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Mystery Shopping Manual

Copyright 2012 GAPbuster Worldwide Pty Ltd

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Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3
Comments .............................................................................................................................. 3
Section 1 General questions ............................................................................................... 4
Section A: First Impressions ................................................................................................. 4
Section B: Customer Interaction ............................................................................................ 7
Section C: Customer Understanding ..................................................................................... 8
Section D: Convincing the Customer ................................................................................... 10
Section E: Fitting Experience ............................................................................................... 12
Section F: Maximising Opportunities ................................................................................... 13
Section G: Closing the Sale ................................................................................................. 15
Section H: Final Impressions ............................................................................................... 15

Copyright 2012 GAPbuster Worldwide Pty Ltd

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There are two scenarios for the Mystery Shopping programme for adidas.

An Enquiry only scenario

A Purchase scenario

Each requires you to enter the store and make an enquiry about a product/ item of your

But only one scenario also requires you to continue through and make a purchase.

Please note that the purchase is not a requirement for most evaluations, so you will need
to double check the instructions on your paperwork to be sure which scenario you are
required to complete. If you are unsure, please contact the service centre staff who will
be able to advise you.

This manual will take you through the questions you will be required to answer.

It is important that your observations are accurate and that you take careful note of
everything the staff members say to you during your visit to the store.


At the end of each section, you will be asked to provide a comment about your
experience related to that section if you have given a negative response to any of the
questions in the section.

What we are looking for here is the story about what happened and the details of exactly
why you responded to the questions in the way you did.

For instance, if in section A, you respond that you saw staff members busy chatting with
each other and ignoring customers presence, the story might be something like:
I was browsing through the racks near the counter. No one came up to me, but I saw
two staff members (wearing adidas clothing and lanyards) who were talking to each other
and laughing. There were other customers who were also left unattended. It wasnt until
someone went up to them and asked for assistance that the staff members stopped their
private conversation.

Its important that you give us as much detail as possible in these comments. They are of
considerable interest to adidas to help them assess staff training needs, etc..

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Section 1 General questions


When you were FIRST asked about your needs (before any further probing or
prompting) did you:

a) Indicate interest in a specific product? (e.g. Im thinking of buying one of these shirts/
trainers, etc.)
b) Indicate interest in a general product type (e.g. Im looking for a pair of bike shorts/ jeans,
c) Provide only the most general information (e.g. Im looking for a present for my boyfriend/
sister, etc.)
d) Indicate a price range
e) Indicate a colour preference
f) Indicate a style preference
Key Points

This question is trying to find out what happened when the enquiry interaction began. To
some extent this will depend on what the sales persons approach is. For instance, if you
are browsing trainers, after an initial warm up question or remark, the sales person may
move into the sales process by saying something like:

Is there anything I can help you with today?

Were you interested in trying on that pair?
Did you want the trainers for running?
Or a whole other raft of possibilities.

When it comes to how you respond, there is no right or wrong answer, we just want to
understand what happens and why the interaction might proceed in a certain way.

If your first approach after being offered service is that you are just browsing, answer
this question about your response once the enquiry interaction actually starts

Section A: First Impressions

This section is about what happens and what you observe when you first enter the store. You
are not expected to keep all staff under observation at all times during your visit. In fact, once
you are approached for service you should give your attention to the sales person who serves

1. Was at least one sales person visible when you entered the store?
For Yes, at least one sales person must be visible when you enter the store. Answer No if
one or more sales people appear from the back room or elsewhere after you have
entered the store.
When you first enter the store, look around to see if you can identify at least one adidas
staff member.
Sales staff can be identified by:

adidas clothing
adidas lanyard
behaviour serving customers, stocking shelves, etc.

Key Points

Store layout often means that staff are temporarily obscured by shelving, racks, etc.

Please look around carefully before responding No. Staff members may not be right in
front of you, but may still be visible at the side of the stores, near the counters, at racks
with other customers, etc.

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Were all sales people wearing adidas products and a name badge?
All sales people must wear adidas clothing/attire including at least one item that clearly
and obviously displays the adidas branding. They must also wear an adidas lanyard with
name badge.
Sales peoples clothing and shoes must be adidas branded.
If you are unable to see branding on clothing, shoes, etc. you should answer No and
select option a). Only select option b) if a staff member is wearing something that clearly
displays anything other than an adidas brand.
NOTE: If you are approached for service by someone wearing a trainee lanyard/ name
badge you must say you are just browsing and wait for service from a fully trained sales
team member. Your evaluation will not be valid if you are served by a trainee.

Key Points

Adidas sell a range of clothing, not just obvious sports wear. For instance, they sell
jeans, t-shirts, jackets, etc.

Also the type of clothing worn will depend on store type staff at original concept
stores, for instance, may be wearing more street wear styles than those at sports
performance stores.

However, staff members should be wearing at least one item of clothing which is clearly
adidas branded.

Please note if any staff members are wearing any items of clothing or footwear which
display any other branding.

Original Concept

Sports Performance

Staff members should also be wearing a name badge which will be suspended on an
adidas lanyard. The lanyards and name badges may be in slightly different styles for
different store types.

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They may look something like this:


You must make every attempt to get the name from the badge on the lanyard. This will
not always be easy, but in most cases you will be engaged in conversation with the staff
member for several minutes so you should have some opportunity to get the name.


If you are approached by someone wearing a trainee lanyard (see above), you should say
that you are just browsing or similar and wait for another staff member to approach you.
If this doesnt happen within the required time, then you should seek out another staff
member (i.e. someone not wearing a Trainee badge) to complete the evaluation.

If you are half way through your enquiry before you get a proper look at the lanyard and
see it is a trainee, then you should wind up that enquiry, move to another department or
store section and begin again with a different staff member. Your evaluation will be
considered invalid if adidas report to us that the staff member was a trainee.


Did the team members constantly survey the sales floor to check for customers
who may be in need of assistance?
For Yes the sales people/team members must actively move around the sales floor and
be visible to all customers.
Respond to this question based on what you see when you enter the store, before you
engage with a sales staff member. Once you are in discussions with a staff member, you
should give them your full attention.

Key Points

This observation is about what happens during your first few minutes in the store.

The objective is to identify instances where staff are staying secluded behind the counter,
rather than circulating round the sales floor ready to interact and engage with customers.


Were any of the sales staff doing the following:

a) Eating or drinking on the shop floor

b) Using their cell phones
c) Busy chatting with each other and ignoring customers presence
Key Points
Answer Yes if at any time during your visit you see staff engaged in any of these activities.

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Section B: Customer Interaction


Were you greeted / acknowledged with a smile by a sales assistant within 30

seconds of entering the store?
For Yes, the sales person must greet or acknowledge you soon after you enter the store.
Acknowledgement may be smile with eye contact, wave, nod or other welcoming gesture.
If you received a verbal greeting, please make note of what was said.
You should time how long it takes to be greeted from when you entered the store. You
must make note of the type of greeting you received, and if it was verbal you must also
make note of what the sales person said to you.

Key Points

When how long is it before you are acknowledged

How what form does the acknowledgement take? a smile, a wave, a nod, a verbal

What if it is a verbal greeting, exactly what is said

To take this time and other time measures accurately you must use a digital timing
device. We suggest that where possible you use something like the stop watch function
on your phone to record these times.


