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CONNECTORS AND MODIFIERS 1. INDICATING OR AGREEING WITH FACTS As 2 matter of fact, in fact.- de hecho actually.- realmente, en realidad in effect, in practice. en la préctica (contrasted with in theory) indeed.- en verdad naturally.- naturalmente, por supuesto 2._EXPLAINING CAUSES AND RESULTS Because of this/ that .- e causa de esto/ eso, ello. for this reason.- por esta razon therefore.- por lo tanto as a result.~ como resultado consequently.- consecuentemente 3. BUILDING UP _AN ARGUMENT In the first place.~ en primer lugar first of all.- en primer lugar, antes de nada to begin with, to start with.- para empezar Seconely, in the second place.- segundo, en segundo lugar apart from (that).- aparte de (eso) Besides, in addition.~ ademas on top of that.- lo que es més in the same way.- de la misma manera Worse still.- aun peor. On the contrary.- por el contrario Finally, lastly.- finalmente, por ultimo in conclusion.~ en conclusion 4. EXPRESSING A PERSONAL OPINION OR POINT OF VIEW In my opinion, in my view.- en mi opinién from my point of view, as far as I am concerned.~ desde mi punto de vista 5. GIVING EXAMPLES for example, for instance.~ por ejemplo 6. PAUSING FOR THOUGHT, TRYING TO SAY SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO MAKE IT CLEAR I mean.~ quiero decir That is.- es decir bo In other words.~ en otras palabras 7. MODIFYING WHAT HAS BEEN SAID However, nevertheless.- sin embargo notwithstanding.- no obstante. even so.- atin asf @.- MODIFYING WHAT YOU ARE SAYING To some extent.- hasta cierto punto more or less.- mas o menos at least.- al menos : . as far as I know.- segtin tengo entendido, en mi opinion Especially.- especialmente in particular.- en particular in this case.- en este caso above all.- sobre todo not to mention.~ sin mencionar, por no decir nada de... needless to say.- no es necesario decir que, basically.- basicamente. 9. HONESTY honestly, frankly.~ honestamente, francamente. to be honest.- para ser honesto, sincero. 10. REACHING CONCLUSIONS Anyway.- de todas formas in any case-- de cualquier modo after all.- después de todo 11. MISCELLANEOUS And so on.- etc | By the way.- 2 propdsito & GIVING EXAMPLES AND ADDING INFORMATION — EXPRESIONES PARA DAR EJEMPIOS Y ANADIR INFORMACION ‘A. Las expresiones for example, for instance y such as pueden emplearse indistintamente, Vegetables are a good source of vitamins; for exemple /for Instance, pepper has vitamin C. ‘Singers such as Michael Jackson and Madonna are popular throughout the worl, Para afiadir més informacién usaremos mereover, furthermore, in addition. Todas ellas van seguidas de coma y signiican Fm too busy to take a holiday. Moreover / Furthermore /In addition, don't have the money. Nota: Besides tiene un sentido algo diferente. Casi siempre introduce tun argumento mas fuerte que el anterior o destaca el punto que creemos de mayor importancia (puede ir seguido de oracién o de sustantivo). I'm too fat to wear a pair of jeans. Besides, | haven't got the money to buy them. Who are you bringing to the party besides your boyfriend? In addition to y as well as se usan para afiadir informacién, pero van seguidos de una expresién sustantiva. In addition to classical music, she likes jazz. The city has several main roads as well as a ring road around it. Es importante que analices la diferencia entre: Besides, + oracién = In addition, + oracién. besides + expresién sustantiva = In addition to + oracién sustantiva as well as suele ir al final de la frase. Nota: No debes confundir besides con beside que significa “al lado de”. Who's that beside Janet? Apart from y except (for) se emplean para indicar que algo es una excepcién a la idea general expresada en la frase. Apart from English, she speaks three other foreign languages. He eats nothing except (for) bread and fish. 4 SHOWING SEQUENCE AND RESULT — MODOS DE MOSTRAR LA SUCESION DE HECHOS Y EL RESULTADO SNe eee ‘A Usamos una serie de expresiones que indiean sucesién de hechos para poner en orden lo que estamos diciendo. First of all/ To begin with / First / Firstly, we should talk to the ‘manager. (Lo primero de todo, en primer lugar, deberfamos hablar con el gerente.) Second / Secondly / Then, we must make & detailed plan. (En segundo lugar, después, debemos hacer un plan detallado.) The next stage is to view ... (El siguiente paso es ver...) Finally /In short /To sum up /th conclusion / Lastly / Last but not least, wo need to have good ideas before we present our plan to the whole company. (Finalmente, en resumen, en conclusién, por titimo, : Par tltimo pero no de menor importancia, necesitames tener buenas ideas Nota: Todos ellos deben llevar una coma detras al ir seguidos de una oracién completa. Therefore, as a result, consequently y for this reason sefialan la ‘conexién entre la accién y su resultado. Van seguidos por una oracién completa, Thus tiene el mismo sentido pero es menos formal Tina keeps her car in good condition. Therefore / As a result / Consequently / For this reason, it always passes jis annual road test. As a result of tione el mismo sentido que los conectores que acabamos de estudiar, pero va seguido de una expresién sustantiva, no de una oracién. As a result of his brave action, he was awarded a miltary medal. SN ‘1 INTRODUCING CONTRASTING OR OPPOSING IDEAS ~ INTRODUCCION AL MODO DE EXPRESAR CONTRASTE Y OPOSICION DE IDEAS Llamamos conectores a los términos que empleamos para sefialar las relaciones entre ideas. A continuacién verds algunos de los conectores mas frecuentes. A. Los conectores but y yet tienen el mismo sentido, indican contraste y ‘van seguidos de una oracién nominal (Ie fata el verbo) o una aracién completa. The book is short but / yet interesting. The story is short, but / yet it's interesting. B_ Los conectores in spite of y despite tienen el mismo significado. Van seguidos de una oracién nominal a menudo incluyendo un gerundio. In spite of / Despite the late hour, they went on with the meeting. (seguidos de nombre) He arrived on time despite /in spite of getting up late. (seguidos de gerundio) ‘The weather was cold, but they went on the trip in spite of it/ that. (seguidos de pronombre) © Los conectores although, though, even though e in spite of the fact that tienen el mismo significado, “aunque”. Van seguidos por una oracién completa y pueden ir al principio o en medio de una frase. Although / Though / Even though / In spite of the fact that the pupils had nof studied as hard as they could, they all passed their exams. (seguidos de una oracién completa) Si el conector comienza la oracién, se debe poner una coma para ‘separar las dos ideas que queremos contrastar. D_ Los conestores however, nevertheless, even so, on the one hand, on the other hand y on the contrary van seguldos en primer lugar por una coma y después por una oracién completa She was quite il, However / Nevertheless / Even so, she went (o ‘school. (Sin embargo ..) On the one hand, the beach is fun. On the other hand, | don't ike the ssand. (Por una parte .. por la ota . “thought you liked classical music." "On the contrary, | hate i." (Al contrario .) E Los conectores while y whereas tienen el mismo significade y van seguidos por una oracién completa. This soap opera is very interesting, while / whereas that one is quite boring. 2 SHOWING REASON, CAUSE AND PURPOSE ~ MANERAS DE EXPRESAR RAZON, CAUSA Y PROPOSITO. A. Los conectores because, as, since y seeing that que vamos a ver seguidamente tiene todos el mismo significado y van seguidos de una oracién completa. indican la razén o la causa de algo. Si los conectores comenzaran la frase, Ja oracién principal y la subordinada irian separadas por una coma. ° Because /As / Since / Seeing that i's late, we should all go home. We should all go home because /as/since / seeing that i's late, B Los conectores que ponemos a continuacién significan “porque” (razén Por la que): because of, on account of, owing to y due to. Van ‘seguidos de una expresién sustantiva. Si son ellos los que comienzan la frase, ambas oraciones irén separadas por coma, Because of /On account of / Owing to / Due to the weather, we stayed at home. We stayed at home because of /on account of / owing to /due to the weather. © Los conectores in order to, s0 as to y to expresan propésito, Van sseguidos de la raiz del verbo. Por el contraro in order that y so that van seguidos de una oracién con verbo modal She uses her video in order to/ s0 as to / to record her favourite shows. . - She uses her video in order that / so that she can have a recording of her favourite shows. Nota: 1 Eninglés oral se suele omit that cuando se hubiera tenido que usar so that. She studied all week so she could pass the test. 2 Si queremos poner en negativa el propésito, podemos