without involving finding ashelter, Inthe graphic are listed the figures that represent the number ofthe children oneach category of beneficiaries described, Rasul unui copil, bucuria lui este semnul cd ti-a reusit viata.” Nue rlisplata mai mare ca aceea de a vedea cum este redati copiilor copiliria cele-afost refuzata Prin Centrul de plasament, 48 de copii si-au gisit o cast si o familie: Viata si Lumina”, unde pot creste avind parte de educatie scolar, asistenta medical, suport afectiv, conditii materiale decente sirespect. Sub ochii nostri viata si-a aritat lumina, dar si umbrele, frumusetea, dar si tristetea, Am vaizut copii venind in centra in familit destrimate, speriati, indurerati, cu inima rani, fara incredere in oameni fir si isi acorde vreo sans de viitor. [-am viizut crescdnd alituri de noi, ‘mergand la scoald, la facultate, uncori chiar cisatorindu-se. Central ,,Viati si Lumina” incearca, in primul rand, si ajute familia si fie din nou unit De cele mai multe ori siricia si disperarea alungi copiii de acasi si acestia ajung victime sigure pe stradi. De acolo, noi fi lum sifiaducem lacentra. Alteori copiii rliman fir patingi si atunci ,,Viat si Lumina” devine familia lor. Noi nu producem obiecte, ci formiim caractere. Cu fiecare copil ce reste, crestem si noi. Cu fiecare copil ce reuseste, reusim si noi. Bucuriile copiilor sunt bucuriile noastre gi tristetile lor sunt i tristetile nostre. Centrul de plasament., Viat si Lumindi"e locul unde cresc copii...! COSTEL DAMIAN Manager program reintegrare ‘you succeeded in life.” There is no other bigger reward! except that of seeing how childhood is, given back to those children to whom it had been refused before. Inthe placement centre 45, children also found a family where they can raise being also the benefi- Ciaries of school education, social assistance, emotional support, decent material conditions and respect. ‘Our eyes have seen both light, but also shadows of life, its beauty, but also its sadness 1 saw children coming in the centre from the street, from destroyed families, scared, with hurt and broken heart, having no trust in people around, without giving themselves any chance for their future life. 1 saw them raising close to us, going to school, to university, even getting married sometimes, Firstof all, the ,Liffe and Light” Centre tries to help the children’s family « become united again, Many times, poverty and despair determine children to leave their home, getting in the street, where they become victims in a short period of time, Some other times, we take them from the strect and bring them to ‘our centre. Sometimes, children lose their parents and then the ,Life and Light” becomes their family. We do not manufacture objects, but we build characters. With every child that we raise, we also grow. With every child that succeeds, we also succeed. The children’s Joyisourjoy, too and theirsadnessisalso ours. ‘The ,Life and Light” Placement Centre istheplace where chikiren can grow upproperly. Programual de reintegrare are drept heneficiari copii care sunt aciagi din sir, eu seopl de a fi reintegrati tn famille naturale Reprezentarea graficd evidentiazi cele douit module de vitate prin care se face reintegrarea copiilor centrul ,ViatisiLumind”,carea fst creat pentru cop locuiesco vemeinfundate. dato dfculailordereintegrar ntrul de tranzit, creat pentru copiii asistai care sunt reintegratiimediat,termenul limita fiind de maxim 3 luni Reprezentarea graficd evidentiaza pe coloane numarul de fete, respectiv de baiti si tipul de reintegrare: prin modulul rezidentil (careareo durati mai mare de timp, urmarealipse de conditi in familia naturalt) sau prin modulul de tranzit (care presupune oreintegrare rapid, cv o duratd de maxim tre luni). Life & Light Foundation 7 Sek ‘The reintegration program, has beneficiaries, children brought from he street inoxderto be reintegrated a ther natal faumites, The graphic representation highlights the two activity modules through which the reintegration ofthe children is taking place. ife and Light Center, created for children who are living for awhile in the foundation because of the reintegration difficulties: = The transit center through which the assisted children are immediately imegrated, the deadline i g utmost 3 months: The graphic representation emphasizes through the columns the number of the girls. respective boys and the type of reintegration: through the residential module (fora longer period of time because ‘ofthe lack of condition within the natural families) orthrough the transit center module (aquick reintegration lasting maximum three months): Reintegration program 2010 2011 50. 