Did you feel uncomfortable due to too many sales people approaching you or
following you through the store?
Answer Yes if sales staff follow you around or make you feel uncomfortable with too
frequent offers of service.

Key Points

If you are approached for service as soon as you enter the store, it is okay to say you are
just browsing; however you should note the time of approach, for the next question.

If after youve indicated that you want time to look around, staff members seem to
shadow you through the store, or keep approaching you so frequently it makes you feel
pressured or uncomfortable, then answer Yes to this question and include a comment at
the end of the section to explain what happened.


How long did it take before you were initially approached by a sales person?
Time from when you enter the store until you are first approached by a sales person
offering to assist you.
If it is more than a few minutes, look around as if seeking assistance. If you are still not
offered service, then approach a staff member after 5 minutes.

Key Points

Even if your response to the first offer of service is that you are just browsing or similar,
you should note here the time of the first approach and how long it was from when you
entered the store.

If you are not approached within a couple of minutes you should send help signals
look around, pick up an item and study it, etc.

If you are not approached at all for service, or if there is a delay after your initial just
browsing response before you are re-approached, you should seek out a staff member
after 5 minutes.

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Were you initially approached with an open, friendly and natural question?
Answer Yes if sales person approaches you with a relaxed general question or remark
either about something neutral like the weather or current sporting events, or with a
general question about what you are looking at. Examples might be:

Have you been watching the Olympics/ Asian Cup/ Tour de France, etc?;

Did you see theyre expecting even more rain this weekend, etc?

Did you know that those are our most popular trainers/ tennis shoes/ track pants,

What type of neckline do you prefer?

Answer No if the initial approach is a more direct question about your needs, such as
Were you looking for a v-neck shirt? or similar. Or if the sales person on first
approaches simply asks if they can help you.
Key Points

This question and the one immediately before should be answered about the same

Like the one before, this question should be answered about the initial approach that was
made to you, even if you respond to that initial approach that you are just looking or

Section C: Customer Understanding


Name of staff member who served you:

Please get the name of the staff member who serves you.

Key Points

As stated earlier, it is very important that you accurately record the name of the person
who handles your enquiry.

If you cant get the name from their name badge, you may be able to ask them for their
name in case you have any more questions, come back later to buy, etc.

If for any reason you are unable to get the name, please explain the reasons fully in the
comment at the end of the section.

You will also need to get a detailed description of the staff member.


Did the sales person inquire about what kind of product you were interested in or
what you were looking for?
For Yes, the staff member must ask you about what you are interested in or looking for.
Answer No if, after initial approach, sales person just waits for you to say what you are
looking for.
Answer No if sales person just starts talking about product you have been looking at
without confirming thats what you are actually interested in today.

Key Points

This may happen right at the beginning of the interaction or after a minute or two of more
general chat

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If the sales person starts the interaction with a more general comment/ question, allow
them the opportunity to lead into the sale by asking questions about what your are looking
for, etc.

If the sales person just assumes that the product you have been browsing is the reason
you came into the store today, answer No. However, if they ask a question to confirm
your interest by saying something like, So youre interested a pair of bike shorts? etc.,
then answer Yes,


Did the adidas sales person ask at least one follow up question to identify your
For Yes, the staff member must ask you at least one follow-up question about the
product(s) you are interested in. E.g. if you are looking for running gear; You said you are
looking for running gear. Do you prefer long sleeves or short sleeves?.
Answer No if sales person immediately makes recommendation or offers a product with
no further follow-up questions.

Key Points

This question would normally follow straight on from the initial what are you interested in
today? question.

However, this question could take place while the sales person is showing you some
items. For instance, if you say that you are interested in a track suit, the sales person
may take you to the rack and show you a couple of styles and then ask questions to
determine when you would be wearing it, or what colour you prefer, etc.

Only answer No if the sales person makes no attempt to narrow down your needs or


Was the sales person actively listening to you by showing any of the following
communication skills during the interaction?
For Yes, the sales person must display one or more of the acceptable communication
skills to show you that they were listening to you.

Key Points

The sales person may demonstrate active listening by doing any of the following:


Maintaining relaxed and prolonged eye contact

Nodding to confirm

Giving his/her full attention


You should answer No if you feel the sales person is not giving you their full attention or
if they seem distracted or as if they are not listening to you

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Did you feel that the sales person understood your needs?
For Yes, you must feel like the staff member understood your needs perfectly.
Answer No if the sales person seems to rush into recommending a product or if you feel
they didnt ask enough questions or really listen to your answers.

Key Points

Remember the sales person isnt a mind reader. Its important that when questioned you
respond naturally and give them enough information. You dont have to give all
information in answer to the first question asked, but you should be prepared to freely
discuss your needs and preferences when asked.

For instance, if you are looking at a light waterproof jacket, and are asked whether you
wanted it for anything in particular, you might say that you need something you can wear
when youre out on your bike. That allows the sales person ask further questions about
whether you cycle to work, etc. However, if they then ask what sort of cycling you do,
you should freely discuss this without expecting them to ask questions about every little

Try to make the interaction as natural as possible.

Remember to take careful note of everything the sales person says as well as exactly
what questions they ask, etc.

Section D: Convincing the Customer


Did the sales person show you items that were related to your needs?
For Yes, the sales person must show you items that were related to the needs you
specified during your conversation.
Answer Yes if the salesperson shows you at least one item that matches your stated
needs OR explains why they cant and shows an alternative.
Answer No if the salesperson doesnt show you a specific item or if the item shown
doesnt match your needs and no explanation is provided.

Key Points

Sales person should be able to show you at least one item that matches the needs youve
told them about

However, if they cant show you an exact match for your needs but offer an alternative,
please answer Yes.

For instance, you might say that you are looking for a pale blue tennis shirt in a particular
style. If the sales person explains that the particular style doesnt come in pale blue and
offers you another colour in that style, or a pale blue shirt in a different style, you should
answer Yes.


While the sales person was showing you products, did he/she:

a) Show any FAB - features, advantages and benefits?

b) Mention a unique selling point?
Key Points

Features, advantages and benefits are things like has air holes to allow it to breathe, is
really light to wear, supports your ankles as well as cushioning your foot.

Unique selling point refers to things like designed especially for adidas,
PUREMOTION midsole mimics the natural stability, efficiency and rapid reaction time

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of the bare foot (refers specifically to the technology and how it works). Staff member
may also mention a particular designer such as Jeremy Scott.

Remember to listen carefully to what the sales person tells you about each of the
products they show you and listen for this type of information.


Did the sales person encourage you to feel, touch and/ or hold the product?

Key Points

Answer Yes:

if the sales person encourages you to feel or touch the product,

if they hand it to you, or offer to

if they encourage you to try it on

For instance, the sales person might say, Feel how light these are? or See how soft
the fabric is or similar.

Answer No if they just say these are very light or the fabric used is really soft without
encouraging you to feel for yourself.


Was the information given by the staff relevant to your needs and easy to

Key Points

Answer Yes if the information relates to the needs you discussed with the sales person
and is easy to understand and free from jargon, etc.

For instance, if you are looking for trainers to wear playing basketball and said you
needed something light but with a good grip on the court. The sales person might
recommend a pair and say These are really light only 270 grams. And the special
ripple pattern on the sole gives good non-slip grip.

Answer No if the information does not relate to your needs, or if the sales person uses
jargon or technical terms without explaining them.