usar so as not to @ In order not to, pero no se puede usar not to. Estaria muy mal decir: She is studying not to fail Habrfa que decir: She is studying so as not to fail. She is studying in order not to fail ademés (de) terrors dems moreover dems sino 7 belo contaro besides dems en cao (de) ao tambien on ta de que se wel as. como — ot only. but ao 0 slo. sin también ee pe tents que enver de serena de though / although aunque even though ain cuando asa rest oO como consecuenca de Jon the other hand por oto lado on account of por motivo de however Sn embargo eorsequentiy or consiguente nevertheless no obstante ss longa fanto como nonetheless ro obstante fortis reason poresta razon inspite of / despite apes de because por /acausa de EERE uc to ebido a ae See c como et rc Per serpl the ame a feud ae gue Fabre too / especialmente smarty del mismo modo precpamerie nthe sme way ela misma manera Ea fen pion pesondmete cent conan ‘como conchsén porte gna pect feces pence a tos up Fo eum paste psy areca a osumte pan umd i Instr rte all in ab /considerindolo todo Ge manera que finally por Gitmo /finalmente in order that / 40 rat tasty Porcine eee oe on the whole en general for this purpose eon este fin g RUeMnGen ory eando stot epee tar hae ers a pest roranon evr toe sd nonces oda wh fevenpecx fete fan pnt emo eter Beputs deo stones [eob ete ten fenunces ego et fase far esputs mis trde’ ser expe ret equcamenie tore fen ments to eee avec que by the ine undo tne mentine meres tanto ofa seen teveperte fencer Sempre y endo row et thon ae LINKERS & USEFUL EXPRESSIONS ADDING INFORMATION BESIDES = IN ADDITION: ademas MOREOVER = FURTHERMORE: ademas IN ADDITION TO: ademas de ‘TOO: también (al final de oracién) ALSO: también (delante del verbo) AS WELL: también | AS WELL AS: al igual que SAYING CONTRAST EXPRESSING ORDER FIRST OF ALL = FIRSTLY: en primer lugar SECONDLY: en segunto lugar THEN: luego LATER: entonces AFTER THAT: después de eso FINALLY: finalmente |IN THE END: finalmente EXPRESSING TIME CONNECTION _ HOWEVER: sin embargo NEVERTHELESS: sin embargo ALTHOUGH: aunque BUT: pero IN SPITE OF + NOUN / GERUND: a pesar de DESPITE + NOUN / GERUND: a pesar de ON THE ONE HAND... ON THE OTHER HAND: por | una parte... por otra parte WHEN: cuando WHILE: mientras AS SOON AS: tan pronto como NOT LONG AGO: no hace mucho tiempo AT FIRST: al principio UNTIL: hasta AFTER: después BEFORE: antes SINCE: desde / desde que FOR: durante / desde hace EXPRESSING CAUSE GIVING OPINION (BECAUSE: porque AS: porque / puesto que SINCE: porque / puesto que DUE TO + NOUN / GERUNI ‘SO: por lo tanto THEREFORE: por lo tanto AS ARESULT: como resultado | AS A RESULT OF + nombre / gerundio: como | resultado de CONSEQUENTLY: consecuentemente TSTRONGLY / FIRMLY THINK / FEEL / CONSIDER / BELIEVE: yo creo firmemente que PERSONALLY: personalmente FROM MY POINT OF VIEW: desde mi punto de vista AS FAR AS | AM CONCERNED: en Io que a mi concieme ASISEES ¥ COMO yo 10 VEO IT SEEMS TO ME THAT: me parece que AGREEING ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES i 1 (TOTALLY) AGREE / DISAGREE WITH IT: estoy (totalmente) de acuerdo con eso. 1 (COMPLETELY) AGREE / DISAGREE WITH THE IDEA THAT + oracién: estoy (completamente) de acuerdo con la idea de que 1 AM ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED THAT + oraci6n: estoy absolutamente convencido de que 1AM FOR / AGAINST THE IDEA THAT + oracién: | estoy a favor / en contra de la idea de que. | DISADVANTAGES?: cuales son las...? THIS HAS ADVANTAGES AND. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES AND. DISADVANTAGES: esto tiene THIS HAS GOT PROS AND CONS: esto tiene pros y contras, ____ EXPRESSING A CONCLUSION ‘AS A CONCLUSION: como conclusion TO CONCLUDE: para concluir ‘TO SUM UP: para resumir IN SHORT / IN BRIEF: en resumen GIVING EXAMPLES ‘SUCH AS: tales como FOR EXAMPLE: por ejemplo FOR INSTANCE: por ejemplo MODIDYING ADJECTIVES ADJECTIVE+ ENOUGH: lo suficientemente NOT VERY: no muy ABIT: un poco ALITTLE BIT: un poquito REALLY: realmente VERY: muy COMPARATIVE: -ER/ MORE THAN QUITE: bastante LESS... THAN: menos ... que | TOO: demasiado AS... AS: tan... como ABSOLUTELY / TOTALLY / COMPLETELY | SUPERLATIVE: THE -EST / MOST _ ADVERBS + ADJECTIVES / VERBS STRONGLY / FIRMLY NOWADAYS: hoy en dia CURRENTLY: actualmente TODAY: hoy WAY: manera / forma CASE / EVENT: caso SITUATION: situacion deberia TO: puede que I WOULD