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Homework 2

The solution here just list the common mistakes and the grade standard for each item in the
homework 2.
1. Critical path, Critical activity (1 point) : A, C, D, E, G
2. Shortest Duration (1 point): length of critical path 38 days(not the shortest path)
3. Slack time (1 point): B(13,17), so slack time for B is 4 days;
F (37, 38) , so slack time for F is 1 day
Other, 0
4. Question d (2 points), Question e (2 points)
The method to reduce the project duration should be considered according to the following rules:
first, reduce the duration of the critical activities. Second, compare the cost of critical activities
and chose the one with the minimum cost. Third, when you reduce the duration of the critical
activities, make sure the critical path does not change. If it changes, you should stop and consider
from the new critical path.
The solution for homework part d is reduced E by 2 days.
The solution for homework part e should be 2100 dollar. The process is: first reduce E by 2 days
(300 dollar), second reduce G by 1 day (250 dollar) (please notice now the critical path changes),
third reduce C by 4 days (1200 dollar)(please notice now the critical path changes), fourth reduce
D by 1 day (350 dollar), and the fourth step also can be reduce G and F by 1 day separately (100
plus 250 equals 350 dollar). Then the total should be the sum of 300, 250, 1200 and 350.
5. Late submission (1 point)

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