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When Jaya and Vijaya didn't even come from Vaikuntha

As I have been studying Srla Rupa Goswm's Laghu Bhgavatmrta, I have come across many
wonderful gems. I hope that by sharing this, more devotees will become inspired to study this work.
In Laghu Bhgavatmrta 1.5.50, Srla Rupa Goswmipada says that in the Visnu Purna, Parsara
Muni (Vysadeva's father) doesn't mention that Jaya and Vijaya were associates of Bhagavn from
Vaikuntha, but that they simply took three births to attain Bhagavn.
He then goes on to say, therefore we should not consider that Bhagavn's associates fall from
Vaikuntha in every kalpa (day of Brahma) and take the role of enemies. If this were so, making
them fall so regularly would be improper as this would go against Bhagavn's affection for his
devotees and his statements regarding never returning from Vaikuntha.
However, we accept that Bhagavn does perform his fighting lls and relish vrya rasa in every
kalpa (day of Brahma), but that it takes place with real enemies (who are not Bhagavn's devotees
factually). In those instances, Hiranyaksa, Hiranyaksipu, Rvana, Kumbhakarna, Sisupla and
Dantavakra are not Bhagavata prsadas.
Furthermore, Baladeva Vidybhusana comments that the Vaikuntha associates Jaya and Vijaya came
down to the material world both due to Bhagavn's will (as he could have nullified the Kumras'
curse, see Bhgavata 3.16.29) and the will of Jaya and Vijaya to see Bhagavn's skill in defeating
the demons. Baladeva Vidybhusana then cites various references showing how Bhagavn appears
for the pleasure of his bhaktas.
crya Baladeva then further explains that Jaya and Vijaya's returning to the material world due to
Bhagavn's will is not a fault since one could therefore also criticise Bhagavn's own appearance in
the material world too. Both are according to Bhagavn's desire.
If you're wondering why it would take 3 births being killed by Bhagavn in his forms as Narsimha,
Rma and Krsna to attain Bhagavn for the Jaya and Vijaya who were not associates from
Vaikuntha, then see Laghu Bhgavatmrta, Part 1, Chapter 5, texts 40 64 in reference to Sisupla's
complete absorption in Krsna through hatred.
Gaura Gaddhara Narahari!

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