LIKE TO: me gustaria [ OTHERS / COMMON WORDS SHOULD + verbo sin TO: MAY MIGHT + verbo sin HAPPEN: suceder SPEND: pasar el tiempo / gastar | dinero | ENJOY: disfrutar [AVOID: evitar DESTROY: destruir | SUFFER: suri EXPERIENCE: experimentar [ OTHERS, [THAT'S A CONTROVERSIAL / INTERESTING / CRUCIAL / RELEVANT / INTERESTING ISSUE / TOPIC: ese es un tema controvertido / interesante / crucial / relevante / intersante THERE ARE SOME / SEVERAL / MANY / A FEW REASONS WHY: hay algunas / varias / muchas / unas pocas razones por las que |FOR THESE REASONS / ARGUMENTS: por estas razones / argumentos THE POINT IS THAT: el tema / asunto mas importante es | IT'S A GOOD / EXCELLENT IDEA THAT: es una Buena / excelente idea que | IT’S A BAD / AWFUL IDEA THAT: es una mala / horrible idea que IT’S OBVIOUS THAT YOU SHOULD: es obvio que deberiamos | [P's (NOT) IMPORTANT THAT EVERYBODY SHOULD : es importante que todo el mundo deba | T'S ESSENTIAL TO (VERB): es esencial ‘THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT ALL THE PEOPLE SHOULD: no hay duda de que todo el mundo deberia |IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU LIKE / ARE INTERESTED IN: no importa lo que a tite gusta /en lo | que ti estas interesado DESCRIBING SITUATIONS / ATTITUDE _ ~ POSITIVE [Tremendous Puzzling |Wonderful |Remarkable: | Lovely: Important | Fantastic Stunning Marvellous: extraordinario encantador | Relevant: Amazing: increible Shocking: Excellent Astonishing: Charming: |relevante Sorprendente | Breathtaking: | asombroso encantador |Crucial: de 1 Chocante |maraviloso |Fascinating: | Delightful: mucha fascinante encantador | importancia Thrilling: emocionante Overwhelming: | Nice: bonito | Controversial: Excellent Abrumador Pleasant: Worthy: De] agradable valor Useful: ott | Successful: de} - éxito NEGATIVE __| ‘Disgusting: Terrible Disappointing: Useless: inatil 7 desagradable Horrible decepcionante Unusual: raro Nasty:desagradable | Awful Boring: aburrido Strange: raro Annoying: molesto Dreadful: Unworthy: sin valor ‘Common: Depressing: Horrible _/| Frightening: aterrador comin deprimente espantoso | Shameful: vergonzoso insulting | |Embarrasing: embarazoso | | Offensive | IF YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TO FINISH YOUR WRITING... WHY NOT USING A PROVERB? Prevention: -Better safe than sorry -An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure -A stitch in time saves nine Prevention is better than cure -A stumble may prevent a fall Learning / teaching -Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere -You are never too old to learn -You can’t teach an old dog new tricks -Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age -Knowledge is power People together “Many hands make light work -No man is an island -Union is strength Birds of a feather flock together -A problem shared is a problem halved -Grief divided is made lighter Action -Where there is a will ,there is a way The first step is the hardest ~The early bird catches the worm -A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush -Better late than never Actions speak louder than words -Facts speak louder than words -You never know what you can until you try -Bvery man is the architect of his own fortune -Necessity is the mother of invention -Need teaches a plan -Never say die -Nothing ventured ,nothing gained -Rome wasn’t built in a day ~The pen is mightier than the sword -Gardens are not made by sitting in the shade -Never put off till tomorrow what can be today -One man trash is another's man treasure -It takes all sorts to make a world Love -Love is blind Differences ‘Time Variety is the spice of life -Time has wings One man’s meat is another man’s poison —_| -time is money -time and tide wait for no man -good and quick seldom meet Money -An empty purse frightens away friends -A fool and his money are soon parted -Money doesn't grow on trees -Money is the root of all evil ‘The more you have,the more you want Habits /Travelling -When in Rome,do as the Romans do News -Bad news travel fast -No smoke without fire Appearances -Don’t judge a book by its cover -All that glitters is not gold -Beauty is only skin deep. -Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ~Clothes don’t make the man, Hard times POSITIVE ‘NEGATIVE -Where there is life,there is hope -A smooth sea never made s skilled mariner Every cloud has a silver lining -Every rose has