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June 2011


A Guide for International Medical Graduates

Knowledge and Communication Skills
What does it take to get hired in the Australian
medical system? Take a peak at what medical
adminsitrators look for in your CV when hiring staff.

Page 9

The fact that youve

downloaded this guide
means that youve decided
to embark on a journey
that is equally rewarding
as it is frustrating.
A lot has changed since I first attempted to apply to
Australian hospitals as a new graduate back in 2006.
Around that time, Australia was reeling from a massive
shortage of doctors. New medical schools were either in
the proposal stage or were just accepting their first
batch of medical students to increase the number of
Australian-trained graduates by 2010.

Pg 1

Set the goal in your

heart, the mind and
body will follow

Pg 3

Clear as mud: from

IELTS to general

Pg 9

Dissecting the
Curriculum Vitae: Your
life in 2 pages

Pg 12

Staying in Australia:
457 visa, permanent
residency, and

Pg 14

Glossary of terms

Continued on page 2

Ive always believed in the concept of paying-it-forward.

It makes the world a better place to live and work in.
- Dr Siegfried Perez, proud IMG, author and webmaster of

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2016

The goal is the same, but the

journey has taken new paths
The application process was, for the large part, very variable
and open to anyone with a medical degree and IELTs score
report above 7.0 for all domains (reading, writing, listening
and speaking).
Dont get me wrong, getting your application considered
back in 2006 by a medical administrator / recruiter was still as
difficult as it was today, but at least you could start working in
an Australian hospital then do the AMC MCQ exam
afterwards. I spent countless hours burning the midnight oil
sending thousands of emails to hospitals that mostly did not
answer back. I was happy to receive any form of
communication, even if it was for a rejection letter. At least I
felt that my application was looked at.
Through a lot of determination, some insight into the hiring
process and of course, a ton of luck, I was able to get myself
hired, though most hospitals at the time (and to this day)
required prior experience in a first world hospital.
Lets stop talking about myself and well concentrate on you!
The fact that youve downloaded this guide means that
youve decided to embark on a journey that is equally
rewarding as it is frustrating. For any journey that we embark,
there is a corresponding reward or goal. If you make yourself
believe in this goal, and keep reminding yourself of your belief
in this goal, the pathways of this journey will be a lot more
tolerable, no matter how frustrating they can be.
For any IMG wanting to work and live in Australia, the goal is
the same, to continue to work in Australia and to go up in
both knowledge and financial stability as a doctor. To get to
this goal, an IMG must achieve general or specialist
registration, attain permanent residency and/or become an
Australian citizen. Unless you are applying to Australia to gain
experience and return home after 4 years (thats the limit of
the 457 visa), this must be the general plan in your mind. The
rest of the discussion in this ebook will focus on getting to this

Australia is a multicultural
Over twenty-five percent of
Australians (out of a total of 22
million) were born overseas. This has
been, and always will be the
trademark of an Australian
multicultural society. International
medical graduates continue this
tradition by contributing our
knowledge and expertise to the
betterment of Australian society.


Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2016

Applying to Australia as
a Junior Doctor
Junior doctors are those who are in their 2nd year (junior
house officer), and 3rd year or more and who may or may
not be in training programs (senior house officers and
registrars). It is now impossible to get into an internship
year because of the shortage in intern training spots.

Thanks to the help of,
Im now working in
Gold Coast Hospital
as a surgical registrar!
- Dr A Sebastian, MD

1. Apply for the AMC (Australian Medical

another guide coming out soon.) Take note

Council) MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

that due to the competent authority

exam. Details of the application procedure

pathway, graduates from the UK, Ireland,

can be found in . Make

USA, Canada and New Zealand are not

sure you have all the required documents

required to take the AMC exams. However,

notarized or certified by a Justice of the

you will still be required to take the PESCI

Peace (or whatever the equivalent person is

(Pre-employment Structured Clinical

in your country.) If your medical school


diploma has a different version of your name

to your birth certificate or to your passport

2. Take your IELTS. This is the English exam

(e.g. Maria written as Ma. or you have a

needed for application in Australia. You can

middle name or extra names not included in

take it right before taking the AMC MCQ. This

your passport), make sure you send a

is essential not only to pass, but to score

statutory declaration form with your

above 7.0 in each of the 4 sections. The 4

application for the MCQ exam. This will save

sections are made up of listening, reading,

you at least 100 AUD as surcharge fees! (You

writing and speaking. The scoring is 1-9, with

can download the form here:

