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Cellular respiraton
-Breakdown of glucose to CO2 and H2O
-Multiple reactions in 3 "phases"
*Pyruvate oxidation and Krebs cycle
*Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation (chemiosmosis)
PHASE ONE GLycolosis
-"GLyco"=sugar + "lysis"= breaking/splitting
-Starts with a 6-carbon sugar (glucose), ends with two 3-carbon molecules (pyruv
-Pathway is actually endergonic up to production of the first 3-carbon molecules
(uses cell's store of ATP)
*Takes an investment of energy to make even more energy
-Occurs in the cytoplasm of ALL living ceclls
-2 steps are endergonic, 3 steps are exergonic
-Problems with phase:
*Molecules are still not at their lowest energy state
-Ex. Energy is still in pyruvate molecules
*Some of our energy is being held in HADH
*NAD+ is being used up and not replaced
If oxygen is present, cells will undergo aerobic respiration
If oxygen is absent, but an alternate terminal excetron accept exists, cell go a
naerobic respiration
If oxygen is obsent and no terminal electron acceptor exists, cells will go ferm
Aerobic respiration:
-Carbon source (2 molecules of pyruvate) completely converted to CO2
*Pyruvate molecules first converted to acetyl-CoA, which enters Krebs cyce
*All C-H bonds converted to C-O bonds (6 CO2 released)
-More energy transerred to NAD+ and FAD (makes more NADH and FADH2)
-Another SLP reaction in Krebs cycle (GTP is ATP analog)
-Occurs in mitochonfria in eukaryotes; cytoplasm and plasma membrane in prokaryo
A mitochondria has two membrane, inner and outer
-Outer membrane: typical protein %, porins (like a straw, lets anything in that'
s small enough)
-Intermembrane space (IMS): composition of ions and small molecules is the same
as the cytoplasm
-Innr membrane: principle sit of ATP generation, less than 7-% protein (no porin
s), impenetrable to
ions and small molecules except by transporters
Matrix: Krebs enzymes, DNA and ribosomes
PHASE TWO: Pryvate oxidation and krebs cycle

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