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Having Moon in the sign Aquarius bestows you with certain qualities that define your character,

individuality and proclivities. All analysis through Vedic Astrology is made from the perspective
of Moon sign, i.e. the sign where the Moon was transiting at the time of your birth.
Although there are other factors that contribute towards shaping your nature and personality,
position of the Moon in your horoscope is fundamental for judging the qualities that you radiate
as Moon is the ruler your feelings and emotions.

Characteristics of Aquarius Moon

Humanitarian This sign is the most humanitarian of all the 12 zodiac signs. Moon in Aquarius
arouses philanthropic tendencies. It makes you kind and compassionate and you enjoy working
for the service of humanity.
Independent, Creative and Friendly You are at ease in an atmosphere that gives you the
freedom to express your creative skills, knowledge and wisdom. You are friendly, agreeable and
willing to go out of your way to help someone close to you. However, you will have few close
friends and acquaintances because of your preference to be in the company of like-minded
Keen Observer but Opposed to Change The fixed element of the sign makes you somewhat
stubborn and resistant to change. You are a quick learner and curious to take interest in things
around you, although it makes you lose focus on specific things. You are a keen observer and
love to study human nature.
Hard Working but Eccentric Saturn, the ruler of your sign makes you ambitious and hard
working. Your loyalty earns you a place in peoples heart. However, your behavioral pattern is
sometimes hard to predict because of inconsistency and eccentric traits, peculiar to the sign
Analytical, Detached Your analytical mind and thirst for knowledge takes you deeper into the
study of subjects and dig out new facts. This is how inventions are made. You love your private
space and consciously guard it. Being deeply sensitive and cautious, you are often nurturing
sinister feelings of revenge against those who had hurt you or cheated you.

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