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Black Holes

Well a black hole is where gravity is 2-3x the normal rate this causes matter to
turn into time which can not be seen without a ultraspectrometer microscope.
Hence why we call it "black" since time cant be seen and matter is turned the ti
me spirals like a slinky in a whirlpool.
When the matter gets converted theres another factor to consider there are anti
ions in the atom.
This means the electrons are the center and the larger proton neutrino orbit the
electron this is why gravity is 2-3x sometimes even 4x the normal rate.
The reversed atom also reflects photons into the other universe.
We have only proven there is one other universe we get our time from its matter
in its black holes and our matter gives the other universe photons which is why
there space is White and there stars are black.
Also in the other universe there are no atoms only what we call condensed photon
s. These condensed photons weigh a mere fraction of our atoms but have many simi
lar properties.
The condensed photons move at 1/7 the speed of light, causing them to appear as
ripples when we look through the black hole which is kind of like a star from th
e other universe.
But when one of our black holes collapses it produces dozens of miniture nebulas
such as the great lion one. this nebula produces our planets and stars. Well ba
ck to the black hole and time particles.
We have recently been able to convert the time particles back into two types of
matter. White and Dark matter. We believe the dark matter is responsible for suc
h phenomena such as the speed of light tripling. but only if the time particle i
s 3 times smaller than a quark.
Well anyway the black hole is basically a warp or blitz into our alternate but v
ery active other universe. We exchange our matter via black holes for them to ha
ve time. And they have the white ones which they exchange time ions for us to ha
ve light and gravity.

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