1 as the lowest mark. You can check all

about the IELTS at

Once you pass this exam, you have one foot

Testing centers can be found in different

in the door already! (Passing the AMC MCQ

countries throughout the world. (Passing the

is beyond this guide. It will be covered on


Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2016

Continued from page 3

IELTS is yet another guide that we will come out with in the
future, so keep coming back!)
3. While waiting for your IELTS exam and AMC result, start doing
your baseline curriculum vitae. I call this a baseline CV because
you need to revise this according to the qualifications needed
by the hospital where you are applying. The CV is crucial

Centralized applications
to hospitals

because you will be largely judged by what your CV contains.

If excellently done, it will spell the difference between being
considered and being dumped. Aside from your CV, start

Queensland Health


doing a generic cover letter. The cover letter is essentially an

application letter containing brief details about yourself and
why they should hire you.

South Australian Institute of

Medical Education and Training

4. Next, start scouting Google for hospitals in Australia. Google

Australia is ok for this. Australia is divided into 6 states and 2
territories. They are the following:

Postgraduate Medical Council of


New South Wales

Northern Territory


Australian Capital Territory

South Australia


New South Wales Health

Western Australia


By following the links to each hospital, you can either check

their employment opportunities or check the application sites
where you can send your application.
You can also check the website of each state medical board
for the area of need positions.
If I remember correctly, the deadlines across all states were


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Spring 2016

Continued from Page 4

August September for the next hospital year.

8. Since you already obtained a verification of

(Their hospital year also starts in January). But I

credentials via the ECFMG for your AMC MCQ

suggest you do apply now because some

exam, you will now use your EICS processing

hospitals are hiring all year round depending

number for the Medical Board of Australia

on their doctor shortage.

(MBA). Please follow the MBA instructions to

the letter because this is where most of the

The application stage is not easy. You will get a

anxious waiting happens. A lot of people

lot of rejections with some encouraging

have waited around 2 months to get through


the whole process. Theyll give you a license

number after your application is approved.

5. A Pre-employment Structured Clinical

They will scrutinize your previous employment

Interview will be scheduled for you by your

history and any gaps in between. Make sure

employer. This will either take place by phone

you also check your diploma names against

or in person. Make sure you read up on cases

your passport names and include a statutory

that you would normally deal with in the line of

declaration where appropriate.

work or specialty you have applied for (i.e.

emergency cases for an ED position, etc).

9. While you wait for the MBA processing to

Sharpen your communication skills by phone

finish, you also have to apply for the Australian

because even if you know the answer in your

working visa. The working visa that is issued to

mind but cannot present it in a clear and

most IMGs in Australia is the 457 4-year visa.

concise manner appropriate to your

On this visa, you can bring your dependents

employment conditions, they will not hire you.

(such as a wife and your children) and your

dependents can also work in any profession

6. Once you get an offer of employment, theyll

that they choose (provided that they are

send you a contract to sign and a consent for

qualified of course). Your employer (hospital)

criminal history check.

will begin the application process for you.

Once your employers are approved, they will

7. Depending on the resources of the hospital

inform you that you can now lodge your visa

hiring you, there will be a specific person

application (Please refer to the most current

guiding you, they are sometimes called

information given by the Australian

candidate care coordinators.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2016

immigration office). After your visa is lodged, you will be advised to undergo a medical clearance.
The usual tests would be a complete physical examination, chest x-ray, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and
HIV testing.
10. Once you have your Australian visa and Medical Board of Australia approval, you can buy your
airline ticket. Take note that most employers have some form of relocation allowance to help you
with the expenses incurred with moving to Australia. Most of the time, you will be able to claim the
one-way airline tickets for yourself and for your dependents. You can also claim for personal items
shipped to you from your home country. Be sure to ask regarding the relocation allowance. Every
penny counts!