40 30 20 10 2012 Life and Light centre (up to 18 yrs) Boys isted & Girls Transit centre (up to 18 yrs) 1m Boys Total a: At the begining of the year Girls & Fundatia Vata ¢ Lumind Yntegnane Cand Sorin a fost anumtat c& trebuie si pairiseasc’ orfelinatul, finde © major, i a puis un nod in gat Unde si meargi? Se simtea atit de slab gi de mic...! A ajuns la Fundatia,, Viata siLumina’”..! E povestea unuia dintre cei 70 de tineri din programul de reintegrare, dar in acelasi timp, e povestea tuturor tinerilor care, la varsta majoratului trebuiesi plece din orfelinatul unde au trait o via Vulturul isi aruncii puiul din cuib si-l obligd sti zboare, Cu oamenii e mai gre. Mai ales cu aceia care nu si-au cunoscut mama sau tatal. De aceeanoi fi gzduim un an de zile, timp im si zboare. Cei mai multi dintre ei au doar pregitire scolar teoreticd, sau studiile sunt nepotrivite cu cerintele de pe piata muneii, De aceea fi sustinem ina secalificain diferite protesii cerute de societate. Cu suport psihologic adecvat isi gisesc motivatia si determinarea necesar pentrua lua viata pe cont propriu. De 12 ani sute de tineri au trecut prin program, iarastizi sunt la casele Jor, iar unii slujba permanenta. in general, oamenii cred 4 a tri eun lucru de la sine stiut. nsi noi stim Cia trai se invata. Astizi Sorin e pe picioarele lui, are o slujba, un loc unde sti, sin curdind se va cistitori Si mai stim ci pe undeva, pe acolo, pe parcursul vietii ui, Fundatia Viata si Lumina” are un loc special. Infond lam invatat sizboare...! GABRIELA STEGARU Manager Program Integrare Vutegure Intequation ‘When Sorin found out that he must leave the Orphanage, because he was over 18 years old, he feltasithe had a lump in the throat. Where could he 20? He feltso weak and small... Heended up atthe ife and Light Foundation..! Thisis the story of one of the 70 youngsters from the reintegration program, bu, inthe same time, itis the story of all the youngsters, who, when they reach the age of 18 they must leave the orphanage where they lived theirentire life. ‘The eagle throws its baby out of the nest and force it to fly. With humans, it is more difficult. Especially with those who neverknew their mother and father. That is why we host them for a year, during which we teach them howto ly Most of them have only theoretical school training, ortheirstudies, donot suit with the labor ‘market requirements. Which is why, we support them to qualify indifferent professions required bythe society With the proper psychological support, they find the motivation and the determination necessary totake their lives on their own, For 12 years, hundreds of youngsters have ‘gone through our program, and today they live at their houses, some of them are married, and have apermanent ob. Some people believe that living is something known within itself, we know that living is something that youare learning. Today, Sorin is on his own, he has a job, a place to live and soon he will get married. And we know that somewhere, someplace, during his lifetime, the Life and Light Foundation hasaspecial place. Infact, we taught him how tofly...! Integration progr: Like & hight Foundation 9 youngster 18 - 25 yrs Totally 151 assisted in 2012 a Background © State authorities 20 120 ™@ Social services 46 Life and Light and 90 other NGOs 45 Direct from street 40 60. 