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What type of movie is?

Its an action, thriller and science fiction movie

What is the movie about?
Its about a future in that the money was lost in the time but
other option was to pay all things that you want to buy by time. and
when somebody had 25 years old but in this age people stop getting
older, but they only have one more year of life.
After this year, they died of a heart attack unless "earn" time and fill
with it their 'watches life, "leading the countdown.
Who is in it?
Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried are the main actors
Did you like the movie?
Yes, I did
What did you like the movie?
The part of movie that I like me was when Willy Salas had a lot
of money but this money wants to get some people like a poor
people. In some days later his mother died and he couldnt give her
more time to live. Sylvia and Will conclude that in order to overthrow
"the system" will have to continue stealing and distributing much
longer, so you see how they appear on the entry of a large bank of
time. Finally they dedicated to continue stealing more time capsules
What movie did you see?
In time but in Spanis is called El precio Del maana
The premiere was on October 28, 2011
The director was Andrew Nicol
It takes a place in the angels, California

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