Pathways to General / Specialist Registration: A Visual Representation


Standard Pathway


Pass IELTS 7.5 (4 bands)

Job Offer
Special Purpose
Satisfactory terms in
Internal Med, Surgery
and Emergency Med

Pass AMC Clinical Exam

Pass AMC Work Based
AMC Certificate

Competent Authority Pathway

Graduates of:
New Zealand
Obtain AMC Advanced
Standing Certificate
Special Purpose
12 months supervision with
satisfactory reports

Specialist Pathway

Area of Need Specialists

General Practitioners
Assessment by Specialty
College for nominated
Special Purpose
Assessment by Specialty
College for Fellowship

AMC Certificate




Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2016

Specialist vs General Pathway: A Comparison


the US where the USMLE step 1 is required).

The specialist pathway entails having had previous

2. Submit your credentials to the specialty college

training from your country AND being recognized by

who will either do one of 2 things:

the specialty college (e.g. Royal Australasian College

of Surgery/ Physicians/ EM/ GP). Being recognized as
a specialist by the various colleges is very difficult, but
The steps involved: (from what I have seen with my
friends who came here as specialists and have been
recognized by the colleges)
1. Obtain a fellowship in one of the hospitals under
your specialty. (This is perhaps one of the most
important steps because it allows you to meet the big

a. Approve you outright as a comparable

specialist but you need to take the
specialty boards
b. Ask you to train a bit more (another 1 or 2
years more) but then you still need to take
the specialty boards
3. After the specialty college gives you full
accreditation, you can then apply for the Specialist
Pathway via the AMC.

bosses of the colleges who will ultimately decide if

4. Once you get the Specialist Certificate from the

you are comparable to the rest of the graduates in

AMC, you can then apply for permanent

Australia. Fellowships may take 1 or 2 years, but most


will be paid work. Some hospitals now require you to

pass the AMC MCQ before you can apply (similar to

This process may take around 3 to 4 years if

everything goes well!

The Australian Emergency Medicine application (AusEM) aims to bring

evidence-based medicine to clinical practice in a quick, easy-to-read format. The AusEM
app is a continuing collaboration among doctors in different levels of their training,
encompassing a broad spectrum of skills and experience. We showcase local guidelines
and protocols that are more suitable to the Australian practice of emergency medicine.
The AusEM app is free to download from the AppStore. Working in mobile phone signal-poor emergency
departments ourselves, once installed on your iPhone, the data on the AusEM app is accessible offline, with
only twice-monthly updates needed to include new topics on your app.
Download the AusEM App at


Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2016

Specialist vs General Pathway: A Comparison

GENERAL PATHWAY (a.k.a - going through general

16. Apply to the specialty college of your choice.

registration and then applying to a specialist college

(Most colleges now are asking for full registration,

for further training)

hence this is step 6, but previously, you could

apply to the college of physicians and college of

Compared to the specialist pathway, the general

emergency medicine before you pass the AMC

pathway involves having to go through the bottom

exams and obtain full registration.) The College of

rung (e.g. junior doctor) and then qualifying for

Surgery and College of Anaesthetics require

general registration through the AMC and then

permanent residency. It is one of the first

applying for the specialty of your choice.

questions on their application.

17. Pass the specialty primary and then fellowship


exams. Some of the colleges only have 1 exam

(RACP) some have the primary and fellowship

11. Apply for and pass the AMC MCQ and IELTS (all


bands above 7.0).

12. Apply to an Australian hospital and start work as a

This process, from passing the AMC exams to

junior doctor. Being a junior doctor can mean just

becoming a consultant specialist may take around

finished internship (Post-graduate year 2) OR you

10 years or more! (Which incidentally is the same

already have previous training in a specialty and the

amount of time for the 10-year moratorium to be

hospital is accepting you as a registrar in a specialty

lifted from your Medicare provider number.