For instance, in relation to your search for basketball shoes, the sales person might say
These weigh 270 grams and have sprint frame and sprint web stability. If they dont go
on to explain what these terms mean, you should answer No.


Did the sales person mention any promotions / special offers?

Sales person should mention a promotion and / or special offer.

Key Points

Listen carefully to see if the sales person mentions any sort of promotion or special offer.

Read your evaluation paperwork carefully to see if it mentions what the promotions/
special offer might be at that time.

These promotions and special offers may not relate directly to adidas. For example, the
current promotion might be for a particular credit or debit card, etc.

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Section E: Fitting Experience


Did the sales person recommend/encourage you to try on the product?

Answer Yes if the salesperson in any way encourages you to try on the product by e.g.
saying Would you like to try that on? Perhaps it will be easier to choose if you try them
on If you try them on you will really feel the difference Would you like me to fetch your
size so you can try them on?, etc.

Key Points

Remember, there are different ways they can lead into this suggestion.

You MUST try on at least one item of clothing or footwear.


Did the sales person lead you to the fitting room or footwear fitting couch?

Key Points

If the sales person suggests that you try on the item you should agree.

The sales person should then lead you to the fitting room or footwear fitting couch

Answer No if the sales person just directs you to the fitting room or the fitting couch, e.g.
by saying If you go and sit down over there, I will fetch the right size for you.

If the sales person does not suggest that you try the item on, you should request to do so

Remember, though, to leave time for the sales person to make the suggestion before you


Was the fitting room or footwear couch clean and comfortable?

Key Points

You must be prepared to try on at least one item, even for the enquiry scenario.

You should check the couch or the fitting room to see if it is free from dirt and stains.
Answer No if there is litter in the fitting rooms or dirty marks on the mirror, etc.

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Was the fitting room/ footwear couch free when you first went there?

Answer No if you have to wait for a free fitting room, of if there is no room on the
footwear fit couch for you to sit comfortably.


If the fitting room/ footwear couch was not free, how long did you have to wait?

Key Points

Timing Point: Time from when you approached the fitting room, footwear couch, till you
could enter the room/ find a seat on the couch.


Did the sales person assist you during the fitting experience by checking if you
required additional size or styles and ask you how the product feels, fits and

Key Points

Answer Yes if at any point the sales person checks back with you to see if you need any
assistance, or to ask if you are happy with how the product looks and feels.

Answer No if the sales person hasnt returned to check with you by the time you have
tried on the item and re-dressed in your own clothes/ shoes

Section F: Maximising Opportunities


Did the sales person offer an alternative to your selection if the product was not
Answer NA if your selected product was available in the desired colour and required size.
Answer Yes if the salesperson offers you an alternative but similar product or a different

Key Points

This might happen at any point during the interaction if your exact preference isnt

Answer NA if your preferred item is available in the correct size and colour.


Did the sales person offer you complementary or additional items to complement
your selection?
Answer Yes if the salesperson offers complementary or additional items.
E.g., if you are buying trainers, salesperson might offer socks or laces. If you are buying
backpack, or walking gear, salesperson might offer drink bottle, etc.

Key Points

Sales person may do this indirectly For example, they may ask if you have a water
bottle, or what type of water bottle you use, etc.

Or they may ask if you need extra laces.

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Answer No if they make no attempt to interest you in additional or complementary


This may happen at the same time as the promotional offer if the promotion is something
like this month you get half price off socks when you buy trainers, etc.


Did the sales person offer you higher priced or more premium products to suit your
Answer Yes if at any point the salesperson mentions a higher priced item. This may
happen when they make the initial recommendation, especially if they discuss the
features and benefits and explain why a higher priced option might suit you better.

Key Points

Take careful note of the prices of the items offered/ recommended

May use terms like top of the range or best quality; please listen carefully

Sales person may not initially mention price difference, but they should mention the
improved features and benefits of the higher priced item


Was the sales person able to positively react to your objection?

No matter whether you are doing a purchase or enquiry scenario, you should raise an
objection based on suitability or price or personal preference, etc.

Key Points

The objection at this stage should be related to something about the product itself.
Perhaps colour or fit or style. (It should NOT be anything that is simply intended to defer
or refuse the sale like I need to think about, I might come back later, etc. - This type of
objection will come later for the Enquiry scenario only.)

This might happen during the fitting room interaction if the staff member checks back to
see if you are happy with the product or in need of assistance

Remember, it is at this point that the sales person might mention an alternate product, or
a more expensive product

The point of this question is that the sales person should offer a solution to your
objection either to reassure you that the fit looks good, etc., or to offer you an

Please try to remember exactly what was said and provide a full comment covering all of
these questions at the end of this section.

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Section G: Closing the Sale


Did the sales person ask you if you want to purchase the product in a nonpressuring manner?
E.g. Would you like me to take this to the cashier for you?, etc.
If you are doing an Enquiry scenario (i.e. you are not required to make a purchase) it is at
this point that you should indicate that you are not ready to purchase saying something
like e.g. Im not sure its exactly what I want, I think I need to think about it a little more,
I might come back and get it later, etc.

Key Points

Sales person should ask for the sale in a relaxed and non-pressuring way.

They may ask if you would like them to take the item to the cashier, they may ask how
you would like to pay, etc.

If you are doing an Enquiry Only scenario, at this point you should raise your second
objection related to the actual purchase. For example you might say something like, Im
still not sure, I think I need to think about it a little more.


After telling the sales person that you were not taking the product, did he/she:


Maintain a friendly and kind behaviour?

Try to understand your reasons for not buying the product?
Try to overcome your objections?
Suggest an alternative item?
Suggest to think about it and come back?

Key Points

Sales person should remain friendly.

They should gently attempt to overcome your objection by, for example, offering you an
alternative product.

If they cant do this, they should suggest that you think about it and perhaps come back

Section H: Final Impressions


Did the cashier/sales person offer you to join a loyalty program?

This may be done at any time.

Key Points

This offer may be made at any time. However, please note that it is not to be confused
with the promotions and special offers question.

For example, if the sales person says, If you join our loyalty programme you will get
rewards points for any purchase made today, this would not count as a special offer.

Loyalty programme is called 3 Stripes Card.

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Did you have to wait in a long queue? If yes, did the staff acknowledge your
waiting time?
Answer NA if you did not have to wait in a queue.


Did the sales person and cashier thank you and say farewell?

Key Points

If you are making an enquiry, this applies only to the sales person who handled your

If you are doing a purchase scenario, you should note this for both the sales person and
the cashier.

The sales person must thank you and say farewell. For instance, may say something like,
Goodbye, thanks for shopping with us/ visiting us today., Bye now, thanks for visiting
us today., etc.

Answer No if they only do one and not the other.


Did any of the staff invite you to return to the store?

This could be the sales person, the cashier or any of the team members that you pass as
you are leaving the store.

Key Points

Staff member may say something like Hope to see you again soon, Please come back
and see us, etc.

This could happen at any time as you make your way towards the exit.

It may be the sales person or the cashier, but it might just be a staff member that you
walk past as you are leaving

Any of these are sufficient for a Yes response.

