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OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor


a. Define the terms hardware, software, input device, storage device and
output device

The physical components that make up a computer system

The computer programs/set of instructions that tell the computer what to do

Hardware that allows data to be entered into a computer

Hardware that allows data to be saved/stored, long-term, after it has been inputted
into a computer for future use

Hardware that presents data from the system to the user

b. Describe the purpose of input devices, storage devices and output devices

Gives the computer the data to be used when instructions are carried out
Barcode reader- to read the barcode on an item
Keyboard- to input damaged barcode/amount paid

Needed to store files when the power to the processor is switched off
Needed to store files which are too big to be stored in the processor
E.g. Hard Disk Drive, CD-ROM, USB Memory Stick

Needed so that the computer can report to us what it has done
Needed as it affects future input in system
Printer- to give hard copy output for customers to keep
Screen (LCD) - to shows details and price of current items
Beeper- to signify barcode has been properly read
Chip and Pin- to input payment details

Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

c. Describe the different roles and functions of systems software and

applications packages

Controls the operation of hardware and provides a platform to run other software

Allows the user to do something useful with the computer

a. Describe the stages of the systems life cycle

The Systems lifecycle is the most common way of solving problems using computers.

Problem Definition
o Existing problems are identified
o User requirements are identified
Feasibility Study
o Is the new system technically feasible?
o Software/hardware available
o Is the new system economically feasible?
o Is it socially feasible?
o Does the staff have the necessary skills?
o Is it legal/within the data protection legislation?
o Is it ethically ok?
o Does it meet environmental standards?
o Production of a requirements specification
o Detailing inputs needed and outputs required
o Specify user requirements
o Hardware/Software needs
o Fact finding
o Specification of a system
o User interface designed
o Specification of data structures
o Prototyping
o Algorithms
o Files/file structure
o Input/form design
o Output/report design
o Validation procedures
o Security of data

Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

Coding/Software development
o Production of programs
o Modification of code
o Production of documentation
o Production and carrying out a suitable testing strategy
o Production of test data
o Method of conversion/changeover (parallel, pilot, direct etc)
o Staff training
o Installation of hardware/software
o Setting up data/transferring data
o Debugging the system
o Modification due to changing needs
o Improving current processes
o Check system against objectives stated
o Are there any limitations?

b. Explain the importance of defining a problem accurately

The client may not understand the potential of the computer system. The analyst
may not understand/have detailed knowledge of the specific field of interest.
Therefore, the analyst may produce a solution which does not satisfy the client. The
two must pool their information in order to ensure the right problem is solved.

The analyst and client will have very different ideas of the problem. It is necessary
that the problem in solved in a way such that both the client and analyst agree on.
Otherwise, the client will be unhappy and the analyst will not be paid. The analyst is
an expert in use of computer systems and the client is an expert in the specific area
of problem.

c. Describe the function and purpose of a feasibility study

The purpose of a feasibility study is to carry out initial enquiries to see if there are
any reasons why the new system may not be acceptable before starting to produce
it. The plan should be revised if the feasibility study highlights any problems.

o Can hardware and software be found to implement the solution
o Is the proposed system possible within budget
o Is the proposed system economic to run

Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

o Is the effect on the humans involved too extreme to be allowed
o Is the proposed system environmentally sound
o Is there enough skill in the workforce in order to run the new system
o Does the new system meet the requirements of the data protection act
o Is the proposed system possible in the given time period/scale

d. Explain the importance of determining the information requirements of a

system and describe different methods of fact finding, including
questionnaires, observation, and structured interview, highlighting the
advantages and disadvantages of each method

The analyst needs to ensure that he/she understands the organization requirements
because otherwise the system produced may not meet requirements. Also by
determining the information requirements, the analyst would ensure that the correct
hardware and software is implemented.

o One-to-one situation
o The interviewer can change course of questions
o Advantages
Interviewee can elaborate on points
Adv: Clients believe they are fully involved
o Disadvantages
Time consuming
Can give biased and often opinionated views

o Many workers can have their views considered in a short period of time
o Advantages
Allows all to feel involved
o Disadvantages
Does not allows for individual points
The return is usually poor


o Analyst able to see process in action
o Advantages
See system with new eyes
See information workers may not feel is important

Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

o Disadvantages
Workers may not act naturally because they are being observed
Analyst may not see abnormal procedures

e. Describe what is involved when analysing the requirements of a system,

explaining the nature of the requirements specification and its content:
including current data structures, inputs, outputs and processing represented
in diagrammatic form (data flow diagrams, system flowcharts), identity
inefficiencies/problems in the current system

The requirements specification is a list of all the things which the solution is
intended to produce. It will also identify inefficiencies/problems in the current
system. Contents include:
o Input Requirements- source of the various data
o Output Requirements- identifying the destinations of the final output
o Processing Requirements- identifying ways in which data is processed
o Clients agreement to requirements- these requirements are going to be
used to decide whether the solution satisfies the problem and whether
or not the analyst gets paid
The analyst would need to examine the current data structures and the
relationships between them. This includes descriptions such as data type
because this will dictate the form that the data will be stored in and the
amount of storage space required for the data contained within the new
The analyst will use diagrams to help in the understanding of the present
system, both data flow diagrams (DFDs) and systems flow charts.
o DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS- showing flow of data through a system
Source of data
External entities
Data processes
o SYSTEMS FLOW CHARTS- showing how parts of a system are connected
File storage

f. Describe a design specification including input design, diagrammatic

depiction of the overall system, processing, data structure design and
output deign

The design specification is a documentation that should contain the stages

necessary to produce the final end product as the designer intends.

Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

The documentation will contain the following:

design of the user interface (input forms and menus) allowing
the user to enter data, make choices and give instructions
Data required- graphical, textual or physical?
The hardware available- keyboards or automatic?
The experience of the operator- CLI not always suitable
o DIAGRAM OF OVERALL SYSTEM- through use of system flow charts and
data flow diagrams (DFDs)
o PROCESSING NECESSARY/ALGORITHM- outlines the programming
methods needed to be used to process the data, normally written in
pseudo-code. Advantage is that it can be used to describe an algorithm
in a way that is not specific to any particular programming language
o DATA STRUCTURE DESIGN- specifications of data structures including
data type and the necessary validation/verification techniques
Report design- should inform of errors, tell on progress, display
results and provide help
Needs to be detailed in the same way as the input designs
E.g. Form of output- sound may be inappropriate

g. Explain the importance of evaluating the system, and how to identify the
criteria used for evaluation
o Need to be sure the system will perform as required
o Identifies areas where the solution is lacking
o It determines the end of the job
o It determines when the analyst gets paid
The criteria used for evaluation, as far as the analyst is concerned, is to prove
to the client that the solution works and meets all the items stated in the
requirements specification.
The criteria could also include:
o SUITABILITY- can the new system carry out all the requirements that
were set, does the new system integrate with the existing software?
o EFFECTIVENESS- is it an improvement on the existing system, is it cost
effective, does the system suffer from bugs, is the hardware/software
o USABILITY- is it easy to use, is the new system compatible with the
existing systems, do the users require continuous training, is the on-line
help/tutorials useful?

Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

o MAINTAINABILITY- is the system easy to maintain?

o What limitations there are in the system
o What enhancements could be made to the system in the future

h. Explain the content and importance of different types of documentation at

different stages of the system life cycle, including the technical and user

o Designed for a future system developer/computer literate
o Very valuable for the maintenance process because the documentation
shows how each part of the system has been constructed and the
reasons why certain choices have been made
o Purposes of technical documentation:
To allows debugging of programs
To assist future software developments
To modify existing file/data structures
To support new technical staff
o The technical documentation should include:
Data Flow Diagrams- showing flow of data through a system
Systems Flow Chart- showing how parts of a system are related
Entity Relationship diagrams (ERD)- shows how data tables
relate to each other
Annotated Program listing- the program code will be fully
annotated to explain to the reader the purpose of the each
section/line of code
Structure Charts/pseudo-code/algorithm designs
Data Dictionary- the field definition (including data type, field
length, validation techniques)

o Aimed at the end user
o Should accompany the system and is for the person who will actually
be using the system. It provides the user with basic instructions about
how to use the system. It will contain instructions relating to the users
view of the system and would therefore be written in a language
appropriate to the users ability rather than in computer jargon.
o The user documentation should include:
Input/Output Procedures
Glossary of terms used within the documentation
Backing up and archiving procedures

Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

Error messages- details on possible errors and how to deal with

FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions
Maintenance of files/File searching
Required hardware specifications
Instructions on how to operate the system

i. Explain the importance of system testing and installation planning

o The importance of system testing is to ensure that the system satisfies
the users requirements and to discover any errors that might be
present. In simple terms, to ensure that the system works. The analyst
would need to provide proof that the system does as required because
if successful, the analyst will get paid.
o Systems testing also decide how the new hardware will be introduced,
whether or not existing staff will need to be trained and the methods in
which data files will be transferred from the old system to the new
o Parallel- old system and new system operate alongside each other for a
period of time, doing the same processing. Results from both systems
will be compared and the old system will only be fully replaced when
the issues/errors regarding the new system have been resolved.
Parallel conversion allows an organisation to revert to the old system if
the new system fails. However, this is very expensive and should only
be done in situations where data is very valuable.
o Direct- The old system is fully removed and discontinued and the new
system replaces it completely and immediately, at a quiet time such as
weekends or overnight. There is no overlap time between the systems
and no part changeover. If the new system fails, the old system cannot
be used.
o Pilot- The new system is implemented but only in one area of the
organisation. The software is running in a real situation to help identify
and resolve errors before the rest of the organization converts to the
new system. This method of conversion allows staff to be trained and if
a major fault occurs, only one branch of the business is affected. If
successful, the new system is rolled out; if unsuccessful, the new
system is abandoned.
o Phasing- The old system is gradually replaced, in stages, by the new
system. This allows for testing of new system to be done and allows for
the gradual retraining of staff.

Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

o Method of implementation- parallel/pilot/phased/direct
o Training program must be devised
o Hardware must be brought and installed
o System must be tested with real data files by users
o Writing the technical documentation
o Data files must be adapted/reformatted from present files

j. Explain the purpose of maintaining the system, and explain the need for
system review and reassessment, understanding that software has a limited
life span
Maintenance is the process of making improvements to (or modifying) a
system that is in use. System review and reassessment is needed because:
o Bugs/errors are discovered in the software code- these bugs will have
been identified only after the system is in full use. They will be fixed
and a patch would be issued that changes the appropriate lines of
code within the end-users program.
o The user requirements may change- this often happens after a system
has been in operation for some time and the user sees further uses of
the data that the system produces. (changing user needs)
o Some in-built parameters change- e.g. VAT rate (legal requirements)
o Hardware is changing- the system will need to be updated to take
advantage of new hardware developments. This could be a new input
device, output device, or even communications device.
o Operating System needs upgrading- the system will need to be
modified to take advantage of the additional capacities of the OS.
o Performance needs improvement- some of the original code may
contain several unnecessary routines that are slow to execute and need
tidying up. Systems performance can often be improved by finding
more efficient algorithms for such routines.

There are three types of maintenance:

o Corrective Maintenance- to correct bugs/errors found in software
when being used
o Perfective Maintenance- to improve performance of software
o Adaptive Maintenance- to alter software because of external need:
A change in user requirements
A change in law
A change in processes e.g. VAT change
To take account of new technologies

Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

K. describe prototyping to demonstrate how a solution will appear

A prototype is a simplified version of a program to illustrate a feature of the
Normally used to illustrate input and output screens
The screens are dummies in that they elicit no action
Used to show the client the way the system will look in order to gain a clearer
idea of the system
Allows issues/errors to be spotted
The client is part of the design process in order to give more focused feedback
Prototypes are evaluated and repeatedly refined until client is satisfied

o Produced very quickly
o Check that end user/client is happy with system
o More focused feedback

o Takes up development time, especially is process is repeated

L. describe the spiral and waterfall models of the systems life cycle
o Analyst begins by collecting data followed by each of the other stages
leading to evaluation, which will lead to a return to data collection to
modify results.
o The different stages are refined each time the model is worked through
o Progress is seen as flowing-steadily downwards (like a waterfall)
o The results from one stage are used to inform the work on the next
stage in the cycle.
o At any stage, it may be found necessary to return to re-evaluate a
previous stage