its thorn -Itis always darkest before the dawn Health -Health is better than wealth -You are what you eat -An apple a day keeps the doctor away Justice -Justice delayed is justice denied Friends -True friends are tested in adversity Family -Blood is thicker than water ike father , like son -the best things in life are free -truth is stranger than fiction SELECTIVIDAD WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS TO STRUCTURE YOUR ESSAY It is about, +the controversial issue of ... (environmental pollution) Tt deals with Talking about Regarding As regards As far os (pollution) is concerned The text refers to The text (passage) points out thot The text mentions that The text says thot My point of view on the subject is that Ipersonolly / honestly think that T totally agree with ... (the view that.) T sincerely believe that .. As far as Tim concerned From my point of view My opinion is thet According to the writer / recent statistics / modern research / opinion polls / the press / the media I's said / thought / believed thot The outhor states / suggests / explains / criticises (E must soy) I don't agree (at all) with T strongly disagree with, Thate the ide of Tm totally in favour of using / the use of Thate the ideo of using / the use of The only wey to solve the problem would be We should do our best to . The reason for this is thet The reason why this happens is thot This is because of the fact that This is due to the fect that This can be explained by the fact that Owing ta the fact that This hes been caused by Actually Infact ‘Asa matter of fact To tell the truth The fact is There is no doubt that Undoubtedly T's (rather / quite) obvious that T's quite clear that It's needless to say thet People are interested in People are concerned about People care about People complain about Tom (not) aware of the problem of Tam conscious of the problem of / in First / Firstly / To begin with / First of all / In the first place Above all Then Secondly In addition to that ... / On top of thet .../ Besides thet As well as being ... (harmful, smoking is ..) ‘And what is more Furthermore, (On the other hand . However, Nevertheless. On the contrary, Tr's quite the opposite People / The public are wrong to believe thet. People / The public are mistaken when People / The public are mislaid when People / The public are intoxicated with People / The public are brainwashed by Generally / In general (On the whole Particularly / In particular In some cases On some occasions / Occasionally / From time to time / Now and again Te sum it oll up / To finish off T think that urgent measures should be taken to try ond stop Tm sure that the only possible solution is / would be to We should try our best to make the man in the street understand that / realise that We should try our best to make the Government understond that / realise thot Twould like governments to spend more money on Twould like governments to help T would like governments to reduce the level of, Twould like governments to pay more attention to Twould like governments to be aware of Twould like governments to end with... / to ban ‘As soon as possible ot once in the neor Future by the year 2000 due to public demand ato peace conference . after endless talks discussions at © summit meeting A short-term policy A long-term policy It's true thet Let's not forget The main idea In conclusion .. Finally What's more In spite of the fact that Moreover Whereas As long as Unless ‘AS for os T know By this T dor't mean Tmin favour of Thave seid previously 4s Thave already said Logically speaking We have just seen that As usual Let us observe moreover Tan also affirm that At first it oppears that Twant to emphasise the fect that Consequently it is possible to ask why So it can be understood that For this reason it seems logical to To sum up From this it can be deduced thot From thet it con be inferred that So it con be understood that CONNECTORS This is a very general term used here to include useful words and phrases which introduce clauses. 