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H s hng dn mua sm b mt

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Page 1

Mc lc
Phn gii thiu ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Li nhn xt .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Phn 1 Nhng cu hi tng qut..4
Phn A: Nhng n tng ban u...4
Phn B: S giao tip vi khch hng..8
Phn C: S am hiu khch hng.9

Phn D: Thuyt phc khch hng11

Phn E: Kinh nghim th sn phm13
Phn F: Ti a ho cc c hi.15
Phn G: Hon thnh cuc bun bn..16
Phn H: n tng sau cng.17

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Page 2

Phn gii thiu

C tt c 2 loi kch bn trong chng trnh MUA SM B MT cho Adidas

Kch bn Ch Hi Thng Tin

Kch bn Mua Hng

Trong mi kch bn, bn u cn phi vo ca hng v hi thng tin v mt loi mt

hng/ sn phm theo s la chn ca bn.

Nhng ch c 1 kch bn yu cu bn phi tip tc bc k tip v tht s mua sn


Xin lu : Hu nh trong cc kch bn mua sm, vic mua sn phm khng phi lc no
cng bt buc. V th bn cn phi xem xt h s hng dn tht k lng nm chc
nhng yu cu m bn phi lm theo. Nu c thc mc, xin hy lin h nhn vin cng ty
chng ti , h s gii p cc thc mc ca bn.

H s hng dn ny s cho bn thy cc cu hi bn s phi tr li

S quan st ca bn cng nh ch nh tt c nhng iu cc nhn vin ca hng

ni vi bn trong bui mua sm/ tham quan l rt quan trng.

Li nhn xt

Trong cc phn m cu tr li c hng tiu cc, ti on cui ca cc phn ny, bn

c yu cu cho bit vi nhn xt v tri nghim ca mnh

Nhng g chng ti quan tm l : chi tit nhng s vic din ra v nguyn nhn
ng sau cu tr li ca bn

V d nh: nu trong phn A, bn cho bit bn nhn thy cc nhn vin ang bn rn tr
chuyn vi nhau v l i s hin din ca khch hng, cu chuyn c th nh sau:
Trong lc ti ngm nhn, xem hng/ cc k hng gn quy thu ngn. Khng mt ai n
tip cn ti, nhng ti nhn thy 2 nhn vin (mc o qun v dy eo hiu Adidas) h
ang ni ci vi nhau. C vi khch hng khc cng trong tnh trng b pht l i. H
ch ngng cuc tr chuyn c nhn khi c khch hng i n v hi s gip .

Xin hy cho nhn xt cng chi tit cng tt. iu ny rt quan trng. Adidas rt quan tm
n nhn xt ca bn h c th c nh cc yu t khi hun luyn nhn vin ca
mnh, v.v.

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Page 3

Phn 1 Nhng cu hi tng qut

1. XG1. Khi LN U bn c hi v nhu cu ca mnh (trc khi bn nhc/
gi thm cho nhn vin bn hng vin iu g) bn :
a) T ra quan tm n mt sn phm c bit no khng? (v d: Ti ang mun
mua mt trong s nhng o s mi/ giy th thao ny, v.v)
b) T ra quan tm n mt sn phm chung chung no khng? (v d: Ti ang tm
mua mt chic qun st ngn chy xe p/qun jeans, v.v)
c) Cung cp thng tin tng qut (v d: Ti ang tm mua qu tng bn trai/ch
d) Cho bit mc gi m bn quan tm
e) Cho bit mu sc m bn a thch

Cho bit kiu dng m bn a thch

Nhng im chnh:

Cu hi ny dng tm hiu nhng vic din ra khi s giao tip, hi thng tin bt
u.Vo tng tnh hung, iu ny ty thuc vo phng thc tip cn ca nhn vin
bn hng. V d nh: nu bn nhn ngm giy tp th thao, sau khi cho hi x giao, bt
chuyn c ch , nhn vin bn hng c th tip n bc bn hng, qua cc li nh:

Ti c th gip g cho bn hm nay khng?

Bn c mun th sn phm y khng?

Bn mun dng giy tp cho vic chy b ?

Hoc cc cu hi tng t

Trong cch bn tr li cu hi, khng c cu tr li no l sai hay ng, chng ti ch

mun hiu nhng g din ra v nguyn nhn dn dt qu trnh giao tip ca bn

Xin cho cu tr li da trn s giao tip ca bn vi nhn vin bn hng chnh thc (
khng phi nhn vin hc vic. Nu lc u bn c nhn vin thc tp gip , bn
hy ni ch mun xem hng).

Phn A: Nhng n Tng Ban u

Phn ny nghing v nhng g din ra v nhng iu bn nhn thy ngay khi bc vo ca
hng. Bn khng cn phi ch quan st ton b nhn vin tng giy tng pht trong bui
mua sm. Tht ra, t lc c tip cn, bn nn hon ton tp trung vo nhn vin bn hng
ang tip bn.


Bn c thy nhn vin bn hng no khi mi bc vo ca hng khng?

tr li C, bn phi nhn thy c t nht mt nhn vin bn hng khi bn mi bc

vo ca hng. Tr li l Khng nu mt hoc nhiu nhn vin bn hng ch xut hin t
phng pha sau hoc ni no mt lc sau khi bn bc vo ca hng.
Khi bn ln u tin vo ca hng, hy nhn xung quanh xem bn c th xc nh
c t nht mt nhn vin bn hng adidas.
Nhn vin bn hng c th c xc nh bi:
Qun o ca Adidas
Dy eo ca Adidas
Hnh vi - phc v khch hng, ang xp hng ln k , v.v.

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Nhng im chnh:

Cch b tr ca ca hng thng c th lm cc nhn vin tm thi b che khut bi

k, t , quy hng, v.v.

Xin hy nhn xung quanh tht k cng trc khi a ra cu tr li l Khng. Cc

nhn vin c th khng trc mt bn, nhng bn vn c th nhn thy t bn
hng ca hng, gn quy hng, quy thu ngn, gn k hng cng vi nhng khch
hng khc, v.v.


C phi tt c cc nhn vin bn hng u ang dng sn phm Adidas v eo

bng tn?

Tt c cc nhn vin bn hng phi mc qun o / trang phc ca Adidas, trong c t

nht mt loi sn phm cho thy r nhn hiu Adidas. H cng phi eo dy eo Adidas
vi bng tn.
Qun o v giy dp ca ngi bn hng phi mang nhn hiu Adidas.
Nu bn khng th nhn thy nhn hiu trn qun o, giy dp, v.v, bn nn tr li Khng
v chn ty chn a). Ch chn ty chn b) nu mt nhn vin ang mc mt ci g
hin th r rng thng hiu khng phi l Adidas.
CH : Nu bn c phc v bi mt ngi no mang dy eo dnh cho nhn vin
hc vic, bn phi ni bn ch ang mun xem mt cht v hy ch n khi c th c
ngi nhn vin bn hng chnh thc phc v. nh gi ca bn s khng c gi tr nu
bn c phc v bi mt thc tp sinh.

Nhng im chnh

Adidas bn nhiu mc hng o qun, khng ch u l th thao. V d nh, h bn

jeans, o s mi, o khoc, v.v.

Bn cnh , th loi qun o c mc ty theo dng ca hng- v d nh i vi nhn

vin ti ca hng nguyn bn, h c th mc nhng dng thi trang kiu do ph hn
nhng nhn vin ti ca hng nghing v th thao

Tuy nhin, cc nhn vin bn hng vin nn mc hoc mang t nht mt sn phm c ghi
r nhn hiu Adidas

Xin nu c bt k nhn vin no ang mang hoc mc cc sn phm c ghi tn cc

nhn hiu khc

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Dng nguyn bn

Nghing v th thao

ng thi, cc nhn vin nn mang dy eo c bng tn c ci trn dy Adidas. Dy

eo v bng tn c th khc kiu nhau ty theo dng ca hng.

