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Artifact Reflection Two

Artifact Name
Core Competency
Course Subject
Last Update



Growth and Improvement


Managing Credit Cards Presentation

Financial Management
Business Administration
May 18, 2015
I'm including this project in my portfolio because it
demonstrates that I know how to use various technological
pieces in order to perform a task assigned to me. This
project was assigned to complete in a group, which also
demonstrates how affective I can work with other people,
as the presentation format is similar and information is
While completing this project, my group and I had to take a
lot of notes concerning various ways to manage credit
cards, so I learned not only about APR and the Truth in
Lending Act, but also about the multiple types of cards
available to us.
I developed my multitasking skills while completing this
project, as I had to listen to my group members opinions,
get my assigned section complete, and help my partners
when needed. I also utilized my note taking skills and the
knowledge I have when presenting or creating a
I would schedule time with my partners for us to work on
the project together, for we all worked on it a different
paces and came asked for advice when it was needed. I
believe that a set time for communication would have
benefited this project immensely.

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