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MAY 30, 2015

Stop C-51 Unite 4 Our Rights Convergence in Ottawa:
National Day of Action calls on the Senate of Canada to stop Harpers Secret Police Bill
OTTAWA, ON On Saturday, May 30 the third Canada-wide Day of Action will be held
to stop the Harper governments secret police Bill C-51. Previous days of action
on March 14 and April 18 saw tens of thousands mobilize in more than 70
communities. The main event on May 30 is a convergence on Ottawa with buses being
organized from across Ontario and elsewhere to unite in action with local residents. Bill
C-51 threatens the rights and freedoms of all Canadians, Quebeckers and First Nations
people. This Canada-Wide demonstration is taking place in anticipation of the Senate of
Canadas final vote on Bill C-51 in the coming days.
Demonstrators will gather at 2 PM at the Human Rights Monument and march through
the Byward Market. The event culminates on Parliament Hill where the crowd will be
addressed by MPs, Senators, and civil society and union leaders in opposition to Bill C51.
About Bill C-51:
Bill C-51 creates excessive over-reaching powers for security agencies that will harm
political discourse and our rights and freedoms. The Conservative Government is
rushing this bill through parliament without responsible parliamentary process.
This bill disproportionately targets indigenous communities, environmental activists,
Muslims, and workers, many of whom are already subjected to questionable and
overreaching powers by security officials. Bill C-51 will make it easier for government to
continue infringing upon the rights of all those who oppose the status quo.
106 law professors in an open letter called Bill C-51 a dangerous piece of legislation in
terms of its potential impacts on the rule of law, on constitutionally and internationally
protected rights, and on the health of Canadas democracy.
The Day of Action is organized and coordinated by local activists and organizations

across the country, with participation and support from labour unions, citizens groups,
First Nations organizations, political parties, and Canadians from all walks of life.
Amy Kishek, (613) 404-4054,
Christian Legeais: (613) 276-9102
More Information:
Local Contact:

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