Nhng dy eo nhn ging nh sau:


Bn phi tm mi cch c th bit c ci tn c ghi trn bng tn ni dy eo.

Khng hn lc no cng d dng, nhng trong hu ht cc trng hp, bn s c n
vi pht tr chuyn vi nhn vin, nn s c nhng c hi bn bit c tn ca h.


Nu bn c phc v bi mt ngi no mang dy eo dnh cho nhn vin hc vic

( xem hnh trn), bn phi ni bn ch ang mun xem mt cht hoc tng t v ch
nhn vin khc tip cn. Nu sau khong thi gian cho php, vn khng c nhn vin

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tip cn bn, th xin hy tm kim nhn vin khc (v d nh mt ngi khng eo bng
tn ch Nhn vin thc tp) hon thnh cuc kho st/nh gi.

Nu n khi vo gia cuc giao tip, bn mi nhn ra ngi ny l nhn vin thc
tp, th xin hy hi i khi qua loa cho qua, ri tm n gian hng hoc mt quy khc
trong ca hng v bt u li vi mt nhn vin khc. Cuc kho st ca bn s l v gi
tr nu Adidas bo chng ti bit rng ngi nhn vin tip bn l mt nhn vin thc tp

3. Theo bn, nhn vin ca hng c , quan st xem liu khch hng cn s
gip ca h khng?
tr li C, bn phi nhn thy nhn vin bn hng di chuyn xung quanh khu vc
bn hng v khch hng c th thy c h.
Hy tr li cu hi ny da trn iu bn nhn thy khi i vo ca hng, trc khi
bn tip xc vi nhn vin bn hng. Khi tho lun vi nhn vin, bn cn tht tp

Nhng im chnh

S nh gi ny ni v nhng g din ra trong vi pht u khi vo ca hng

Mc ch nhn thy liu c nhng lc nhn vin n mnh ng sau quy thu ngn,
khng h i vng quanh khu vc bn hng, sn sng giao tip vi khch hng.

4. C bt k nhn vin bn hng no ang lm nhng iu sau y:

a) n hoc ung ti ni bn hng
b) S dng in thoi
c) Tr chuyn vi nhau v l i s hin din ca khch hng
Nhng im chnh
Tr li C, nu trong bui kho st bn nhn thy nhn vin c bt k biu hin, li c x no
k trn

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Phn B: Tng tc Khch hng

1. Bn c c n cho v c nhn bit vi n ci t nhn vin bn hng
trong vng 30 giy vo ca hng khng?
tr li C, bn phi nhn thy c nhn vin cho n hoc nhn bit bn ngay khi
bn vo ca hng.S nhn bit c th l n ci cng giao tip qua nh mt, vy
tay, gt u hoc c nhng c ch cho n, nhn bit khc.
Nu bn nhn c li cho n, xin lu v ghi ch nhng li ny.
Bn nn canh gi xem sau bao lu th bn c cho n sau khi vo ca hng.
Bn cn lu v ghi ch cch cho n, v nu l cho bng li ni, th bn cn ghi
ch nhng li nhn vin bn hng ni vi bn
Nhng im chnh
 Khi no sau bao lu n lc bn c nhn bit
 Nh th no - hnh thc g cho thy s tha nhn? - Mt n ci, mt ci vy tay cho,
mt ci gt u, mt li cho bng li ni?
 iu g - nu n l mt li cho bng li ni, chnh xc nhng g c ni
 canh gi chnh xc, bn phi s dng mt thit b canh thi gian k thut s. Chng
ti ngh rng nu c th bn s dng mt ci g ging nh chc nng "theo di
thi gian" trn in thoi ca bn ghi li nhng thi gian ny.

2. Bn c cm thy khng thoi mi bi c qu nhiu nhn vin bn hng tip cn

bn hoc theo sau bn vng quanh ca hng?
tr li C, bn phi nhn thy c nhn vin theo sau hoc to cho bn cm gic
khng thoi mi bi tip cn qu nhiu ln.
Nhng im chnh
 Nu bn c tip cn phc v ngay sau khi bn vo ca hng, bn c th ni rng
bn ch mun xem qua, tuy nhin bn nn lu thi gian ca cuc tip cn, cho cu
hi tip theo.

Nu sau khi bn ch ra rng bn mun c thi gian xem xung quanh, nhn vin
dng nh "i theo bn nh mt ci bng " vng qua ca hng, hoc tip tc tip cn
vi bn nh vy thng xuyn, n lm cho bn cm thy p lc hay kh chu, nu vy
hy tr li "C" cho cu hi ny v km theo mt bnh lun cui ca phn ny gii
thch nhng g xy ra.

3. Mt bao lu n khi nhn vin bn hng ch ng tip cn bn?

Hy canh thi gian t lc vo ca hng n khi bn c nhn vin bn hng tip cn
ln u tin.
Nu lu hn vi pht, hy nhn xung quanh, th hin cn gip . Nu bn vn khng
nhn c gip sau 5 pht, hy tip cn mt nhn vin.
Nhng im chnh

Thm ch nu tr li ca bn vo ln cung cp dch v u tin l bn ch mun xem

qua hoc tng t, lc ny bn nn lu thi im ca ln tip cn u tin v
qua bao lu t khi bn bc vo ca hng.

Nu bn khng c tip cn trong vng mt vi pht, bn nn by t tn hiu" cn

gip " - nhn xung quanh, chn mt sn phm v nghin cu n, v.v.

Nu bn hon ton khng c tip cn cho phc v, hoc sau phn ng ban u
ch mun xem qua ca bn nu c mt s chm tr trong vic bn c tip cn li
ln na, bn nn tm kim mt nhn vin sau 5 pht

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4. Bn c nhn c s ch ng tip cn t nhn vin vi nhng cu hi ci

m, thn thin v ha nh khng?
tr li C, bn phi nhn thy c nhn vin bn hng tip cn bn ti cng mt cu hi
nh nhng, khng to p lc hoc nhn xt hay bnh lun v nhng s vic i thng nh
thi tit hay vi s kin th thao ng thi , hoc vi cu hi mang tnh tng qut v loi
sn phm ti ang . V d nh:

Bn c xem i hi th thao quc t -lim-pch/ Cp Chu / Cuc ua xe p ti

Php, v.v?

Bn c cho rng cui tun ny tri s ma nhiu hn khng, v.v?

Bn c bit rng l nhng sn phm giy dnh cho luyn tp th thao/ giy chi
qun vt / qun tp th thao rt thnh hnh, v.v?

Bn thch kiu c o no hn, v.v?

tr li Khng, bn phi nhn thy vo nhng pht u tip cn , nhn vin bn hng thm
d kin bn bng nhng cu hi trc tip nh C phi bn ang tm o dng c tim
khng? hoc tng t. Hoc vo nhng pht u tip cn, nhn vin bn hng ch n gin
hi xem h c th gip bn vic g khng.
Nhng im chnh

Cu hi ny v cu hi ngay trc , nn c tr li da trn tri nghim t cng

mt ln tip cn.