1 .although, in spite of, despite a Although he fell heavily, he wasn’t hurt (although + verb) b In spite of falling heavily, he wasn’t hurt (in spite of noun) In spite of his heavy fall c Despite falling heavily he wasn't hurt (despite + noun) Despite his heavy fall., since, because a He didn’t go to the meeting, as he wasn’t interested b He didn’t go to the meeting, since he wasn't interested c He didn’t go to the meeting, because he wasn’t interested There is no real difference in meaning, 3. in order to, so as to, so that a They bought a cow, in order to have fresh milk b. They bought a cow, so as to have fresh milk ¢ They bought a cow, so that they could have fresh milk The most common negative is so as not to: d They took raincoats so as not to get wet Note: in order not to is also possible 4as if, as though. a He speaks as if/as though he knows what he is talking about (he does) b He gives people orders as if he were Napoleon (he isn’t!) 5. the (comparative)... the (comparative)... a The fatter people are, the slower they run b The more tired I am, the more unhappy I become 6 except for, apart from a Except for John, everyone arrived on time (John not included) b Apart from John,... (john not included) Apart from being late, John was also rude ( as well as) 7 while, whereas Sue is good at running, while/whereas Jane is good at jumping This is a formal contrast. EXERCISES 1 Put an appropriate word or phrase . 1 She looks she hasn’t slept for a week. 2-He crossed the road _ have to talk to them 3 They go everywhere by bus, we always travel by train 4 The doctor decided not to operate, nothing could be done. 5s _ there was little hope, she didn’t give up. 6 The you walk, the “you will get home 7 She lent me some money could buy a new bike 8 He couldn't write the test he hadn’t brought his pen. 9 He managed to paint the house the bad weather. 10 of fecling unhappy, she managed to enjoy the party. VW Apa feeling a bit dizzy, she says she’s a lot better 12 Cats have a liking for fish, dogs seem to prefer meat. I think she is a little 13 She says she isn’t nervou 2 Rewrite each sentence, without changing the meaning, beginning as given. 1 He got caught in the rain, but he didn’t get very wet. Despite 2 Hie wanted to talk to her, so he phoned her. He phoned her so_ 3 Janet was the only one who made any mistakes No one 4 [know you don’t like sweets so I won't offer you one. Since _ 51 didn’t want to waste time, so I started immediately, f started immediately so__ j 6. If book is short I read it quickly. The shorter 7 Lwon't asic you in, because it’s late. AS 8.The only one who knew her phone number was Sam. Apart 9 In spite of hurting her foot, she managed to climb the mountain. Although, 10 Hee couldn't repair the radio without a screwdriver. In order to, 11 He appears to need a good meal. He looks as 12 Although P'm in Favour, Sebastian doesn’t agree. T’m in favour, while 13 Tt was raining, but we went there on foot. In spite 14 The only thing I forgot to buy was the butter. Tremembered 15 Although it was snowing, I went for a long walk. - Twas «Rewrite the following sentences using the connector in brackets. 1 Teabel apologised several times. Nevertheless, Paur wouldnt speals {0 her. (out) 2, We decided to walk even though it was raining. (in spite of) 3. Roger works very hard to help his parents. He's also a good student. (In addition) (two different sentences) 4, Ym keen on Ice cream. In addition, I'm keen on chocolate. (as well as) 5, You're late again. Furthermore, you haven't brought your books. (and) Connectors of Addition and Contrast Read the pairs of sentences below. Which pair expresses similar ideas? Which pair expresses contrasting ideas? 1. Their team has got the best players. Moreover, their coach is fantastic. 2. Their team has got the best players. Nevertheless, they lost the last game. CONNECTORS OF ADDITION: in addition, furthermore, moreover, as well as, also, and CONNECTORS OF CONTRAST: however, nevertheless, on the one hand / on the other hand, in spite of / despite, although /even though, but Choose the correct connector: 1. Lorena seems to be quite clever. ......., she often gets low marks 2. The service at this restaurant is excellent, the food is delicious. 3. I've never been to Argentina, .........having relatives there. 4, Jordi is a careful driver. ... he’s had several accidents. 5. Cristina loves playing sport, ........ she’s not very good at it. 6. Anna is talented at music.......... art. ‘Some connectors have got similar meanings but are followed by different structures. Despite and in spite of are followed by a nour phrase or a gerund. We did not wear coats despite the cold weather. I tried to look happy in spite of feeling terrible. Even though and although are followed by a clause. My car constantly needs repairs even though it’s new. My cousin and I aren’t very close, although we're the same age. © Choose the correct connector. 