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And thats what makes you beautiful! Harry belted out at the end of the
The crowd went crazy.
You look lovely babe. Harry said to me as he gave me a wink.
Alice, breakfast is ready! I heard my mom yell from downstairs.
Oh great, it was just a dream. The same dream Ive had ever since August
19th, went the tickets went on sale. They went on sale at 11 AM! I was there
at 10:59, refreshing the page until it was 11. I put in what I wanted 2 tickets
for me and my best friend, Maggie.
I waited a couple seconds to get my results, Sorry we couldnt find what you
requested. What the hell?! I tried 5 more times, the same thing. I called
Ticketmaster to order my tickets there, same thing. On my 5 th try the
automated voice lady said there were no more tickets.
Oh my god, seriously?! Ive been waiting for this day ever since they
announced the Asia tour. They were coming to the Gelora Bung Karno
stadium, I was so excited thinking I was going to get tickets, but did I? No.
I was REALLY bummed out. I mean come on, who wouldnt want to see five
hot, talented, British/Irish guys?!
Alice, this is the last time Im going to tell you to come down to eat
breakfast! Hurry up or else youll be late for school!
I yelled back, Im going, hold on! I sighed, getting up from my bed and
changing into my school uniform and slipping on my black sneakers.
Mom, if I ever win tickets somehow for the concert would you let me go? I
asked my mom.
Of course! If everything is paid for, cause Im not paying for the plane
tickets, hotels or anything, all of that costs too much.
Oh great. most of the time everything is paid for, but with my luck I probably
wont have a chance at winning. Nothing good ever happens to me. I mean,

Im not saying I have bad luck, but to win something like that? Yea probably
I finished up my breakfast and went back up to my room to finish getting
ready. I opened up my laptop to put some One Direction (a.k.a my
boyfriends) music. I sighed, even just listening to them makes me feel all
depressed, knowing I wont be able to see them perform in person.
As me and Maggie walked around the school during lunch we discussed just
stupid stuff, then the subject on One Direction came up.
Hey Al, they guys are coming November 30th right? Thats still what, like 2
months away?
Yea, what about it? I replied.
Well, I was thinking that we should just go to where the concert is going to
be held at, you know? Maybe we can get a glimpse of the guys as they come
in or something! Maggie squealed at the end.
Haha good one. We probably wont get a chance at seeing them, but now
that I think about it.. that is a good idea! Being 50 feet away from them in
the same city as a good accomplishment right?! We cant see them
perform, but thats good enough right?
Yes! she yelled. Its a deal, well just wait for the day to come!
In the months prior to the concert, I entered many contests to win tickets for
One Direction.
I didnt win. Not once, not even close. Ugh!
Not fair!
*November 29, 2012*
Oh my god Maggie, Im freaking out!
Why? Cause its our last day school before the Winter and Christmas
holiday? Haha I know right! But we still ha

No! Im glad cause its our last day school, but Im freaking out about the
concert! How could she forget?
Oh yea, ha my bad. I was trying not to think about it because then I was
going to start freaking out too you know?
I let out an exasperated sigh, I so wont be able to sleep tonight. Ive been
waiting for this day for 2 months, and finally its here.
*November 30, 2012*
Mom, well call you when to pick us up okay? I told my mom as she
dropped me and Maggie off at the concert.
My mom asked as, Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, wont it get
you even more depressed, being one of the only ones out there not being
able to go into the venue?
Thanks mom, way to make me feel batter.
Mom, it doesnt matter! I mean, kind of, but hey, YOLO! You Only Live Once.
I may not get to see them, but never say never haha I make sure I had
everything before getting out the car, bye mom, thanks, love you!
Haha youre is great, she really can cheer us up now can she? Maggie said
I just rolled my eyes and joined the rest of the crowd screaming for the guys.
2 hours went by with no sign of the guys. It was now 7 PM. The concert was
about to start in 30 minutes.
I sighed loudly, making Maggie look up at me. Suddenly I grinned, Why are
you grinning about Al?
Oh nothing, I just get an idea. I checked behind me and back to where the
security guys were standing at.
Cmon Mags, this way, follow me just dont say anything! I said into her
What? What are you doing?! When she noticed my direction that I was
heading to she tried stopping me, No! Oh my god girl what if we get in