Ging nh cu hi ngay trc , cu hi ny cn c tr li da trn cch bn

c tip cn ban u thc hin cho bn, ngay c khi bn cho rng cch tip cn
ban u, rng bn ch l tm kim hoc tng t

Phn C: Am hiu khch hng

1. Tn ca nhn vin phc v bn:
Hy c c tn ca nhn vin phc v bn
Nhng im chnh

Nh ni bn trn, mt iu rt quan trng l bn phi ghi nhn chnh xc tn ca

ngi gii p thc mc ca bn.

Nu bn khng c th ly tn t huy hiu tn ca h, bn c th yu cu h cho tn

ca h dnh khi trng hp bn c bt k cu hi no khc, quay li sau mua, vv

Nu v bt c l do g, bn khng th c c tn, xin vui lng gii thch r nhng

l do trong cc bnh lun cui ca phn ny.

Bn cng s cn c c mt m t chi tit ca nhn vin

2. Nhn vin bn hng c hi bn xem bn thch th loi sn phm no hoc bn

ang tm kim g khng?
tr li C, bn phi nhn thy c nhn vin hi v sn phm bn yu thch hoc tm
tr li Khng, bn phi nhn thy sau ln u tin ch ng tip cn, nhn vin bn
hng ch ch i bn ni v sn phm bn ang tm kim

tr li Khng, bn phi nhn thy nhn vin bn hng ch ni ring v sn phm bn

ang nhn ngm m khng tm hiu xem c phi l sn phm bn tht s yu thch

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Nhng im chnh

iu ny c th xy ra ngay t u ca s giao tip hoc sau khi mt hoc hai pht

ca cuc tr chuyn chung chung

Nu ngi bn hng bt u cuc giao tip vi mt bnh lun / cu hi hi chung

chung, hy cho php h c hi a vo cuc bn hng bng cch t cu hi v
nhng g bn ang tm kim,v.v.

Nu ngi bn hng t cho rng rng sn phm bn ang xem l l do n ca

hng ngy hm nay,nu vy hy tr li Khng. Tuy nhin, nu h t mt cu hi
xc nhn s thch, s quan tm ca bn bng cch ni mt ci g nh, "Vy
th, bn ang quan tm n mt cp ca qun ngn dng khi chy xe p? ", v.v, nu
vy hy tr li "C.

3. Nhn vin bn hng ca Adidas c hi bn t nht mt cu hi o su bit

c iu bn ang cn (nhu cu ca bn) khng?
tr li C, bn phi nhn thy nhn vin c hi t nht 1 cu hi o su v mt hoc
nhiu sn phm bn ang yu thch. V d nh: nu bn ang tm kim sn phm dung
trong vic chy b; Bn ni rng bn ang tm kim dng chy b. Bn thch o
di tay hay o ngn tay?
tr li Khng, bn phi nhn thy nhn vin bn hng a ra li gii thiu, li khuyn
ngay lp tc hoc a ra li ngh v mt sn phm m khng h c cu hi o su
Nhng im chnh

Cu hi ny bnh thng s theo ngay sau cu hi ban u "Bn quan tm n

nhng g trong ngy hm nay?".

Tuy nhin, cu hi ny c th din ra khi ngi bn hng gii thiu cho cc bn mt

s mt hng. V d, nu bn ni rng bn quan tm n qun o luyn th thao,
ngi bn hng c th a bn n gi v cho bn xem mt vi kiu hng v sau
t cu hi xc nh khi no bn s mc n, hoc nhng mu m bn thch, vv

Ch tr li "Khng" nu ngi bn hng khng c gng bit r nhu cu hoc s

thch ca bn.

4 . Vo lc giao tip, nhn vin bn hng c lng nghe bn tht thu o v tch
cc thng qua s th hin nhng k nng nh sau khng?
tr li C, bn phi nhn thy nhn vin bn hng c biu hin mt hoc nhiu k
nng giao tip cn thit bn bit rng h ang lng nghe bn ni.
Nhng im chnh

Ngi bn hng c th chng minh k nng ch ng lng nghe qua biu hin ca
bt c iu no sau y:

N n ci

Duy tr c s giao tip qua nh mt d chu, khng cng thng

Gt u xc nhn

Hon ton tp trung

Bit tm tt / ging gii

Bn nn tr li "Khng" nu bn cm thy ngi bn hng khng cung cp cho bn

s quan tm y ca h hoc nu h c v b phn tm, hoc h khng lng
nghe bn ni

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5. Bn c cm thy nhn vin bn hng hiu c iu / sn phm bn cn

tr li C, bn phi nhn thy nhn vin bn hng hon ton hiu c iu bn
cn (nhu cu ca bn)
tr li Khng, bn phi nhn thy nhn vin bn hng gii thiu sn phm trong
trng thi rt hi h hoc bn cm thy h cha hi thng tin hoc khng lng
nghe cu tr li ca bn
Nhng im chnh

Xin hy nh rng ngi bn hng khng phi l mt nh ngoi cm (ngi c c

suy ngh ca ngi khc). iu quan trng l khi c hi, bn hy phn ng t
nhin v cung cp cho h thng tin. Bn khng cn phi cung cp tt c cc
thng tin trong cu tr li cho cu hi u tin, nhng bn nn chun b sn sng
t do tho lun v cc nhu cu v s thch ca bn khi c hi

V d, nu bn ang tm mt chic o khoc nh khng thm nc, v c hi liu

bn mun c n cho dp g c bit, bn c th ni rng bn cn mt ci g bn
c th mc khi li xe p. iu cho php ngi bn hng tip tc t cu hi v
vic liu bn c p xe n ni lm vic, vv. Tuy nhin, nu sau h hi bn p
xe dng no, bn nn sn sng tho lun vn ny m khng ch h t cu
hi v tng chi tit nh

C gng lm cho s giao tip cng t nhin cng tt.

Hy nh lu cn thn tt c nhng g ngi bn hng ni cng nh chnh xc

nhng cu h hi, v.v.

Phn D: Thuyt phc khch hng

1. Nhn vin bn hng c a bn xem sn phm c lin quan n nhu cu ca
bn khng?
tr li C, bn phi nhn thy nhn vin bn hng c a bn xem sn phm ph
hp vi nhu cu bn nu ra .
tr li C, bn phi nhn thy nhn vin bn hng c a bn xem t nht mt sn
phm ph hp vi nhu cu bn nu ra HOC h c gii thch nguyn nhn v sao h
khng th v a bn xem sn phm thay th
tr li Khng, bn phi nhn thy nhn vin bn hng khng a bn xem t nht mt
sn phm ph hp vi nhu cu bn nu ra HOC h khng gii thch nguyn nhn v
sao h khng th v khng a bn xem sn phm thay th
Nhng im chnh

Nhn vin bn hng s c th cho bn xem t nht mt sn phm ph hp vi nhu

cu ca bn ni vi h

Tuy nhin, nu h khng th cho bn xem sn phm chnh xc theo nhu cu ca

bn, nhng cung cp mt sn phm thay th, hy tr li "C".

