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Handsmaids Tale a Dystopian Society

In the Dystopian society of Gilead many women are force to give

up important aspects of their lives in order to keep Gilead in order.
One woman named Offred was separated from her daughter and job as
a librarian and was forced to become a Handsmaid in the newly formed
society. In this new society men have absolute control over women
and all of their aspects of life.
Offred was separated from her daughter when they tried to
escape the country and the harsh society of Gilead that was being
established. After their separation Offred was forced to become a
Handsmaid, which is a role where your only duty is to reproduce.
Throughout Offreds time as a Handsmaid the only thing that kept her
from falling under Gileads control was her daughter. She often
wondered where she was and dreamed of one day seeing her again.
Another aspect that was taken from Offreds life was her job as a
Librarian. When she became a Handsmaid she was also banned from
reading in order to keep her and the other Handsmaids in line. Taking
away words and literary from the women made it difficult for them the
think of ways to rebel. Offred often thought of words and their
meanings so that she doesnt loose her mind to Gileads ways of life.
In the end the things Offred lost may have been the things that
helped her make it to the end. He daughter helped give her hope and
something to live for. Her old job as a librarian prevented her mind
from loosing grip on the thought of rebelling and maybe one day being
free. Maybe if the dystopian society she lived in didnt take those
things away from her, she wouldnt have escaped the commanders
home. I think Atwood created this past for Offred in order to show the
freedoms that Offred had in the past and how drastically things

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