31% 53% Occupation / activity Professional education 21% 30 Jobs 55% 38% Internal training including 5 general education Programul de integrare are drept beneficiaritineri care au implint varsta de care numa pot fiasista in ofelnate in background, am indicat locul de provenien a tnerlor asia, pent a reflec dversiaicasi compleaitatea problematic tnerlor postinsitutionalizat in parteaadoua a legende iin reprezentarea grafic’, primul segment reflect proportia celor care au primit din parteafundatciasitenf pentru a se ealifica in fifente protesi cenite pe piaa de mune’, AL doilea segment retlecta proporia tinerilor care sunt angajafi in perioada de acomodare in procesul intem de formare a abiltatilor de cru. Al teilea segment méisoari umrultinerilor care au vocupaie profesionalixetribuit ‘The integration program has as beneficiaries, youngsters who are 18 years old and they are no longer able to be assisted within the orphanages. Inthe background, itis indicated the provenience place of the assisted youngsters, to reflect the diversity and the complexity of the problems of the post institutionalized youngsters. In the second part of the legend and in the graphic representation, the first segment reflects the proportion of those who received from the Toundation the assistance needed to qualify in different professions required on the labor market; the second segment reflects the proportion of the youngsters who are employed for a period of adaptation within the process of working skill training; the third segment measures the number ‘ofthe youngsters who have an unlimited professional ‘eeeupation, Expenses Life & Light 2012 Chart Food ‘Sports/ camps ‘Vehicles, maintenance and fuel Material Expenses for children sites & communication Building & equipment maintenance, office supply General ovathead exp. & audit Support to families Capital expense Social services emergeney program Social service reintegration program Social service integration program Payroll expence - administration salaries Mnemennn ‘50.000 100.000 150,000 200.000 250,000 300,000 330.000 400.000 Amount LEI Payroll expence ~ administration salaries / stat de plati (Salar si taxe salariale) personal administrativ: 164.350 (salaries 60% =98,610; salary taxes 40% = 65,740) Social services integration program / servi sociale tne: 316.708 Social services emergency program/ servicii sociale fan Capital expense / investitii in clidiri si echipamente: 167.018 (building = 124.14, equipment = 42.874) ‘Support to families / cheltuieli sprijin familii in dificultate: 134.273 General overhead exp. 8 audit /cheltuieli generale si de audit: 51.801 Building & equipment maintenance, office supply / cheltuicliintretinere clidiri si cheltuieli administrative: 45.564 Utilities & communication /cheltuieli cu utilitatile si de comunicatii: 163.969 Material Expenses for children / cheltuieli materiale curitenie si scolare pentru copii: 82.613. (Medicines, books, school fees, cleaning materials) Vehicles, maintenance and fuel / cheltuieli cu intretinerea autovehiculelor si carburanti: 118.038, Sports/camp - tabira si cheltuieli legate de activitiile sportive ale tinerilor: 56.744 (2 week camp for children during summertime and sports for youngsters) Food / cheltuieli cu hrana: 371.411 Income Life and Light 2012 xo ‘Total expenses 2012: 2.316.218 on Likarmissionen: 1.741.283 Europe: 141.080 Romanian Government: 380.179 Private donors Romania: 53.676 Life & Light Foundation tt Carmen Ma numese Negrea Carmen si am 4 surori si doi frati. Pe icestia am mai avut o sora si tre frati ca : isat-o pe mama sail duct din leagan, iar cei baiefi au murit dupa cate o interventic chirurgical, amandoi la fel La noi acasti, aproape in fiecare zi tata se enerva, ficea seandal sine bitea pe noi, copili, dar si pe mama. Apoi ne-a ars casa, iar mama s-a dus in Ttalia, sii mun- ceased, si strg’i bani pentru o casa nou’. Noi, copiti, am ‘rimas in grid tatilui, care ne biitea in fiecare zi. Fratele meu nut mai aude cu o ureche de atta bitaie. I-aspart impanul. Disperat, mama s-a intors din Italia gi a cAutat un centr de plasament pentru noi, in care si stim pe perioada in care ea munceste in straindtate. Ne-a adus la ,,Viata si Luminii” si suntem aici, eu sifratii mei, din 2008, My name is Carmen Negrea and I have four sisters and two brothers, Besides them also had a sister and three brothers who died: onc boy died because my father did not leave mother to take him to the hospital, the litle gir! died after falling trom the cradle, and the other two boys died after surgery. Athome almost every day my father got really mad, made scenes and beat not only us the children, but also my mother. ‘Then he burned down the house and mother went to Italy to work and to raise money for a new home. We, the children, remained. in the care of our father who beat us every day. My brother can’t hear anymore with one year, because my father broked his