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Pickle Autopsy

Dylilah Ramirez & Ashley Pham

Pickle Information:
Name: King Pepe III
Height: 11.8 cm
Weight: 104.7g
External Findings:
Front- 3 open wounds (One near axillary, one near the floating ribs on
the left, and one wound on the floating ribs on the right), 1 large scar
in the sternum area, beheaded, left arm broken off, left leg broken, and
two vertical scars down his lateral sides.
Back- Has an open wound in the cervical vertebrae, also scratches
lower left scapular, 4 minor cuts on the right side located on the true
ribs false ribs, floating ribs, and left pelvic area.
The advantage of using sutures to patch up a wound is that it will help
reduce the building of scar tissue and help produce a softer looking
wound that will have minimal scarring left behind. Pig skin and human
skin are alike in the sense that both human skin and pig skin have
similar thicknesses. They differentiate as the pig skin has larger and
further apart hair follicles compared to humans. But before anyone
initiates the process of suturing, you must sterilize everything. This
includes the patient, doctors, nurses, room, and instruments that will
be in the room for the procedure. You must also make sure that the
patient is stable( no poison is present, heart issues, abnormal bodily
functions, etc.) They stress the importance of sterilization of everything
that will be present in the room because it will decrease the chance of
the open wound to be infected. There are suture threads that are
absorbable and non-absorbable, the non-absorbable suture threads are
smooth because they arent able to be absorbed in to the skin,
therefore, they must be able to removed easily without the risk of the
wound being opened or damaged again.
It is important to know the marks of an individual so that you can
identify the person by them. For example, doctors can identify

someone by using moles, birthmarks, scars, or beauty marks. Dental

records are also help because you can tell how old they are by their
teeth size, and you can examine the wear of the teeth from the
persons eating habits. You use the Concept Invention to be able to
label the location of the scars or wounds. We believe that the cause of
the death of our pickle, King Pepe III is because of the open wound
shots from his anterior and posterior sides he received in the gang

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