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An Introduction to System Safety

The explosion of several Atlas F missiles in their silos was one of the
signals that system safety engineering was needed. The missiles later
became part of NASAs expendable launch systems, though accidents
still happened. In 1965, the NASA experimental Atlas/Centaur lifted off
the pad and the main stage prematurely cut off, causing the vehicle to
fall back onto the pad and explode.

Photo courtesy NASA History Office



System safety uses systems theory and systems engineering approaches to prevent foreseeable accidents
and minimize the effects of unforeseen ones. It considers losses in general, not just human death or injury.
Such losses may include destruction of property, loss of mission, and environmental harm.
A Little History
Rigorous, defined approaches to safety engineering mostly arose
after World War II, when the Atomic Energy Commission (and
later the Nuclear Regulatory Commission) were engaged in a
public debate about the safety of nuclear power; civil aviation was
trying to convince a skeptical public to fly; the chemical industry
was coping with larger plants, increasingly lethal chemicals, and
heightened societal concern about pollution; and the Department
of Defense (DoD) was developing ballistic missile systems and
increasingly dangerous weapons. These parallel efforts resulted in
very different approaches, mostly because the problems they needed
to solve were different.
While the nuclear power, commercial aircraft, chemical, and
other industries have taken a conservative approach to introducing
new technology, changing designs slowly over time, defense and
space systems have pushed the technology envelope, developing
tremendously complex, novel designs that stretched the limits
of current engineering knowledge, continually introducing
new and unproven technology, with limited opportunities to
test and learn from extensive experience. In response, a unique
approach to engineering for safety, called system safety, arose in
these industries.
When the Atlas and Titan intercontinental ballistic missiles
(ICBMs) were being developed in the 1950s, system safety was not
yet identified and assigned as a specific responsibility. Instead, each
designer, manager, and engineer was responsible for the reliability of
his particular component or subsystem. As a result, many interface
problems went unnoticed until it was too late. Within eighteen
months after the fleet of 71 Atlas F missiles became operational, four
blew up in their silos during operational testing. The missiles also
had an extremely low launch success rate. The air force had typically
blamed most accidents on pilot error, but these new liquid-propellant
missiles had no pilots to blame and yet blew up frequently and with
devastating results. When these early losses were investigated, a large
percentage of them were traced to deficiencies in design, operations,
and management. The importance of treating safety as a system

problem became clear and, as a result, systems engineering and system

safety (a subdiscipline of systems engineering) were developed.
The Minuteman ICBM became the first weapon system to have
a contractual, formal, disciplined system safety program. At first, few
techniques that could be used on these systems existed, but specialized
system safety practices evolved over time. Particular emphasis was
placed on hazard analysis techniques, such as fault trees, which were
first developed to cope with complex programs like Minuteman.
While these techniques were useful for the technology of the time, new
technologies, particularly digital technology and software, have made
many of them no longer appropriate for the increasingly complex,
software-intensive systems we build today. Unfortunately, recognition
of these limitations has been slow. Attempts to apply techniques
developed for the simpler and primarily electro-mechanical systems of
the past continue, with only partial success.
The space program was the second major area to apply system
safety approaches in a disciplined way. After the 1967 Apollo 1
fire that killed three astronauts, NASA commissioned the General
Electric Company at Daytona Beach, among others, to develop
policies and procedures that became models for civilian space flight
safety activities. Jerome Lederer was hired to head safety at NASA.
Under his leadership, an extensive system safety program was set
up for space projects, much of it patterned after the air force and
DoD programs. Many of the same engineers and companies that
had established formal system safety defense programs also were
involved in space programs, and the systems engineering and system
safety technology and management activities were transferred to
this new work.
But as time has passed without major new manned space
flight development projects at NASA, many of the very effective
NASA system safety practices have been replaced by reliability
engineering and approaches to safety used by industries with
very different requirements. For Constellation to be successful,
traditional system safety practices will need to be reemphasized and
extended to handle new technology, particularly extensive use of
software and computers.