eardrum while beating him. Desperate, mother returned from Italy and sought an orphanage for us to stay for the period in which she is working abroad. She brought us to Life and Light, where I and my brothers have been living since 2008. Angela Eu sunt Angela Dinu si sunt elev. Mami si tati sunt oameni sfiraci. Tati este si bolnay, dar ne iubim. foarte mult si asta ne face fericiti. Mami mi-a spus ci ‘m-am ndiscut intr-un canal din zona Garii de Nord. Dupi nasterea mea, mami si tati au incropit o cosmelie Ja marginea Bucurestiului, Ar putea fi si mai bine, dar suntem multumiti. Stim cd alt data ne-a fost mai grew de ati, Primim ajutor permanent din partea fundatici: alimente, imbriciminte, ineilt’minte, bani pentru emne si curent electric. Eu primese rechizite, caiete, ghiozdan, tot ce imi trebuie la scoalt Tati este zilier. Lucreazi pe unde poate. Mami a ‘Ricut un curs de buciitari pe care la phitit fundatia si in curdind va incepe si ea si lucreze. Atunei ne va fi mult ‘maibine. Eu am fost copil bun si cfnd mami era la cursuri aveam grija de firétiorii mei mai mici. Incere si invat bine si si fiu copil bun, ca atunci cand voi creste si nu ma chinui ca pirin}ii mei si si am o vial mai bund. Eu cred ci Dumnezeu mi ya ajuta sipe mine, Angela Jam Angela Dinu and I am a student. My mother and father are poor people, my father is also sick, but we love cach other very much and that makes us happy. My ‘mother told me that I was born in a channel close to the North Railway Station. After my birth, mother and father have started a hut on the outskirts of Bucharest. It could be better, but we are pleased because we know that there have been times when things were harder. We receive constant aid from the foundation, together with food, clothing, shoes, money for wood and electricity. receive school supplies, notebooks, backpack and everything else that I need for school ‘My father is a day worker and he works wherever he can. Mother has done a course for chefs, paid by the foundation and she will start working soon. Then, things will get much better for us Twas a good child and when mum was at courses T took care of my younger brothers. Ido my best to study well and to be a good child, so that when T grow up T would not struggle like my parents did and I will have a better life. [believe that God is going to help me, too. Ne sim?im bine, avem tot ce ne trebuie, iar eu Vs mullumere penbus todo aft foul pec min tisha fe f Aus ming ta rool imbricali poume Sr Lala @Aaht ia Geese aaa nimeme de mine wil bine af am mole bums Prunliz mai mu meas uml chal de trish’, cum mace Bnacal. Door failicric me munk wom naz daiwami, dar eb runl miei Dasmmisee «bun cu roi of me hucurdim de Lol ce me hurmelife Us doreoe sam Linware Lp = Pee pe SH) Ge eas : : te wf ta im con tefanel Stefnel © mai mult inimd..! Are 5 ani, och intel- _genfi si obosifi, A vizut prea multe in familia lui: certuri, betii, batai...t De Craciun a primit 0 chitara mica de care nu s-a mai despiirtit. CAnti cu toati bucuria unui copil céiruia i s-a refuzat copiliria, asa cum o stim toti: mama, tata, mancare, haine, joacd si somn linistit! E istet si lip orfelinatul cu glasul lui si cu zgomotul pasilor, peculoar. intr-o dimineaya ma pregiteam si plec intr-o alta localtate, unde aveam derezolvatniste probleme. Mancam un sandvis, ciind a venit Stefinel. barit in bratele a intrebat: ,,Imi dai si mie mele si cu glasul coborat m- jumatate, Voice atifificut? Florin Ianovici Stefainel is more heart than body...! Heis 5 years old, with smart but tired eyes. He has scen too much in his family: fights, beats, drunkenness At Christmas he received a small guitar from which he could not come unstuck. He sings with the entire joy of a child whose childhood, as we all know it: mother, father, food, clothing, games and quiet sleep, has been refused. He fills the orphanage with his voice and with the noise of his steps when he runs on the hall way. ‘One morning I was getting ready to leave for another city where I had to take care of some problems. I was eating a sandwich when Steftinel came. He cuddled in my arms and with alow voice he asked: .can Lhave half of it?” What would youhavedone? Florin Tanovici P&rintii mei erau foarte stiraci. Ziua de salariu a tatilui meu era asteptati cu nerbdare de toati familia, in fiecare