V d, bn c th ni rng bn ang tm kim mt chic o s mi qun vt mu xanh

nht trong mt phong cch c th. Nu ngi bn hng gii thch rng phong cch
c th khng c mu xanh nht v cung cp cho bn mt mu sc theo kiu dng
, hoc mt chic o s mi mu xanh nht trong mt kiu dng khc, bn nn tr li

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2. Vo lc nhn vin bn hng a nhng sn phm bn xem, h c hay

khng c:
a) a bn xem FAB - nhng c im/tnh nng, im vt tri v li ch
b) Nhc n mt im c bit ni bt, c quyn
Nhng im chnh

Tnh nng, li th v li ch l nhng th nh "c l khng kh cho php n " th","

thc s rt nh mc "," h tr mt c chn ca bn cng nh m cho chn ca
bn ".

im c o ca mn hng cp n nhng th nh "thit k c bit cho

adidas", PUREMOTION c lm bt chc theo s n nh t nhin, hiu qu
s dng v thi gian phn ng nhanh chng nh ca chn trn "( cp c th v
cng ngh v cch hot ng ca n nh th no). Nhn vin cng c th cp
n mt nh thit k c th nh Jeremy Scott.

Hy nh lng nghe mt cch cn thn vi nhng g ngi bn hng ni vi bn

v mi sn phm h ch cho bn xem v lng nghe cho cc loi thng tin ny

3. Nhn vin bn hng c khuyn khch bn chm, cm nhn hay cm sn phm

Nhng im chnh

Tr li "C":

nu ngi bn hng khuyn khch bn cm nhn hoc chm vo sn


nu h a n hoc cung cp cho bn

nu h khuyn khch bn th n ln

V d, ngi bn hng c th ni, "Bn hy cm nhn/ chm xem n nh khng?"

Hoc"Bn cm nhn mm ca vi ch nh" hoc tng t.

Tr li "Khng" nu h ch ni rng "y l nhng loi rt nh" hoc "vi c s dng

thc s mm mi" m khng khuyn khch chnh cc bn cm nhn.

4. Nhng thng tin t nhn vin c ph hp/ p ng c nhu cu ca bn v

c d hiu khng?
Nhng im chnh

Tr li C nu thng tin c lin quan n nhng g bn ni vi ngi bn hng,

thng tin ny d hiu v khng dng ting lng, v.v.

V d, nu bn ang tm kim giy th thao chi bng r v ni bn cn mt ci g

nh, nhng c bm tt trn sn. Ngi bn hng c th ngh mt loi v ni
"Ci ny thc s nh - ch c 270 gr. V m hnh gn sng c bit nm bn trn
lm cho n khng trn trt.

Tr li Khng nu thng tin khng lin quan n nhu cu ca bn, hoc ngi bn
hang s dng ting lng hoc nhng thut ng trong cng ngh m khng gii thch

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V d, trong trng hp bn tm kim giy chi bng r, ngi bn hng c th ni

Nhng ci ny nng 270 gr v c khung chy nc rt v li chy nc rt n
nh. Nu h khng gii thch thm iu ny c ngha g, bn nn tr li Khng.

5. Nhn vin bn hng c nhc n bt k chng trnh qung co hay khuyn mi

c bit no khng?
Nhn vin bn hng nn nhc n chng trnh qung co khuyn mi hoc gim gi
c bit.
Nhng im chnh

Lng nghe tht k cng xem liu ngi bn hng c nhc n bt k chng trnh
qung co khuyn mi hoc gim gi c bit no.

c h s giy t kho st tht k cng xem liu h s c nhc n chng

trnh qung co khuyn mi hoc gim gi c bit c th ang thc hin vo
thi im .

Nhng chng trnh qung co khuyn mi hoc gim gi c bit ny c th

khng trc tip lin quan n Adidas. V d, chng trnh qung co khuyn mi
hin ti c th dnh cho mt th tn dng tr sau hoc tr trc c th, v.v.

Phn E: Kinh nghim th sn phm

1. Nhn vin bn hng c khuyn khch bn th sn phm khng?
tr li C, bn phi nhn thy nhn vin bn hng c mt hoc nhiu biu hin khuyn
khch bn th sn phm. V d nh, h ni rng Bn mun th khng?, C l khi bn th
ln s d dng cho bn chn la hn , Nu th ln bn s thy r s khc bit, Bn c
mun mnh tm kch c va cho bn, bn th ln khng? , v.v.
Nhng im chnh

Hy nh rng, c nhiu cch c th a n ngh ny

Bn PHI th ln t nht mt sn phm o qun hoc giy dp.


Nhn vin bn hng c dn/a bn n phng th hoc ni th giy dp


Nhng im chnh

Nu ngi bn hng khuyn bn th sn phm, bn nn ng .

Ngi bn hng nn dn/a bn n phng th hoc ni th giy dp

Tr li Khng, nu ngi bn hng ch cho bit ni/ ch ca cc phng th

hoc th giy dp, v d nh bng cch ni rng Nu bn i n ng kia v ngi
xung, ti s ly kch thc ph hp vi bn.

Nu ngi bn hng khng khuyn bn th sn phm, bn nn ngh lm nh


Hy nh rng,lun lun, cha thi gian cho ngi bn hng a ra li khuyn trc
khi bn hi.

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3. Phng th hoc ni th giy dp c sch s v thoi mi khng?

Nhng im chnh

Bn nn sn sng th ln t nht mt sn phm, ngay c trong kch bn ch hi thng


Bn nn kim tra ni th giy dp, th qun o xem n c sch, khng bi hay vt

Tr li Khng nu c rc trong phng thay hoc vt bn trn gng, v.v.

Lc bn vo ln u tin, phng th hoc ni th giy dp c trng (khng

ngi/khng vt) khng?

Tr li Khng nu bn phi i ch c phng trng th , hoc khng c ch

trng ti ni th giy dp bn c th ngi mt cch thoi mi.

4. Nu phng th hoc ni th giy dp khng trng, bn i bao lu?

Nhng im chnh

im thi gian: thi gian t lc bn i n ni th hoc giy dp, n khi bn c

th vo phng th/ tm c mt ch ngi ni th giy dp.

5. Nhn vin bn hng c gip bn trong lc bn th sn phm bng cch

trng chng xem bn c cn kch c hoc kiu/loi no khc khng v hi
xem cm gic ca bn v kch c, kiu dng nh th no khng?
Nhng im chnh

Tr li C nu ti bt c thi im no ngi bn hng v quay li sau kim

tra xem liu bn cn s gip , hoc hi bn liu bn hi lng vi cm gic v v
nhn ca sn phm

Tr li Khng nu ngi bn hng khng quay li sau kim tra khi bn th

ln sn phm v thay li qun o/ giy dp ban u ca bn.

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Phn F: Ti a ho cc c hi
1. Nhn vin bn hng c gii thiu mt s thay th no khi h khng c sn
phm nh yu cu ca bn?
tr li Khng p dng, bn phi nhn thy rng sau khi bn chn mt sn phm, ca
hng c sn sn phm v p ng c mun ca bn v mu sc v kch c.
tr li C, bn phi nhn thy rng nhn vin bn hng c gii thiu sn phm tng
t hoc mt mu sc khc.
Nhng im chnh

Vic ny c th xy ra ti bt k thi im no trong cuc giao tip nu h khng c

chnh xc nhng g bn cn.