I just laughed and yelled YOLO! and run past security and run all the way
backstage. I heard the security guys footsteps behind us. I quickly opened
the first unlocked door I was able to find. Me and Maggie went in there, out of
the breath and quickly shut the door Oh my god Al! Were going to get in so
much trouble. Maggie said gasping for air.
I stayed quiet for a couple of seconds as we heard the security guys
footsteps run past the room we were in.
No we wont, dont worry. We might actually get a chance at meeting the
boys. Youll thank me later haha!
Someone cleared their throat behind us.
Me and Maggie turned around and saw five boys sitting down on a sofa.
Oh my gosh, it was One Direction! We had stumbled upon their dressing
room. I was totally screaming in the inside.
We just stared at the boys for a couple of seconds when Liam stood up and
said, Hello, what are you guys doing in our dressing room?
Uh.. we.. um.. I couldnt even talk, I was so nervous!
Maggie interrupted my stammering, Excuse my friend, um we just sneaked
into the venue and run from security and hid in here.. sorry! Well get
As we turned our backs, Harry asked us, Do you guys have any ticket to the
As Maggie was about respond, I finally got the courage to speak up, Um, no
we dont. We werent able to get tickets but we really wanted to see you
guys perform! So we snuck in, sorry for bothering.. well get going now.
This time it was Louis who spoke up, No, its alright guys. You guys want to
join us? All seats are filled and we dont have extra tickets but you can see us
perform from backstage!
I just stared at them, shocked. Did he just ask us if we wanted to be
backstage and see them perform? No way, best idea ever!
Of course! Both me and Maggie said at the same time.
Suddenly we heard a loud knock on the door, Boys, showtime in 10!

Ah, well we got to get going. Follow us and well show you were you can
watch us.Oh, Nialls Irish accents.. sounds ever more sexy in person.
Thank you, thank you for everything! I told the guys.
No problem guys! Anything for our fans. Louis said.
The boys went up to the stage, and as the boys were walking out the crowd
went wild.
I love you Harry!
You guys are sexy!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! One Direction, I love you!!
Those were many of the different things fans were yelling out. The boys just
laughed and One Thing started playing.
Seeing them live was so much better than listening to them from my laptop.
I cant believe this is happening! I pinched, myself to make sure this wasnt a
dream. Nope, it isnt!
Wow, the boys.. theyre amazing.

As Harry sung his solo he turned to look at me,

Baby you light my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair
gets me overwhelmed, the way you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell..
you dont know youre beautiful!
and thats what makes you beautiful! Harry belted out at the end of WMYB
last song of the concert.
Woah, De Ja Vu much? Haha, it was the same as my dream I had two months
ago, except Harry walked over to the backstage were me and Maggie were
standing instead of walking down to the stage and bringing me up there.
The concert was now over. I was sad, knowing that I had to now leave back
to my house and leave the boys
Vas happenin?! howd you like the concert? Zayn asked us

It was awesome! You guys were great! I said.

Harry walked to me. Well do you guys want some pictures?
I thought hed never ask.
We spent the next 15 minutes talking and taking silly pictures.
Well it was great meeting you both. Harry said and gave us both a hug and
gave a kiss on the cheek.
I think I almost died at that moment.
Bye guys! We love you both! The boys said as they left back to their
dressing room to get ready to head out.
Mom! And then Harry kissed me! He kissed me! I swear, I thought I was
going to faint. I never thought this would ever happen. Im still freaking out
from what just happened! I told my mom excitedly on our way back home.
My mom just laughed and said, Thats great hun.
Girl, calm you tits down! Haha, youre so lucky though, Harry kissed you and
all I got was a hug from the boys. Maggie said.
Haha definitely best day of my life! I wont ever forget this day.
Me neither, when do you think theyll come back Al?
I have no idea, but when they come back again, Im so going to be ready to
sneak back in. I winked at Maggie as she got out the car as we dropped her
off at her house. Bye!
As I lay in bed, I went on twitter and saw that Harry tweeted Met a great fan
and her friend backstage tonight. She really caught my eye ;) Great concert,
well be back! X
I gasped. He was talking about me right?
I yawned, gosh was I tired.
Just before I fell asleep I tweeted: Great day, met the boys from One
Direction. Unforgettable night! Xx

I fell asleep with a big smile on my face

The End.

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