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Through this project I have learned how to calculate probabilities,

confidence intervals, and make null and alternate hypothesis to

question the data at hand. I have learned what these all mean, and
how they apply to the data. For instance, a confidence interval marks
the area that a given set of data should fall between and the
confidence of it falling between those marks. Null hypothesis is the
original hypothesis, and the alternate hypothesis is the antithesis of
the null.
This class will help me greatly as I progress and focus on my
other studies. By having the ability to find probabilities and
percentages with ease, it has become helpful for me to determine
certain benchmarks I must meet to achieve desired grades in my
courses. It will also help me with my science and psychology courses
as it has to do with hypothesis testing and studying bell-curves and
standard deviations of a normal set of data. I am sure I will find this
class useful. It will also help me with my major, which is going to be
business communications, by helping me be a more qualified presenter
as I am able to create reliable charts and graphs.
This class has completely changed my views of outside sources,
especially with advertising. Now I can more reasonably understand that
correlation does not imply causation, and percentages are not always
accurate as given on packaging. Surveys are not considered reliable
unless they come from a simple random sample, and it is interesting to

know of all of the kinds of bias apparent in studies we hear about on a

regular basis. I can also apply this to real world situations by finding
the confidence intervals of the likelihoods of certain events happening.
For example, my grade in a certain class would likely be between
certain intervals if affected by a certain level of significance.

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