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By: Zoe Brown

Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty.
Also called Cytherea. Her Roman name is Venus


Aphrodites Symbols
Her symbols are:

Scallop shell- carried her to the land of Cyprus where her reign began
Dolphins- she uses them to rid the sea
Rose- love token and it means love and beauty
Doves- sacred bird symbols of Aphrodite and are the bridesmaids bird of love
Swans- sacred bird symbols of Aphrodite and are said to tow her sailing boat
Myrtle tree- are sacred to Aphrodite and from one of these plants her beloved Adonis was born
Golden apple- won it from Paris
Pomegranate- represents the consummation of marriage
Magic girdle- had the power of inspiring love
Mirror- refers to the vanity of the goddess
Pearl- sacred to Aphrodite and is the symbol of the offspring of the water


Aphrodites Birth
Aphrodite has a few stories of how she might have been born.
1. Aphrodite was created from foam in the crystal clear waters of Paphos.
Dolphins carried her in the scallop shell to the beach of Paphos.
2. Aphrodite is considered daughter of Zeus and Dione.

This is
Aphrodites rock

Aphrodites Adulthood
Aphrodite has a few version of how she lived as an adult.
1. Zeus is afraid that other gods will fight violently against each other to earn
possession of Aphrodite. So, he forces her to marry Hephaestus.
Hephaestus is the god of fire and crafts. He is very ugly.
2. Hera casts Hephaestus off of Mount Olympus. Hephaestus then tries to
trap Hera in a magic trone. In return for her release, he demands to be
given Aphrodites hand in marriage.

Aphrodites Parents
Aphrodites parent are either Zeus and Dione, or Cronus.


Aphrodites Powers
Aphrodites powers are:
Shes very beautiful
Attracted many men
She could make any man fall in love with her

Aphrodites Weaknesses
Aphrodites weaknesses are:
Cheated on her husband a lot
Whenever she saw somebody more beautiful than she was, she gave the
either a miserable life or a killed them
Bad tempered

Aphrodites Weapons
Aphrodites weapon is her magic girdle. Makes anyone fall in love with the
person wearing it. Makes people fall in love.

Maps of Where she was Born


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