(commonly medicine and emergency medicine,

but people get into surgery and paediatrics as well)

What is the 10-year moratorium?

13. Ask for rotations in Emergency Medicine, Medicine

The 10-year moratorium or Section 19AB of the Health

Insurance Act 1973 states that an IMG "first registered
with an Australian medical registration board on or
after 1 January 1997 are not able to attract
Medicare benefits for their services for a minimum
period of ten years, unless they hold a section 19AB
exemption." In order to access the Medicare benefits
arrangements and to work in Australia, IMGs are
required to work in a district of workforce shortage
(DWS) otherwise known as an "Area of Need" (AON).

and Surgery the 3 required specialties for general

registration with APHRA.
14. Pass the AMC Clinicals exam! (It takes 1 to 1.5 years
to get a schedule, but some people have passed
the AMC clinical exams first before doing the
required rotations in number 3 above.
15. Obtain permanent residency. This may not apply to

The 10-year rule now starts from the first time an IMG
gains registration to practice in Australia.

some of you who might have received your

permanent residency through other means.

For a more in-depth discussion on the 10-year

moratorium, please visit this link:

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2016

Curriculum Vitae:
Your Life in Two Pages
There two main questions that medical administrators have in mind when reading through each CV Does this candidate have enough knowledge to be a doctor in this hospital? And, Does this candidate
have enough communication skills to work with colleagues and patients?
Armed with these 2 important insights, tailor your CV to make it easier for them to say yes to both
questions and to say Youre hired!. Medical admins and secretaries receive hundreds of email and
snail mail applications, and spend very little time on each CV. You need to make sure your CV is neat
and only have pertinent details, hence, sticking to 2 pages. (Of course you can go beyond 2 pages,
but, medical administrators and their secretaries will rarely go beyond the first and second pages of
your CV. Avoid adding the list of sports and fraternities you were part will remove the clutter and
perhaps save a few more trees.)
Knowledge is shown in your CV by a few things: medical degree (MBBS or MD with or without honors),
country of origin and work experience (first-world experience requirement), other Australian-recognized
qualifications / workshops / seminars (EMST, APLS, BASIC, etc), and probably the most important, AMC
certificate for passing the MCQ, or advanced standing certificate (competent pathway). Even if you
are the valedictorian with the highest honors, but could not pass the AMC MCQ and ineligible for the
advanced standing certificate, your CV will be binned.
Communication skills is shown in your CV by a few things: structure of your CV (clear, concise and
straight to the point), no misspelled word or grammatical errors (these people spend hours checking
their bosses spelling and grammar, yours will not be tolerated as well!), use of appropriate Australian
equivalents for medical terms (a surgical resident in the USA is vastly different as a surgical resident in
Australia in terms of skill and pay grade), judicious use of power words and descriptors (if using a few
words can still effectively say what a whole paragraph was meant to, this gives a better impression on
the reader), and most importantly, your IELTS score. Remember, each domain must be higher than 7.5.
Whatever you do to your CV, do not lie in it! No matter how good you are as a doctor, if you cannot
prove what you claim on your CV, you can be fired and exiled from Australia.
In the next 2 pages, I have placed a sample CV that I have placed comments on. This sample CV is by
no means the only format you can use, feel free to experiment with your own format but keep in mind
the 2 things you need to show: knowledge and communication skills.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2016

Harry Potter, MBBS (Hons)

Home Address: 4 Privet Drive
Mailing Address: same as above
Contact Numbers: 1-800-Harry-Potter
Email Address:
To pursue a career and further training in Accident and Emergency Medicine
Before writing in power descriptions of yourself, check the hospital website for what qualifications THEY
need. Try to match as many of what they need to what you write down in the profile. The 1st hurdle you have
to pass is the secretary reading the CV. If they dont see some of the KEY descriptions matching their needs,
they wont even consider the rest of your CV.
BUT be sure you can back it up. Dont write anything you cant prove. And Dont forget the IELTS scores!
IELTS: Listening 9 Reading 9 Writing 9 Speaking 9
Overall Band Score 9

MBBS (Hons)
University of the London, 2003-2007
Masters in Epidemology, Center for Disease Control

Hogwarts Medical Board Licensure Examination August 2007


EMST 2007
APLS - 2008
Write down whatever you think can help, but can still prove.


Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2016

Make sure you have some form of clinical experience aside from any research you are doing.

Any research will do, but if foreign funded, much better.

I doubt if they consider anything from here but if it will add to your market value why not.




Give two referees that you know personally and that can vouch for you. AND, are related to whatever youre
applying to.



Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2016

Staying in Australia: 457 visa, permanent residency, and

You've done your AMC MCQ, passed the AMC

It all depends on your long term plans - if you're

Clinicals part, and have just finished your core

keen on staying and getting accepted into

rotations in ED, Surgery and Internal Medicine. Then,

training programs, permanent residency is the

you were able to get your full registration status from

best option - most colleges now are requiring you

the National Medical Board of Australia.

to have permanent residency. If you were really

Congratulations, you are now eligible to apply for

just here to try things out, and eventually go back

permanent residency! (In reality, if you are from one

for further training, then permanent residency isn't

of the competent pathway countries such as the UK,

the best option for you because you will be

Ireland or US, and you applied to have your general

devoting a sizeable amount of money for it.

registration certificate, you would have skipped

The second point to getting a permanent

through taking the AMC MCQ, clinicals and even

residency status is that it allows you to gain

IELTS. -> go straight to applying for a permanent

medicare status (i.e -be eligible to be treated for


universal healthcare) and apply to government

There are several options in applying for a permanent

grants such as the First Home Owners Grant

residency in Queensland - we don't know exactly how

(FHOG). More importantly, when you apply for a

many options there are, and we don't pretend to be

bank loan/ mortgage, having the permanent

immigration specialists specially if your circumstances

residency visa status will open doors for you with

are a bit complicated (you have children, you have

the amount or percentage that you are eligible

parents that you want to bring over at the same time,

to borrow. Many banks will only allow a maximum

etc). Getting proper and correct advice is always the

of 80% of the property value to be loaned (or

ideal situation. The options listed here are just 2 of the

even lower with some banks) if you do not have

simple options that you can go through based on our

permanent residency. Having the permanent

friends' experiences with applying to attain

residency status will allow you to have 90-95%

permanent residency.

loans - that means you only have to shell out 5%

to 10% of the property value!

First of all, why should you apply for permanent

residency anyway? Isn't your working visa good

Anyway, topics above are a whole book by itself,

enough to let work here?



Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2016

Australia. You should have a valid IELTS certificate

so we should go on to the options:

as well, in our case we had to take a new IELTS

Option 1 - Apply directly to the Department of

exam because the time lapse from passing the

Immigration and Citizenship - The

AMC MCQ to passing the AMC Clinicals was

website has a range of visas that you can apply for.

about 2 years - by that time plus other factors, we

You need to check regularly to the type of

needed a new IELTS exam. It is a pretty

permanent residency visa you can apply for

straightforward exam, so it shouldn't be a big

because the rules keep on changing. The last

problem. There are other paperwork requirements

change occurred this June 2010. The Australian

that you will need to pass (such as a police

government changed the Critical Skills Occupations

certificate from the Australian Federal Police and

List (CSOL) which doctors with full registration

the other countries where you have previously

currently belong (and I believe will be apart of for the

worked in). Getting paperwork and certificates

next 5 years at least). You will need to apply to the

together require a lot of attention, even if you do

General Skilled Migration visa, subclass 175 (Skilled

decide to go thru a migration specialist. Most of

Independent Migrant Visa)