1. We're studying now . ...there's an interesting film on TV. 2. Td like to talk to you.. 3 .. her efforts, she failed the exam. 4. ...we were having difficulties, we felt optimistic. 5. We didn't win the game .. all all our hard work. I know you're busy. * Connectors are usually written in specific places in a sentence: At the beginning of a sentence: in addition, furthermore, morover, howevrr, nevertheless, on the one hand, on the other hand. Either at the beginning or in the middle: despite, in spite of, although, even though. Only in the middle of a sentence: and, but, also, as well as © Rewrite the following sentences using the connector in brackets. 1. Isabel apologised several times. Nevertheless, Pau wouldn't speak to her. (but) 2. We decided to walk even though it was raining. (in spite of) 3. Roger works very hard to help his parents. He’s also a good student. (In addition) (Two different sentences) 4, I'm keen on Ice cream. In addition, I'm keen on chocolate. (as well as) 5. You're late again. Furthermore, you haven't brought your books. (and) 6. On the one hand, I'd love to come. On the other hand, I really haven't got the time. (However) 7. Rome is a great place to visit, but it has got terrible traffic problems. (despite) 2 Rewrite each sentence, without changing the meaning, beginning as given. 1 He got caught in the rain, but he didn’t get very wet Despite, 2. He wanted to talk to her, so he phoned her. He phoned her so 3 Janet was the only one who made any mistakes. No one, 4 [know you don’t like sweets so I won't offer you one. Since _ 51 didn’t want to waste time, so I started immediately. Tstarted immediately so_ 6. If book is short I read it quickly. ‘The shorter 7 Lwon’t ask you in, because it’s late AS 8. The only one who knew her phone number was Sam. Apart. 9/In spite of hurting her foot, she managed to climb the mountain, Although, 10 He couldn't repair the radio without a screwdriver. In order to 11 He appears to need a good meal He looks as 12 Although P'm in favour, Sebastian doesn’t agree T'min favour, while 13 It was raining, but we went there on foot In spite 14 The only thing I forgot to buy was the butter. I remembered 15 Although it was snowing, I went for a long walk. - Itwas A For and Against Essay CONNECTORS OF ADDITION, CONTRAST AND EXAMPLE, Choose the correct answer. Gabe's salary ist very high. Nevertheless, / Moreover, / For exampl he enjoys his job. ‘There are plenty of things I don't ike about Nancy, such as / as well as / despite the fact that she's quite spot. We often eat out while / even though / in spite of my parents are excellent cooks. ''m under a lat of pressure because of exams. 've also /In addition / although got a big athletics tournament next ‘month, 4, 4, 2 3 4 | '5, My parents often help me. In contrast, / Despite this, / For instance, my mum lent me her car today. 6, Furthermore / However / In addltion tothe guided tour, the fee includes a lunch at a restaurant. 2, These sentences are taken from different for and against essays. Write where they belong: (0 (in the opening), B (in the body) oF C (In the closing). v.41, To sum up, | ee! that puting people in prison does not help solve crime, 2, On the one hang, limiting the number of cars in the town centre would be inconvenient to the town’s residents. 3, Its true that people who take part in realty TV programmes such as Survivor and Big Brother sometimes win instant fame, 4, The question is, should mare practical subjects be added to our educational programme? ..5. Inconclusion, more and more people today use vitamins and other food supplements. AVOIDING RUN-ON SENTENCES 3, Correct the run-on sentences below. Use a full stop and a capital letter or a connector. Make any other necessary changes. There may be more than one correct answer. 41, We fnished the work on time, it was dificult. 2 Lillian was driving too fast and she went round a bend and last control ofthe car 3. Alan hired a personal paparazzo, he wanted to fee ke a celebrity 4. Jack called me and told me he wanted to break up and | got upset. 5. We rested fora while, we continued to walk. (Wiwronts2 Phomocopiable 60 Rvinw &

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