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Journal 7: (10 points)

Chapter 7
Name: Adam Shock

Date: 3-8-15

Block: 3A

All struggles are essentially power struggles. Who will rule? Who will lead? Who will define,
refine, confine, design? Who will dominate? All struggles are essentially power struggles, and
most are no more intellectual than two rams knocking their heads together.
-Octavia E. Butler
This connects to Lord of the Flies because when Ralph, Jack, and the other boys were
going out in search of the beast, Ralph, even though he was trying to kill the boar that they came
across, he was also trying to impress the other boys so that they would see him as a more
relatable leader than Jack would be. The hunters were violent, liked to kill, and respected
Jack because he killed and was good at hunting. Ralph however was not seen as a killer and
therefore may not have been seen as a great leader like Jack could have been. Ralph and
Jack also had a verbal fight over whether Ralph would follow Jack up the mountain to find out if
the beast was up on top. This was a fight, whether it was verbal or not, and was a test of
power between the two to see who was manlier and who could order who.

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