The primary concern of system safety is the management

of system hazards as opposed to emphasis on eliminating
component failures in reliability engineering. Borrowing
Thomas Huxleys definition of science, in 1968 George Mueller
described the then-new discipline of system safety engineering
as organized common sense. It is a planned, disciplined, and
systematic approach to identifying, analyzing, eliminating,
and controlling hazards by analysis, design, and management
procedures throughout a systems life cycle. System safety
activities start in the earliest concept development stages of
a project and continue through design, production, testing,
operational use, and disposal.
Although system safety is a relatively new and stillevolving discipline, some general principles hold for its various
manifestations and distinguish it from other approaches to
safety and risk management.
System safety emphasizes building in safety, not adding
protection features to a completed design. System safety
emphasizes the early identification of hazards so action can
be taken to eliminate or minimize them in early design
decisions; 70 to 90 percent of the design decisions that
affect safety are made in concept development, requirements
definition, and architectural design. The degree to which
it is economically feasible to eliminate or minimize a
hazard rather than to control it depends on the stage in
system development at which the hazard is identified and
considered. Early integration of safety considerations into
the development process allows maximum safety with
minimum negative impact. The usually more expensive and
less effective alternative is to design first, identify the hazards,
and then add on protective equipment to control the hazards
when they occur. A recent demonstration project for the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory showed how safety can be designed
into a spacecraft (an outer-planets explorer, in this case) from

the early concept formation and trade study stages. New

hazard analysis approaches that include software were used.
System safety deals with systems as a whole rather
than with subsystems or components. Safety is an
emergent property of systems, not components. One
of the principle responsibilities of system safety is to
evaluate the interfaces between the system components
and determine the effects of component interaction. (The

The Minuteman ICBM became

the first weapon system to have a
formal, disciplined system safety
program. Here, a Minuteman II
launches successfully.

Photo Credit: U.S. Air Force

What Is System Safety?




set of components includes humans, machines, and the

environment.) Safety is an emergent system property. It is
not possible to determine whether a spacecraft design
is acceptably safe, for example, by examining a single
valve. In fact, statements about the safety of the valve
without information about the context in which it is used
are meaningless. Conclusions can be reached about the
reliability of the valve (defined as the probability that
the behavior of the valve will satisfy its specification over
time and under given conditions), but safety can only be
determined by the relationship between the valve and the
other spacecraft components, in the context of the whole.
System safety takes a larger view of hazard causes than
just failures. A lack of differentiation between safety and
reliability is widespread at NASA and elsewhere. Hazards
are not always caused by component failures, and all
failures do not cause hazards. Reliability engineering
concentrates on component failure as the cause of accidents
and a variety of techniques (including redundancy
and overdesign) are used to minimize them. As early
missile systems showed, however, losses may arise from
interactions among system components; serious accidents
have occurred when the system components were all
functioning exactly as specified. The Mars Polar Lander
loss is an example. Each component worked as specified
but problems arose in the interactions between the landing
leg sensors and the software logic responsible for shutting
down the descent engines. Reliability analysis considers
only the possibility of accidents related to failures; it does
not investigate potential damage that could result from
successful operation of individual components. Software,
ubiquitous in space systems today, is an important
consideration here. In most software-related accidents,
the software operates exactly as intended. Focusing on
increasing the reliability with which the software satisfies

its requirements will have little impact on system safety.

