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Based on The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

(AAO-HNS), tonsillitis operation (Tonsillectomy) should be done if it meets the

following requirements:
Tonsils (tonsillectomy) is large to cause respiratory problems, severe swallow
pain, sleep disorders or complications have occurred cardiopulmonary diseases.
Peritonsiler abscess (Peritonsillar abscess) that does not improve with
treatment. And enlarged tonsils that result in growth disorders face or mouth
which is documented by dentists oral surgery.
Tonsillitis resulting in febrile seizures.
Tonsils are estimated to require a tissue biopsy to determine the tissue
pathological features.
If you're having Tonsillitis 3 times or more in one year and did not respond as
expected with adequate medical treatment.
Bad breath or bad breath odors that persist in chronic tonsillitis that does not
improve with treatment.
Chronic or recurrent tonsillitis Tonsillitis suspected carrier streptococcus
bacteria that do not show a positive repon to treatment with antibiotics.
Enlarged tonsils on one side (unilateral) associated with suspected malignancy
There are some circumstances that are contraindicated do tonsil surgery
because when it is done there can be complications in patients, even threatening
death. The state is hematologic disorders, allergy-immunologic disorders and
acute infections. Contraindicated in hematologic abnormalities are anemia,
disturbance 'in hemostasis systems and lekemi. In the allergy-immunologic
disorders such as allergic diseases of the respiratory tract, should not be done
tonsillectomy when treatment is less than 6 months unless there are symptoms
of obstruction due to enlarged tonsils. Tonsil surgery as the originator of the
asthma attacks have been reported. Tonsillectomy is also not done if there is an
acute infection of local, except when accompanied by upper airway obstruction.
Tonsillectomy should only be done after a minimum of 23 weeks free of acute
infection. In addition, a tonsillectomy is not done on systemic diseases such as
uncontrolled diabetes or pulmonary heart disease

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