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Matthew Siringo

How can we learn the words to the first verse of Simple Gifts and understand its meaning? First
grade. 12 students.
Established Goals: NYS Standards Pre-k to Grade 2
Standard 1-Creating, Performing and Participating in the Arts
Enduring Understandings: Simple Gifts is a folk song that was adapted into classical music by
Aaron Copland. Copland was known for his use of folk music in many of his works.
Essential Questions: What is the meaning of Simple Gifts? Why is it important?
Musical Concepts Addressed: Ballet, Folk Song,
Social Concepts Addressed: Communication, Listening,
Materials: SMART Board for Appalachian Spring excerpt and lyrics.
Learning Plan:
(1) Solfege: (5 minutes)
Students will sing various exercises in a call-and-response type warm up. I will sing and
they will repeat. The exercises include some of the following:
Sol, mi, sol, mi
Sol, la, sol, sol, sol
Sol, fa, mi
We will then review the instrument families that were learned last week to apply it to the
classroom activity.
(2) Class Discussion: (25 minutes)
Students will first hear learn a little bit about Aaron Copland. He was born in Brooklyn
and wrote many folk songs into his classical music. They will then listen to the first verse
of Simple Gifts. I will then sing it for them. Then we will learn the song in small excerpts
until we can sing the whole piece together. We will then discuss what the song might
(3) Class Activity: (10 minutes)
Students will listen to Appalachian Spring and be asked to listen for the song we just
learned. They will also be split into groups and given a sign with the instrument families

on it and be asked to hold it up when they hear their family. One student can also conduct
and point to the group with the instrument family that they hear. I will assist in this task.
(4) Review and Assessment (5 minutes)
The game at the end of class and singing together are both informal assessments. I will
determine not only that they remember their instrument families from last week, but that
they also learned the lyrics of Simple Gifts.
Other Evidence: Students who conduct the group will show knowledge of which
instrument family is playing. When students are not holding up an instrument family
sign, they will be asked to listen for and sing the melody of Simple Gifts.

Simple Gifts
'Tis a gift to be simple, 'tis a gift to be free
'Tis a gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
We will be in the valley of love and delight.

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