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A new light falls upon France with the change of century! I knew my God would take
care of me and ensure my safety. First my escape from the guillotine, and now, the angel
Bonaparte that the Lord has sent down to save us. Napoleon Bonaparte has spoken before us,
just as we had once preached to the masses. He ensured us that Catholicism should be the only
true religion of France and he is willing to fight and die to support this belief. Our efforts of
loyalty to our religion have proved prosperous. Although many honest men of our faith have
either died or been forced into the dark by the hands of the revolutionaries, our religion has
pulled through. A tenth of our once faithful servants of God have wed themselves and parted
ways with the church. This church, has been bound and beaten by the chains and whips of the
atheists, but has risen never the less.
Napoleons support makes all the difference to the church. The majority of France
supports his ideas and therefore they will soon learn to love the church once more. Bonaparte is
a true man of God. He believes that the state cannot be run without moral restrictions
restrictions that can only be imposed through the churchs teachings. While we once saw a great
decline of attendants at each mass, we are beginning to see an equal if not greater increase. The
church sees the leadership qualities in the general and is in support of his decisions. He has
fulfilled our earliest requests and sees eye to eye with the church. Napoleon stated on the fifth of
June that he plans to enforce punishment upon those who speak out against the church. We have
prevailed through the hardships, and now our loyalty to the church has been rewarded.

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