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The Great Gatrby Study Guide (CHAPTER ONE: 1. In Chapter One, we meet the narrator, Nick Carraway. These first four paragraphs serve 8a prologue that introduces the rest of the story. What information does Nick give us about himself inthis prologue? He tends to reserve jdgment about people. Last autumn, he came back from to the Midwest from the East (NY), and he wants the word to stand at moral attention, He wants no more glimpses into the human heart. He stil has a great affection for Gatsby. 2. What does Nick say is"gorgeous” about Gatsby? “There was somethirg gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life" - personality 3. What is Nick’s socio-economic background? Family tradition saysthey descended from Dukes, but actually, they're descended from a founder of a wholesa’e hardware business. 4. When Nick returns from the war, why does he decide to go East? He decides to go leara the bond business; the universe” ‘wants to move away from the “ragged edge of ‘5. The action in this story takes place over the course of one summer. What occurs that ‘makes Nick feel that his life is beginning over again? He moves to West Egg and feels that his life is starting over with the summer; someone asks him for directions and that makes him feel like a part of the place. 6. How is West Egg diferent from East Egg? st Egg is more fashionable where the peopl fashionable, and people come from “new money re from “old money”. West Eg is less 7. Describe Tom Buchanan. He is married to Daisy and very rich. He 1s about 30 years old and isa former football hero of Yale. He is a powerful man with a strong body but is very eruel and arrogant. 8. As Nick described, what is Daisy's most noticeable feature? Daisy had a “low, thrilling voice". There was excitement in her voice that men found itficut to forget; her voice suggested she'd been doing something exciting and would continue to do so. ‘9. We find out that Tom has a woman in New York. What unflattering feature of jordan Baker's personality is revealed? She is an eavesdropper and is willing to listen in on a personal conversation between her bestfriend and husband, 110. When the telephone rings a second time, why does Nick say, "No one was able utterly to ut this ith guests shrill metallic urgency out of mind"? Everyone at the table suspected that the mistress i calling back. 11. Atthe end of thischapter, Nick sees Gatsby on the lawn and is about to call to him but does not. What is Gatsby doing? He stops because Gatsby looks content all alone as he stretches his arms toward the dark water, something that seems to be of emotional importance. 112. The green light that Gatsby is staring at is mentioned several more times, and it assumes a symbolic significance. Where do you think the green light might be? It is somewhere in East Egg, maybe on a dock. ‘CHAPTER TWO: 13. What is the “valley of ashes"? What might it represent on a symbolic level? Literally, it isa lange dump for ashes that look like houses, chimneys and men; symbolically, it represents used up, burnt out, ruined lives of people. 14. Compare George Wilson to Tom Buchanan. George Wilson is poor, blonde, sprites, anemic, dull, and slightly handsome. Tom Buchanan is rich, well-built, athletic, and aggressive, 15. Compare Myrtle Wilson and Daisy Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson is curvy but sensuous; she has a strong vitality with a harsh voice. Daisy Buchanan is slim, refined, lazy, and poised. 16, What social class do you think Nick belongs to? Nick mos likely belongs tothe middle cass; he is not extremely wealthy, but he has monetary advantages, 17. In what way isthe party in the apartment different from the dinner at the Buchanan’ in Chapter One? The party in the apartment was a drink fest while dinner at the Buchanan's was more classy and refined 118, What may be the significance of Doctor Eckleburg’s eyes? The eyes are always watching and see everything: they are like “the eyes of God” 19. Do you think Ton will leave Daisy for Myrtle? Support your answer. Possible Answers: No because he becomes angry at Myrtle for mentioning Daisy's name. No because Myrtle seems to bea ling. (AWV) (CHAPTER THREE: 20. Find support from the film for this statement: “Gatsby's parties were expensive, elaborate, raucous affairs; but they were not gatherings of his friends who brought warmth and happiness with tiem.” Whole orchestras played at the parties; guests would swim, boat and water-ski. The food and alcohol never run out. Many guests do not even know Gatsby and do not care about hhim. Others gossip about him, 21, What is Nick’s opinion ofthe people at the parties when he says “that onee there, the ‘guests conducted themselves according to the rules of behavior associated with “amusement parks"? ‘They have rude behavior. 