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Mika Harrison

Painting- Old times
8 May 2015
For my showcase project I have created an art piece titled Old times. In this
piece I have created a zebra that is in a safari type environment but instead of the usual
dull colors of a safari and a black and white zebra, I twisted it to be colorful and very
bright. The creativity skills used in this painting are visualize it richly and colorfully and
enjoy and use fantasy. I used visualize richly and colorfully by using contrasting colors.
In the background I used black which contrasts the other colors I used which are very
bright, green, pink, yellow, and purple. I used enjoy and used fantasy with the weird
shape of the zebra. Instead of one shape being the zebra I made each shape to come
together and form a zebra but still are an individual shape.
This piece was connected to Mrs. Karpels visual arts rotation in foundations. I
created this piece by myself and it was created exclusively for showcase. I this piece
connects to the DAVINCI way of learning because it is very creative. This also connects
to the creative thinking aspect of DAVINCI because it shows a different way to display a
shape of objects. By this I mean the shapes that form the zebra.
The influences that lead me to discover this started in the 7th grade. In 7th grade I
was in an art class and one project we created stencils, we had to put some shapes
together to form one shape. I used an important aspect of a zebra- the stripes, and created
them to form the shape of a zebra. In this new remade piece I added new material which
is 3-D paint. I added the new material to add more texture to the painting and to make the
objects in the scene more noticeable.
I chose to create this piece for showcase because it is a project were I took an
original idea and changed it and made it better. The strengths of the project are the

Mika Harrison
Painting- Old times
8 May 2015
abstract background of the piece and the contrasting colors of the piece. I would use these
strengths in the future by having more abstract backgrounds in my art pieces. Also I
would appreciate color more often in my art pieces. To improve my project I would add
more color and I would take away some of the unnecessary objects that distract the
picture. I would take away the butterflies. I will apply this experience in the future by
remembering an old idea that was great can be changed and altered to make a piece that
can be amazing.

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