lun’, dati, cdnd aveam sapte ani, am plecat cu barea pe lacul Mogosoaia mpreund cu mama si tata si lutim salariul tatei, care era paznie prin zon’. Eraozi cu vant si valurile cresteau din ce in ce mai mult. La mijlocul lacului barca s-a risturnat si tofi eram in apa. Tata reusea si se tind la suprafata, dar eusi mama, nu, Elaincercat si ne salveze pe améndoi, dar nu areusit. Laun moment dat, mama a spus: ,Salveaza copilul si nu uita si-l dai la scoal.” Apoi s-a dus la fund. Tata m-a salvat pe mine, aya cum spus mama, dar nua mai reusit si mii dea la scoaki, pentru ca nu a facut fata situatiei. A cazut in patina betiei sia pierdut casa. ‘Am fost dat la un cdimin care s-a desfiinta dupa care am fost preluatde ..Viata si Lumina” ‘Tata a inceput sii mii viziteze din ce in ce mai rar. Din familia mea, singura céreia fi mai pasd de mine e bunica mea, paralizatd. O vizitez des siti ‘duc mancare si haine pe care le primesc de la fundatie pentru ea. I-am dus chiar si un cdirucior de invalid, sa poata siea si iasd din cas Tata a murit in urmii cu cafiva ani. La inmormantarea lui toti au vazut cand amajuns in clasaa IV-a, desi uneori imi mai vine in minte imaginea mame’ inainte dea se duce pe fundul apei si cuvintele acelea: ,salveazi copilul” Murat Tonet My parents were very poor. The Payment day of my father was waited upon monthly and impatiently by the entire family. ‘Once when Lwas seven I went by boat on the Mogosoaia lake together with Mom and Dadtotakemy father's salary who worked as guard in the area. It was a windy day and the waves weregrowing more and more. In the middle of the lake the boat overtumed and we were all in the water. Dad managed to keep himself at the surface but my mother and I did not. He tried to save both of us but he could not. At one point my mom said "save the child and do not forget to enroll him into school" and then she went down. My dad saved me, as my mother said, but he never managed to enroll me into school because he could not handle the situation. He started drinking and soon after he lostthe house. I was given toa placement, which was dissolved when I reached fourth grade, after Which I was taken over by "Life and Light" My father began visiting me more rarely The oniy one in my family who still cared about me was my grandmother, paralyzed. 1 visit her often and give her food and clothes that I receive from the foundation for her. 1 even gave her a wheelchair, so that she is able to leave the house. My father died a few years ago. At his funeral all saw that I was nicely dressed and neat, It was hard, maybe unfair but I do not regret anything. I am convinced that here it is better for me than it would have been in my family. God helped me a lot, although sometimes the image of my mother comes to my mind, sinking and shouting “save the child” UMarinel Axtute Fundatia ,Viat’i si Lumina” Central resedinté pentru tineri_ repre- zinta pentru mine noua mea familie, noul meu inceput, sansa pe care altiinu © au, posibilitatea de a avea 0 v mala, de a mi integra in societate, in viata dezi cuzi, ca opersoand respectati. Warinel Ariute The ,,Life and Light” Foundation - The Center for the youth represents forme my new family, my new beginning, the chance that others don’t have, the possibility of a normal life, of integration in the society and in the daily life as a respected person. (4 Fandatia Nata 9¢ Lumina Familia Nedelew Eu sunt Nicolae Nedelcu, iar sotia mea este Irina, Ne este foarte grew. Am rimas orfan la 4 ani siam ajuns intr-un orfelinat in care am stat pani la 18 ani. Cand a trebuit si pirisese orfetinatul, mu am avut unde st mai due si m-am instalat fntr-un canal de la Gara de Nord. fn timpul acesta munceam ca zilier, pe unde giseam. Si Irina a trait rau cu pirinti ei, Nu au dat-o la scoala, au trimis-o la munca de copil. La 19 ani si ea a plecat de acasti gisindu-si adépost tot intr-un canal din preajima Garii de Nord. Aici ne-am cunoscut, iarin 2001 ne-am casatorit, perioada am locuit cu chirie, dar dupa aceea au venit, copiii si nu am mai facut fayé cu banii, Am fost nevoiti si Jocuim incase parasite. ‘Améndoi avem probleme de mai greu. {Intr-o 2i, 0 echipti mobili de la fundatie, care eituta pe striizi siin canale oameni aflati in situati disperate ne-a gisit si pe noi. Ni s-a oferit un apartament. Chiria