the work will be done by you anyway so we

figured why pay someone 1000 to 2000 dollars to

migration/175/. You will need to pass a points test to

help fill in an application and mail it to us when in

be eligible to apply for this visa. Click the link and

fact you do 95% of the work anyway? But, if you

have a read on what you need to do. The main

need peace of mind for the rest of the 5% work,

question that you will most likely ask is - the GSM

go for a migration agent. Hopefully, you had

subclass 175 visa is "offshore", but I'm currently in

complete documentation and everything goes

Australia! We know it kinds sounds incredulous, but,

well, you should get a processing number for your

that is the immigration ruling - you are considered

visa and a department of immigration agent has

"offshore" whenever your prior training for your skill

contacted you in 4 to 6 weeks to tell you that they

was acquired from another country. If you were a

have received your paperwork and have begun

medical student here but had a different citizenship

to process your visa. It may take up to 6 months to

prior to medical school, you will be eligible for the

get a ruling, and then, because you have an

"onshore" visas. Anyway, before you lodge your

"offshore" visa, you will need to leave Australia

application, make sure you have all your paperwork

and go to an external country with a Australian

/ certificates ready. They require you to have been

embassy, and your final processing will be done

assessed, which means you hold the AMC certificate

there. Hence, you will spend a sizeable amount of

and you are also a holder of the certificate of Full

money because you need to fly out of the

Registration from the National Medical Board of

country, and spend at least 6 to 8 working days in



Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2016

immigration department so that you could

a foreign country for your visa processing.

complete your requirements.

Option 2 - The second option is similar to the first in
Gaining Australian Citizenship

that you will eventually apply through the immigration

department but with a slightly different subclass. The

This process is probably the easiest you will go

second option begins with applying for a State

through since arriving in Australia. To be eligible

Sponsorship - in Queensland, the website to go to

to apply for Australian citizenship, you need to

would be . The

have lived in Australia continuously (no break

requirements to be eligible to apply for the state

more than 3 months) for 4 years, with 1 year of

nomination can be read at

that as a permanent resident. After uploading

the required paperwork on the Department of

/web/content.cfm?id=3800. This nomination will allow

Immigration and Australian Citizenship (DIAC)

you to apply for the General Skilled Migration -

website, you pay a 150 AUD fee and wait for

Offshore Skilled Sponsored (Migrant) Visa (Subclass

your citizenship test appointment. Unless you

176). The main advantage of getting the state

never read the book at least once and never

nomination is that it allows for faster processing of your

really paid attention to the news, you will pass

permanent residency. We went through this process

this computer-based exam. 20 questions

and our permanent visas were processed in 4 weeks

compared to over 300 with the AMC MCQ.

instead of 6 months! The main disadvantage is that

they would ask you to live in Queensland for the next

The last step (after passing the citizenship exam)

2 years (not that it's a bad option really! I love sunny

is to attend the citizenship ceremony conducted

Queensland!) After gaining State Sponsorship, you

on regular intervals (there is one every 26th of

can now apply through subclass 176. The Queensland

January which coincides with Australia day.

Government will forward your application to the


Glossary of Terms:

1. Intern: 1st year doctor after medical school; currently under a special
registration (needs to pass rotations in Medicine, Surgery and Emergency

2. RMO: Resident Medical Officer - generic term for a doctor who is not in a training program yet. Varies per
state and hospital
a. JMO / JHO : Junior Medical Officer / Junior House Officer - 2nd year post-graduate doctor
b. SHO / CMO : Senior House Officer / Career Medical Officer - 3rd year (or more) post-graduate doctor
c. PHO - Prinicipal House Officer - Resident acting (and usually paid) in the capacity of a Registrar, but is
not currently in a training program
3. Registrar - A doctor in a training program
4. VMO / SMO : Visiting Medical Officer / Senior Medical Officer - same duties as a consultant, but non-full time.


June 2011

Whilst every care was taken to ensure the accuracy of
the information presented in this document, it is still up
to the reader to make sure that information are up-todate and are fully compliant with all Australian laws
and regulations.
We hope that this guide was useful for your endeavors
as doctors, anywhere you may be in the world. We
thank all of you for continuing to support and the International Medical
Graduates of Australia.

Siegfried Perez, MD
Gold Coast, Australia

Published by:

For any questions, comments or

corrections, please feel free to contact
us using the details supplied below.

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