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I. Match the male words on the right with the female words on the left.



II. Put the words in the right order.

1. your there are in many people how family?
2. my family people in there five are .
3. you have many brothers how ?
4. are your in who family ?
5. you married are ?
6. your family does live where ?
7. do does wife what your ?
8. uncle your married is ?
9. daughter have a do son a you or ?
10. sisters have got you any ?

III. Match the family members with their definition.

1. family reunion
2. cousins
3. stepmother
4. in laws
5. great-grandfather
6. niece
7. ancestors
8. brother in-law
9. nephew
10. granddaughter

a) son of your sister or brother

b) daughter of your sister or brother
c) family that lived a very long time ago
d) children of your uncle and aunt
e) husband of your sister
f) daughter of your children
g) get-together of and extended family
h) father of your grandparents
i) parents of your husband or wife
j) your fathers new wife

Family by Gabriela de Jess Mixtega Snchez is licensed under a Creative Commons

Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.

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