o plateste fundatia, Tot ea ne-a cumptiratfrigider si ce a mai trebuit prin casi, Primimm aliminte, medicamente si o ma: fiecare zi. Mulfumim lui Dumnezcu si fundatiei pentru toate lucrurile acestea ‘Am infeles, ci desi suntem asa cum suntem, e loc sub soate si pentru oamenicanoi. Nicolae Nedeleu te si ne este cu ata as Iam Nicolae Nedeleu and my wifes Irina, We struggle alot. Atthe age of 4 became an orphan and ended up in an orphanage where I lived until the age of 18. When I had to leave the orphanage I had no place to go and I got installed in a channel at the North Railway Station. During this period I worked asa day worker, wherever could find a job Irina also lived badly with her parents. They did not enroll herin school but sent her to work from the early age of childhood. Atthe age of 19 she also left home finding. as well shelter in a channel around the North Railway Station Here is where we met and in 2001 we got married. Fora period of time we lived in a rented house but once the children came we couldn’t manage anymore because of the money and we hadto live in abandoned houses. We both have health problemsand that makes thingseven harder. ‘One day, a mobile team from the foundation, who searched the streets and channels for desperate people like us, found us too. We have been given an apartament, The rent is paid by the foundation. We bought a fridge and other things needed for the house, We receive food, beds, clothing, shoes, meds and a warm meal daily. We thank the Lord and the foundation forall ofthese things. We understood that even though we are as we are, there pustbe aplace for usin this world, 100. Nicolae Nedeleu, WAdalina Dinca Mi numese Madina Dinca si m-am nascut in Bucuresti ‘Am ajuns la fundatie pentru ca tatail meu este un om furios, se enerveazi repede si ne lua la bitaie pe toti di fiecare 7i. Pe fratii mei fi bitea pentru ca fi lui nu ii plticea giligia. Mama siirea de fiecare dati apirarea noastri, darisi lua sie [Fam pututiubi niciodati pe tat Uneori, cand i! prindeam in toane mai bune glumeam cu el, dar lucru acesta se petrecea foarte rar. Mai era si foarte xgelos. ll obseda ideea ci mama il inseala, desi nu era adevarat simu isi mai gisea linistea. Tot timpul o urmarea. Vizfind c& ‘nu se mai poate tri asa, mama i-adus pe fratii mei la tara, pe mine m-a adus la, Viatd si Lumina” si a plecat la munci in Spania. Dupaio vreme a giisit de lucru si pentru tata si La chemat si peel. Darnu a trecut multde cand el a ajuns acolo sia‘inceput sé o bata din nou. Mi-eteama pentru mama si cel ‘ma mull fmi dorese ca ca si scape ddetata sisi lie in sigurant Mi-edorde ea sice frafii teh dariitest suat bine, at ie My nage sins Dinca eas bop chart We arrived at the foundation because my father is an angry man, hejgets angry quickly-and beats every day all of us, living inthe ‘beat my bfothers because they were noisy andihe did not like noise, Mother defended us every time but she also took her part of the beating. Because of this I coufd névenlove my father whd drinks alot ‘Sometimes, whett he was tna better mdod joked with him, but that happened rarely. HeWas also veryjjealous. He obsessed over the ideea that was cheating on him and he could not find his peaées He used to always follow her. Seeing those thingsone could not go on like that and she took my brothers and sent them to the country and. brought me over at the Life and Light foundation. She left for Spain to work. After a while she found work for my father and called him, too. But it had not been long since he got there and he started to beat her again. I fear for my mother and mostly I want her to escape my father and be safe. I miss her and my brothers, but otherwise Tam fine. Program links Society Programs links prezintit intregul proces de activitate prin care Funai, Viaggi Lunn fy tndeplineste misionea aunt Prevenirea, eintegrarca si integrarea sunt cele trei programe care Fispund nevoilor beneficiarilorasistati de fundatic. Prevenirea dispune de servicul de urgent, care are drept Scop stoparea destrimri famililor, aajungerii copilorin trad, precum si ‘oprirea fenomenului de degradare a stirii de stindtate si leza demnitiit de fiint uman’ a celor aflati in stradi, Programul are urmitoarele proiecte: ~centrul deurgent echipe mobile de interventie stradal ~adposturi pentru fai ~susfinere material simoral.a famililorcu rise de abandon, Programul dereintegrare dispune dedous module de activitate: ~ Centrul rezidential pentru copii aflatiintr-un proces mai dificil de reintegrare(lipsa pirintilor, refuzul acestora de a-si creste copili, lipsa conditiilor minime de trai i familie) = Centrul de tranzitare a asistailor pentru reintegrare in familiile naturale. Programul de prevenire este legat functional de cel de reintegrare pon taptul c@ beneicianit, copin asista in strada sunt reintegratt in famili prin intermediul modulului de tranzit,ce functioneazi incadrul progranului dereintegrare Programul de integrare se desfigoar pe trei module de actvitate ~unmodulrezidentialincareasistajilori se oferi unspatiude locuit: ~ tn modul privind educafia profesional prin seminarii,cursuri si consiliere psihologicd, necesarii determinirii de sine si stabiliri unei motivafi corespanz#toare, pecum siasistarea in vederea gsi unui Joc de munc’, ping la rezolvarea problemei; ~ modulul privind sutinerea temporari din toate punctele de vedere a tinerilor care nu au nevoie de un loc de sedere, dar care nu isi _gisesc un loc de mune’ fe din cauza ipsei de pregatire profesional’, fiedincauza lipsei unui suport material rogramul de integrare este legat organic de cel de reintegrare prin faptul e& sista, care sunt copii si devin tineri de varsté major’ fac pasul dinprogramul de reintegrare, modidul recidential, incelde integrare. ‘The links program presen the entre activity process through which ‘he Life ad Light foundations flfling dae announced sision. Prevention, reintegration and integration are the three programs which answer to the needs of the assisted beneficiaries of the foundation, Prevention has emergency service which has as main aim, stopping families breaks, children ending up on the street as well as stopping the phenomenon of degradation of health and violating the dignity of the human being of those on the street. ‘The program has the Following projects: “emergency center; mobile teams for street intervention; ~ashelter for families; moral and material suppor for families atriskof abandoning, The integration program has two modules of activity = The residential center for the children who are ina more difficult process of integration (no parents, parental refusal, ack ofliving conditions) ~The transit center of the assisted forintegration within the natural families; The prevention program is functionally linked to the reinte- ‘gration one through the fact that the assisted children inthe street are reintegrated in their families by the means of the way; to the ttansitcenter which funetion withinthereintegration program, ‘Theintegration program isrunning onthree activity modules: residential module in which we offer a living space to the assisted people. - Professional education through seminars, courses, psycho- logical counseling needed to the self determination and estab shing a proper motivation, permanent assistance in finding a job; = Temporary support in all aspects of the youngsters who need a place tostay but they cannot find a job because ofthe lack ‘of professional training orthe lack of apropermaterial support; ‘The integration program is organically linked to the rein ‘gration one through the fact that the beneficiaries who become ‘youngsters, coming of age they move on from the reintegration program, the residential module, tothe integration one. CONTACTE FUNDATIA ,,VIATA $I LUMINA” Florin Ianoviei Dan Porut Director general Director adjunct dan.porut@fvl.r0 +4 0744 340702 Marian Barbu Lenufa Pirvan Contabil Manager Program Prevenire lenuta +4 0745 673 81 +4 0745 092206 Costel Damian Gabriela Stegaru Manager Program Reintegrare Manager Program Integrare we costel.damian@ a a +4.0740 252306 +4.0757 090636 EUNDATIA i Viata si Lumina Lakarmissionen Fundatia Viafa si Lumin Liikarmissionen Str. Izbiceni nr. 5-9, sector 1, o Siktgatan 8 _ Bucuresti, 013249 162 88 Viillingby i Tel.: +4 021 2240826; +4 021 6675463 Tel.: +46 08-620 02 00 Fax: +4 021 2242859; +4 021 6675463 Fax: +46 08-620 02 11 Cont: BRD Academiei LEI RO42BRDE410SV 19781154100 Sweden EURO: RO39BRDE4108V24031754100, www. USD: ROS3BRDE410SV18777954100 SWIFT: BRDEROBU; CIF: 8612072

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