22. As described by Nick, what is the great quality in Gatsby's smile? ‘twas a rare smile; ithad reassurance init it understood you, believed in you, and assured 23, What do Gatsby and Nick have in common? They were both in the Third Division in France during the war. 24. In what way is Gatsby's behavior at his party quite unlike the behavior of most of his guests? He does not drink in excess: he does not mingle, dance, sing or party (CHAPTER FOUR: 25. Why do you think most people come to Gatsby's house in spite of not knowing who Gatsby is? It isa popular pla 26, Why do you think Nick i alittle disappointed in Gatsby? with free food, drink and amusements, Gatsby does not talk much so itis hard to form a relationship with him or be interested in him. 27, When riding inthe car with Gatsby, why does Nick say that listening to him “was like skimming hastily through a dozen magazines"? He talks about a variety of topics in a single conversation 28, Nick finds it hard to believe all of Gatsby's stories. What changes Nick's mind? The medal from Montenegro and the picture from Oxford change Nick's mind about Gatsby's stories. 29. Who is Meyer Wolfsheim, and what do we know of him? He isa fiend of Gatsby and a gambler He fixed the 1919 World Series 30. What does Jordan recall about Daisy and Gatsby? When Gatsby was in town, Daisy would only go out with him; she tried to go see him in NY before he went overseas; she rarely went out for almost a year. 31. How does Daisy behave the night before her wedding? Why? She gets drunk, cries and talks about breaking the engagement to Tom and returning the pearis he bought her; this was all because ofa letter. ‘32, What is happening in the relationship between Nick and Jordan? They are becoming close CHAPTER FIVE: 33. What stages does Gatsby go through as he waits for and then meets with Daisy? First, Gatshy was embarrassed then he became full ofjoy then consumed with wonder at 34 How does Daisy react to the meeting with Gatsby? She seems to be pleased to be seeing him and is stil very fond of him, 35. Why does Gatsby throw all of his shirts on the table? He is proud of them because they represent his wealth much like his house, cars and parties 36. Why do you think Daisy begins to cry? ‘She fs emotional from reuniting with Gatsby; she is overwhelmed that Gatsby has built this empire for her. 37. As the three of them look across the bay toward Daisy's house, Nick states, “Possibly it hhad occurred to him that the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever. Compared to the great distance that had separated him from Daisy, it seemed very near to her, almost touching hr. Ithad seemed as close as astar to the moon. Now it was again a ‘green light on a dock. His count of enchanted objects had diminished by one." What does ‘Nick mean by “Now itwas...iminished by one?” Now that his dream has been realized, its just2light'and is no longer a symbol to him. CHAPTER SIX: 38, Who are Gatsby's parents? They are unsuccessful farm people whom Gatsby does not even accept because they are not ambitious, exciting and glamorous. 39. When and why does James Gatz change his name to Jay Gatsby? v glamorous than his own, 40. Toa young Gate, what does Dan Cody's yacht represent? en he rows to Dan Cody's yacht, he uses it forthe frst time; he thinks its more Ierepresents all the bewuty and glamour in the world. “41. Why does Gatsby not get the $25,000 that is eft to him in Dan Cody’s will? Cody's daughter, Ella Kay, cheats him out oi 42. What is Daisy's opinion of Gatsby's party? She does not like the party except for the half hour she spends with Gatsby; the party was “typical West Egg”: too many people from new money, ethnic people dancing. singing and pushing 43. When Gatsby says that he cannot make Daisy understand, what is it that he wants her