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Teaching and Learning Statement

I learn to teach and when I teach, I learn.

Esther Ao

As a pre-service teacher, I had developed a deep insight of teaching and learning,

which are two inevitable and interrelated components. During my learning journey as a
student learner, I understood that learning is for developing effective teaching
philosophy and approaches to provide high quality of education and care to support
childrens learning and developments. Besides, regarding to my role as a pre-service
teach in placement, I acknowledged teaching is for developing effective learning
activities and environment for children to become active learner. Also, teaching provides
me opportunities to reflect and evaluate on my teaching practices and childrens
learning curriculum. Though teaching, I gain experiences and continue developing on
self-pedagogical knowledge, teaching approaches and philosophies that address the
contemporary issues in early childhood field, and therefore I become an expert learner.
Teaching and learning happen at the same occasion and take place at anywhere, any
situation and any time. I believe that developing the ability to be able to observe and
reflect are two essential techniques for educator to become active teacher and learner
in early childhood education field.

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