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Hi world did it for us history lol

Because I need to pass the class lol sorry

a. Treaty of Rome, 1957

ii. Signed by same six nations in the Schuman Plan the Six
iii. First goal of treaty:
iv. Other goals:
v. EEC encouraged hopes of political and economic union.
vi. Union frustrated in 1960s by resurgence of more traditional nationalism.
vii. The Treaty of Rome alsocreated Euratom (European Atomic Energy Agency)
J. Cold War in the 1950s
1. Korean War: 1950-1953
a. After WWII, Korea divided at 38th parallel: north was Communist, south was not.
b. 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea (supported by Soviet resources)
c. UN sent forces to push back Communists out of South Korea.
d. Initially the Soviets supported North Korea, China also sent hundreds of thousands of troops to support
North Korea
e. Result: cease-fire and border at 38th parallel restored; still in existence today
2. Hydrogen bomb developed by US in 1952 and USSR in 1953: world now has two superpowers
3. Warsaw Pact, 1955
4. U.S. policy of "massive retaliation" 1953-55
i. Failed to liberate Eastern European countries.
c. Policy of brinksmanship is used by the two super power countries.
5. Geneva Summit -- 1955(July)
a. US meets with USSR, Britain, and France to begin discussions on European security and disarmament; no
agreements made
6. 1958, relations sour with
K. Cold War in 1960s

Us history

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