to understand? He loves her and wants her toleave Tom. ‘44. What is Nick’s view on repeating the past, and what is Gatsby's opinion? Why is, Gatsby's opinion unrealistic? ‘marry him instead, Nick says that we cannot repeat the past while Gatsby believes that we can; tis is foolish because things can change drastically over time and money can never restore things to the way they were befor. (CHAPTER SEVEN: 445. What does Tom discover that unnerves him, and how does he discover i? He sees Daisy look into Gatsbys eyes, and he realizes that they are in ove 445. Inwhat cars do the five of them travel into the city? ‘Tom, Jordan and Nickare in Gatsby's car while Gatsby and Dalsy are in Tom's cr. 47. What indication is there at this pont that Tom means quitea bit to Myrtle? When she looks from the window, her eyes are wide with jealous terror when she sees Jordan and thinks she is Daisy. 48. Why does Daisy have a tough time saying, as Gatsby wishes, that she never loved Tom? Its tough for her because there was a time when she did love Tom; saying she did not ‘would force her to change her entire life 49. Why is it important to Gatsby that Daisy say she never loved Tom, only’ He is trying to keep centrol of his world, his dream that he created, '50. How has Gatsby gotten some of his money? He has gotten some money through drugstores that sell illegal alcohol. 51. What is Daisy's reaction to this news about Gatsby? She withdraws into herself, away from Gatsby. 52. Why does Tom make the point to Wilson that he just drove the coupe from New York «and the yellow car isnot his? He wants to make sure Wilson understands that he was not driving the yellow car, in case that isthe one that killed Myrti. '53, What indication is there that Tom is realy fond of Myrtle? He cries ashe drives away. 54, Why do you think Nick does not wait forthe taxi inside the Buchanan's house? Nick has had enough ofall of them for one day. 5. What do we learn from Gatsby as to who was driving the car? Daisy was driving the car, not Gatsby. 56. Nick observes Tom and Daisy talking and consoling each other in the kitchen. Why does this scene suggest ill or Gatsby? Tom and Daisy seem close; she might exclude Gatsby from her life CHAPTER EIGHT: 57. Why does Nick say, [Gatsby] couldn't possibly leave Daisy until he knew what she was ‘going to do. He was clutching at some last hope and I couldn't bear to shake him free"? Nick believes the affair between Daisy and Gatsby is over, but he does not have the heart to tell him, 58. Why do you think Gatsby finally tells Nick everything? Gatsby was feeling vulnerable after Tom outed him. 59. As he is leaving, why does Nick say to Gatsby, “They're a rotten crowd...You're worth the whole damn bunch put together"? Tom and Daisy are not worth all the trouble and heartbreak they ha} 4 Gatsby 160, What isthe cause ofthe problem between fordan and Nick? He sees her inthe same way he now sees Daisy and Tom; he just does not want to see her 61. How can Wilson's actions be explained? He kills Gatsby because he thought that Gatsby was having an affair with Myrtle and then killed her on purpose. (CHAPTER NINE: £62, Why does Nick fel responsible for geting people to the funeral? Nick has been Gatsby's friend, his only one it seems. (63. Is Nick surprised that Daisy has not sent a message or lowers? Are you? No; Answers will vary 64. Throughout the story, Nick has criticized the West. At this point, what is it about the ‘Midwest that he now appreciates? He now appreciates its stability and the fact that it never changes. 65. What is Nick’s final feeling about Tom and Daisy? ‘They are careless peeple who smash things up and then go backtto their money; he cannot forgive them or like them, but its pointless to hate them because they are unaware of everything except themselves, (66. In the last moments ofthe film and last paragraphs ofthe novel, ‘of the green light very concrete. What does the green light symbolize? makes the symbol Fe represents the rich, full future of our dreams that seems almost graspable at the beginning but always beyond reach. 667. What does Nick mean when he says, “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past”, ‘We row against the current, not moving forward, but always returning to the dreams of our past.

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