Tr li Khng p dng nu h c ng kch c, mu sc ca sn phm bn thch

2. Nhn vin bn hng c gii thiu n bn sn phm phi hp hay sn phm

km theo no b sung cho s chn la ca bn?
tr li C, bn phi nhn thy rng nhn vin bn hng c gii thiu sn phm phi
hp hoc sn phm km theo.
V d nh, nu bn mua giy tp, ngi bn hng c th gii thiu v hoc dy buc
giy. Nu bn mua ba-l du lch hoc thit b i b ng trng, nhn vin bn hng c
th gii thiu bnh ng nc, v.v.
Nhng im chnh

Ngi bn hng c th lm iu ny mt cch khng trc tip... V d, h c th hi

nu bn c bnh nc cha, hoc bn dng bnh nc loi no, v.v.

Hoc h c th hi nu bn cn thm dy ct giy

Tr li Khng nu h khng c n lc lm bn quan tm n sn phm phi hp

hoc sn phm km theo.

Vic ny cng lc c th din ra di dng qung co khuyn mi nu chng trnh

qung co khuyn mi l nhng g tng t nh trong thng ny khi mua nhng i
giy th thao bn s c gim mt na gi mua v, v.v.

3. Nhn vin bn hng c gii thiu nhng sn phm gi cao hay nhng sn phm
cht lng tt ph hp vi s chn la ca bn khng?
tr li C, bn phi nhn thy rng ngay t lc ban u, nhn vin gii thiu sn
phm gi cao hn, c bit h c gii thch thm v tnh nng, li ch v gii thch v sao
sn phm c gi cao hn li ph hp vi bn hn.
Nhng im chnh

Hy lu cn thn gi c ca cc mt hng c cung cp / ngh

Hy lng nghe cn thn, c th cc thut ng nh "nhng sn phm hng u" hay

"cht lng tt nht" s c s dng

Nhn vin bn hng ban u c th khng cp n s chnh lch gi c, nhng

h cn phi cp n cc tnh nng ci tin v li ch ca cc mt hng c gi cao

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4. Nhn vin bn hng c th phn ng tch cc, nh nhng khi bn t t chi,

phn i, khng chp thun khng?
Trong bt k trng hp no, khi kch bn l Mua Hng hay ch Hi Thng Tin, bn cng
phi ra mt kin phn i da trn s thch hp, gi c, s thch c nhn , v.v.
Nhng im chnh

S phn i giai on ny nn lin quan n mt ci g v bn thn sn phm.

C th l s ph hp v mu hoc phong cch.S phn i khng nn l nhng li
tr hon hoc t chi bn nh "Ti cn phi suy ngh v iu ny", "ti c th quay li
sau", ... - y l loi phn i s dnh cho sau ny, trong cc kch bn Ch Hi Thng

iu ny c th xy ra trong qu trnh giao tip khi th , nu nhn vin quay li

kim tra xem bn c hi lng vi sn phm hoc c cn h tr

Hy nh rng, vo thi im ny m ngi bn hng c th cp n mt sn

phm thay th, hoc mt sn phm t tin hn

ngha ca cu hi ny l ngi bn hng nn cung cp mt "gii php" cho s

phn i ca bn bng cch trn an bn rng nhn rt ph hp vi bn, vv, hoc
cung cp cho bn mt s thay th.

Ch :
Hy c gng nh chnh xc nhng g c ni v cung cp mt li nhn xt y
ca tt c nhng cu hi cui phn

Phn G: Hon thnh cuc bun bn

1. Nhn vin bn hng c hi bn xem bn c mun mua hng khng theo mt
cch khng h gy p lc?
V d nh Bn c mun mnh em ny n quy tnh tin gip bn khng?, v.v.
Nu kch bn bn ang lm l Ch hi thng tin (bn khng cn phi mua hng), th vo
lc ny bn nn t khng sn sng mua hng cho nhn vin bit . Bn c th ni nh
sau Ti khng r ti tht s mun g, Ti phi suy ngh thm, Ti c l s quay li v
mua sau, v.v.
Nhng im chnh

Nhn vin bn hng nn yu cu bn hng" mt cch thoi mi v khng p lc.

H c th yu cu nu bn mun h a sn phm cho nhn vin thu ngn, h c

th yu cu bn mun tr nh th no, v.v.

Nu bn ang lm kch bn Ch Hi Thng Tin, vo thi im ny, bn nn a ra

phn i th hai ca bn c lin quan n vic mua hng. V d, bn c th ni mt
ci g ging nh, "Ti vn khng chc chn, ti ngh rng ti cn phi suy ngh v
n nhiu hn mt cht.

2. Sau khi bn t khng mua hng , thi ca nhn vin bn hng vin nh th

Vn gi c thi nim n, ha nh
C gng tm hiu nguyn nhn bn khng mua hng
C gng vt qua s t chi ca bn i vi sn phm.
Khuyn/thuyt phc bn mua sn phm khc thay v ci bn t chi
Khuyn/thuyt phc bn ngh li v quay tr li sau

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Nhng im chnh

Nhn vin bn hng nn gi c s thn thin.

H nn c gng nh nhng vt qua s phn i ca bn bng cch, v d, cung

cp cho bn mt sn phm thay th.

Nu h khng th lm c iu ny, h nn ngh m bn ngh v n v c th

quay li ln sau

Phn H: n tng sau cng

1. Nhn vin bn hng c gii thiu bn v chng trnh khch hng thn thit
Vic ny c th din ra vo mi thi im
Nhng im chnh

Vic ny c th c thc hin ti bt k thi im no. Tuy nhin, xin lu ng b

nhm ln vi cu hi v "chng trnh khuyn mi v u i c bit"

V d, nu ngi bn hng ni: "Nu bn tham gia chng trnh khch hng thn
thit ca chng ti, bn s nhn c im thng cho bt k cuc mua hng no
c thc hin ngy hm nay", iu ny s khng c tnh l mt "cung cp c

Chng trnh khch hng thn thit c gi l "Th 3 sc

2. Bn c phi xp hng tht lu khng? Nu c, nhn vin bn hng lc c
nhn bit v thi gian bn i khng?
Tr li KHNG P DNG nu bn khng h phi xp hng ch i
3. Nhn vin bn hng v thu ngn c cm n v cho tm bit bn khng?
Nhng im chnh

Nu bn ang lm mt kch bn hi thng tin, iu ny ch p dng cho ngi bn

hng x l yu cu ca bn.

Nu bn ang lm mt kch bn mua hng, bn nn lu iu ny p dng cho c

ngi bn hng v ngi thu ngn

Ngi bn hng phi cm n bn v ni li tm bit. V d, c th ni mt ci g

nh th, "Tm bit, cm n cho mua sm vi chng ti / gh thm chng ti hm
nay.", "" Tm bit, cm n gh thm chng ti hm nay. ", v.v.

Tr li "Khng" nu h ch lm mt v khng phi l c hai vic (cm n bn v ni

li tm bit)

4. C nhn vin no mi bn quay tr li ln sau khng?

y c th l nhn vin bn hng, thu ngn hoc bt k nhn vin no i ngang qua bn
trong lc bn ang ri ca hng
Nhng im chnh

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Nhn vin c th ni mt ci g nh "Hy vng s gp li bn sm", "Hy quay li

v mua sm vi chng ti", vv

iu ny c th xy ra bt c lc no khi bn ang ri ca hng.

N c th l ngi bn hng, th qu, nhng n cng c th ch l mt nhn vin m

bn i qua khi bn ang ri ca hng.

Bt k iu g trong s ny l tr li "C.

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