Reliability and safety may even conflict. Sometimes, in
fact, increasing safety can decrease system reliability. Under
some conditions, for instance, shutting down a system may
be an appropriate way to prevent a hazard. That increasing
reliability can diminish safety may be a little harder to see.
For example, increasing the reliability (reducing the failure
rate) of a tank by increasing the burst pressuretoworking
pressure ratio may result in worse losses if the tank does
rupture at the higher pressure. System safety analyses start
from hazards, not failures and failure rates, and include
dysfunctional interactions among components and system
design errors. The events leading to an accident may
be a complex combination of equipment failure, faulty
maintenance, instrumentation and control inadequacies,
human actions, design errors, and poor management
decision making. All these factors must be considered.
System safety emphasizes analysis in addition to past
experience and codes of practice. Standards and codes
of practice incorporate experience and knowledge about
how to reduce hazards, usually accumulated over long
periods of time from previous mistakes. While the use of
such standards and learning from experience is essential
in all aspects of engineering, including safety, the pace of
change today does not always allow for such experience to
accumulate. System safety analysis attempts to anticipate
and prevent accidents and near misses before they occur,
in addition to learning from the past.
System safety emphasizes qualitative rather than
quantitative approaches. A system safety approach
identifies hazards as early as possible in the design stage and
then designs to eliminate or control those hazards. At these
early stages, quantitative information usually does not exist.
Although such information would be useful in prioritizing

Photo Credit: NASA


Seated at the witness table before the Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Services hearing on the Apollo 1 accident are (left to right) Dr. Robert C.
Seamans, NASA deputy administrator; James E. Webb, NASA administrator; Dr. George E. Mueller, associate administrator for Manned Space Flight; and Maj. Gen.
Samuel C. Phillips, Apollo Program director. In an effort to prevent another such tragedy from occurring, NASA commissioned the General Electric Company
and others to develop policies and procedures that became models for civilian space flight safety activities.

hazards, subjective judgments about the likelihood of a

hazard are usually adequate and all that is possible when
design decisions must be made. In addition, probabilistic
risk analyses that exclude potential causes of an accident,
including interactions among non-failing components,
design errors, software and hardware requirements errors, and
poor management decision making, can lead to dangerous
complacency and focusing engineering efforts only on the
accident causes for which those measures are possible. If
enough were known about factors such as design errors to
define a probability for them, then safety would be more
effectively enhanced by removing the design error than by
measuring it in order to convince someone that it will never
cause an accident. In the case of the Mars Polar Lander, if the
scenario that unfolded had been known and could have been
included in a probabilistic risk analysis, then the engineers
would have had enough information to change the software
so the unsafe control command would not be issued.
System safety is more than just systems engineering
and must incorporate management and safety culture
concerns. System safety engineering is an important
part of system safety, but the concerns of system safety
extend beyond the traditional boundaries of engineering.
In 1968, Jerome Lederer, then the director of the NASA
Manned Flight Safety Program for Apollo, wrote:
System safety covers the total spectrum of risk
management. It goes beyond the hardware and associated
procedures of system safety engineering. It involves:
attitudes and motivation of designers and production
people, employee/management rapport, the relation
of industrial associations among themselves and with

government, human factors in supervision and quality

control, documentation on the interfaces of industrial
and public safety with design and operations, the interest
and attitudes of top management, the effects of the
legal system on accident investigations and exchange of
information, the certification of critical workers, political
considerations, resources, public sentiment, and many
other nontechnical but vital influences on the attainment
of an acceptable level of risk control. These nontechnical
aspects of system safety cannot be ignored.
Using these general principles, system safety attempts to
manage hazards through analysis, design, and management
procedures. Key activities include analyzing system hazards from
the top down, starting in the early concept design stage to eliminate
or control hazards and continuing during the life of the system to
evaluate changes in the system or the environment; documenting
and tracking hazards and their resolutions (establishing audit trails);
designing to eliminate or control hazards and minimize damage;
maintaining safety information systems and documentation; and
establishing reporting and information channels.
For more information see the following:
nancy Leveson is a professor of aeronautics and
astronautics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has
been associated with NASA for more than twenty years, was a
member of the NASA Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel at the
time of the Columbia loss, and was a consultant for the Columbia
Accident Investigation Board. She is a member of the National
Academy of Engineering.

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