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Recuerdo esa maana, yo me preparaba el t

cuando apareci Gandalf y una carta me hizo ver:

"Estamos esparando en la posada del lugar
Partimos a las once, Os rogamos ser puntual"
Corre Bilbo Corre deja atrs tu Hobbiton
olvida la marmita, los pasteles y el jamn
Ya monta el pony y llena de coraje tu zurrn
Partimos hoy a recobrar el oro del dragn
Apenas tuve tiempo de ajustarme el cinturn
y olvid mi sombrero, mi pauelo y mi bastn.
Corr colina abajo como nunca antes corr
y llegu al Dragn Verde cuando estaban por partir
Deb quedarme en casa junto al fuego del hogar
enanos barbiluengos preferible es no escuchar
Hablaban de aventuras y venganza a media luz
y escuchando sus canciones despert mi lado Tuk


(Will Millar/George Millar)
I've played the tunes around the world and now I'm home again
I've dance heathen maidens and with drunken hairy men
Through far and distant countries I have rosined up my bow
And the doors were always open when old Paddy let her go
Come dance to Paddy's reels and share a bottle with a friend
It won't be long till we're too old for whiskey in the glen
So while the fiddle string is new and the pipers reed's in tune
We can dress her out into the yard and dance around the room
Somewhere in the deepest heart of every mother's son
I taught you what was Ireland through the soul begins to run
When the jigs and reels begin to flow they seem to weave a spell
They're as old as time and laughter and what stories they can tell
Come out and dance to Paddy's reels for we might not meet again
But while we've soles beneath our boots we'll dance from now till then
And heaven might just take us for St. Peter's bound to feel
That the angel choir can use a night of Paddy's jigs and reels

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