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TEACHER-STUDENT SERIES FOR THE CLASSIC GUITAR \ EDITED BY V. BOBRI LY STUDIES he classic guitar by VLADIMIR BOBRI \ Belwin, Mills rsenecoo ee eee \ FCS2605 ‘The 130 DAILY STUDIES for the right and left hands attempt to include the greater part of arpeggio formulae which might occur in guitar compositions. These studies will contribute greatly toward the devel- opment of both hands and should be practiced daily, slowly at frst, gradually accelerating the tempo while striving to achieve clarity of tone and precision of execution. These exercises will not only benefit the physi- cal development of both hands—resulting in greater speed, finger independence and agility, but also serve as an introduction to almost all tonalities practical on the guitar. Students are advised to practice daily from V5 to 1 hour, concentrating on the exercises in one or two keys: at a time, until they can be played with ease and clarity. Take eare not to overtie the left hand in tonalities requiring constant use of the Barré. Play in an easier key until the hand is sufficiently rested before resuming the barré again ‘The nails of the right hand should be shaped to follow the natural contour of the fingertip and should be barely visible when the hand is held palm toward the face with the fingertips at eye level. This particular length and shaping creates optimum conditions for proper tone production, ‘The classic guitar is a difficult and demanding instrument. There are no short cuts. Beginners are strongly advised to start under the guidance of a qualified teacher. This will tend to prevent the formation of bad habits which beginners are almost certain to fall into, and which are so difficule to correct later. Contact the Society of the Classic Guitar (a non-profit organization founded in 1936), 409 East Soth Street, New York, New York 10022, for names and addresses of qualified teachers in the New York area and for the addresses of other Classic Guitar Societies which might help you with advice in your own locality. VLADIMIR BOBRI new york april 1+ 1967 In my opinion, these exercises include two features indispensable to the modern pedagogy of the guitar: 1 the technical development of the fingers of both hands by means of formulae always varied and logical: 2 a survey of the keys of principal importance for maximum exploitation of tonal characteristics inherent in the guitar For this reason I recommend them sincerely, not only to the conscientious teacher but especially to the student who searches for the basic essentials in his artistic’formation ALIRIO DIAZ new york + april 19-1967 GutstTAR N OTATI ON § STRINGS LEFT HAND @ ~15t string € 1 index finger @® ~2dstring -b 2 — middle finger @ ~3rd string = 3 —annulay (ving) Anger @ ~ath string d 4 little finger © -sthstring A © —srhsting E ______ tt he played on the second string until eermination of the Tine ® ® to be played on the fifth string until termination of the line o—open string har. sve — octave harmonic ~ harmonic played on the fret indicated har. 12 (7, 5,4) RIGHT HAND 11,2 —2 ete. use same finger by sliding without pressure ete, retain the position of the finger indicated 1 ~ first position HW —second position Il — third position IV, V, ete.— fourth, fifth p mn, ete, The word position refers to the location of the left hand on the fingerboard, depending upon where the first finger is. p — thumb i= index finger m= middle finger annular (cing) finger small finger arpeggiated chord (from bass to treble) ] played withthe finger indicated by a small Petter under the arrow arpeggiated chord (from treble to bass) played with the finger indicated by a small | letter above the artow played by s, a, m, i Bngers in rapid succes- Rasgueado (Spanish), arpeggiated chord | sion from bass to treble CC __ barall six strings with the index finger CI, CHL CII, ete.: bar all six strings ae the position indicated cH hold the barré until termina- tion of the line VC bar the required strings, leaving free those needed open VACI, MCI, VACII, etc.: bar the required strings at the position indicated bar the notes indicated by the bracket with the tp joine of the index oF any other fin- ger indicated Dedicated to teachers and students of classic guitar everywhere 180 DAILY STUDIES VLADIMIR BOBRI ged sPeohawer | a. eee t ra : : $y ERG SOE AE FCS2605 © Copyright 1988 by Franco Colombo, Inc., New York Copyright As sille Genes, N.Y. All Rights Reserved 4 Me 08 am Pigs CI, “e ae, F fl 3 3 EJ sr @ ane 3 = 3 ot. cz + # bape 0 Steed yey eae ey aa = $ ve = te pO ia pre 7 . ohie pot afe Pyy —h4_s Tee ei os er fyi tyr 24s pine fel iiweatip a aGie SEED retest eet ro oan pp Epp | Fes2605 FCS2605, ou —________________ ey on _— wit pte tee Ee tet , ele] cot tl 8 In 47 through 50 use the same plan of left hand fingering. * FCS2608 Place 3 and 4 at the same time 4 com, 1 SS = == ie geteg $894583 per gens sl Hees aaa 3 oA P cm@—, | 5 » Gorpapnerniete iin PZ ? FCS2605 Place 3 and 4 at the same time. = => == egg seed? ppedteges y 40 {B’] i | PTD * Same for 67 through 70. . Pan! ST J s SEIT rEEEee — ws ytd FCS2605 ee cur he cr cul cml = ara a ea ae ows om cr, cm _, vara es eT hy DP = 4 ? om ow om cr, em, FSS SS A nQhEhaes a e EEree Bp © —— ory i 4 dirs TE ati: nt FCs2605 eal Ere 2 Soe Ta cml__, cI___, om_—__, FCS2605 poim t Fobedelt FCS2605 * Place 2,3,4 simultaneously ‘eC ‘eC othe eS i fil soe tetas ae Se hessps = SES iy 3 ta Po o ser eset § id : a t a te: ee Habe fe PaR, Fy = ee on ee 0G : E es iE TS ae F a j bai mimi at [ee 7 C ¥ Also vlace 4 FCS2605 7 oy : er ad ay 18 fer foe: = = ¢ et 6th to D imim « = ceases sear ow—__ EE am] ‘OW clv——___, z 6th back to E ¢ nm See 1 20 OPE IE er ie ae = place 12.94 simultaneously. Aa amimamim ispees oe LE peer eeersteeer eee Sheer we Gp fp ee fied vee r tr {C] ot) = a a ee FCS2605 19 Keep preceding fingers down, [Keep preceding fing 7 imamimam os Peper eee ieee tee lleerere tices Place 3 and 4 simultaneously. pepe Use this left hand pattern from I, Use this pattern from I, continuing continuing thru II, IIT, ete. until XII thru II, Ill, ete. until XIT Also place 3 ~ pattern | 1 = cai Patterns 2-———>_ Alternate from “im a” tova mi” bx P| rand 2, starting from 1 and : continuing thru IT, I, IV, V; then starting from V, play the sequence pattern 1 and 2 back thru IV, HI, H, and I. Place all fingers ee for each pattern. FCS2605

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