M. identify the features of common applications found in business,

commercial and industrial applications: e.g. stock control, order processing,
payroll, process control, point-of-sale systems, marketing, computer-aided
design (CAD), and computer-aided manufacture (CAM)

Keeping track of stock
Recording stock levels


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor


Database has entry for each ID number

When stock is scanned, the ID number is found in the database
Number in stock field is
Incremented if goods are coming into the warehouse
Decremented if goods are leaving the warehouse
Therefore, number in stock field is always up to date with what is in the

Condition of stock
Keeping track of where stock is going

If quantity in stock falls below a pre-determined limit
The system automatically institutes a reordering process
When goods are delivered, the ordering system is informed so that the live
order can be shown to have been fulfilled

Records are processed all at the same time
at regular intervals (e.g. once a week)
requires no human intervention during the processing
payroll run once workers have gone home
large amounts of data needs to be processed
data is similar in nature, requiring similar processing
no need for instant responses to input

Automatically controls a process
Computer receives information about the process from sensors
Data from the sensors allows the system to make decisions
Results of decisions are actions that are carried out
The next set of inputs from the sensors are compared with the last set of
inputs to decide whether the actions that were taken last time had any impact

E.g. Rolling Process
Computer stores parameters between which the thickness is acceptable
Actual thickness input at regular intervals from the sensors
Actual thickness compared with stored values
If acceptable then the process is repeated
If thickness is different to stored values, then the roller is adjusted
Feedback- If roller is adjusted, the next input is compared to the previous
input to see if the adjustment had an effect


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor


Identifies goods being bought
o Reads the barcode on products
o ID searched on database
Carry out processing required
o Accumulates total value of all the goods
o Produces a printout for the customer (till receipt)
Arranges for payment
o Made electronically

Process where potential customers are made aware of a product or service
Produce advertising material and product promotional material
Through the internet or through direct mailing

Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Use of a computer system to design a commodity/product
Software can be used to do calculations
Can be used to make decisions about the way the product is manufactured
Can be used to cost a solution and make predictions

Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM)
Use of a computer system to help with the manufacturing process
The design would be produced by computer controlled robots

N. identify and justify generic applications software for particular application
areas, e.g. word processing, spreadsheets, desktop publishing (DTP),
presentation software, drawing packages

Write letters to customers
Process reports

To keep records of sales
Calculate invoices
Make automatic calculations

Production of a manual (e.g. instructions manual)
Used for producing brochures/leaflets/flyers
Produce high quality graphics


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

Used for producing multi-media presentations for an audience

Used for producing adverts/leaflets/flyers

To store files of customers and sales
To manipulate customer/stock files

To create images

ADVANTAGES of Pre-written (generic) software
Shared development costs makes the software cheaper to buy
Immediately/readily available
Ready pool of trained workers
Most of the bugs would be missing as software will be fully tested
Compatible with software from other organisations
Third party user documentation available/online help available
There may also be training material accompanying software
Staff may already know how to use software

o. Identify and justify applications areas for which custom-written

applications software is appropriate

ADVANTAGES of Custom-written software
Written specifically for the particular purpose needed by the business
Designed to do exactly what the user needs/fits user requirements exactly
Application is one off/unique and does not fit normal criteria for standard
Generic software will not exist
Contains all the features that the business needs including non-standard ones
Does not contain excess functionality
Program maintenance may be easier

P. describe the characteristics of knowledge-based systems

A knowledge-based system is a computer system where all the expert human

knowledge covering a particular topic is brought together and made available
to the user through a computer system which uses the facts it has been given
in order to answer queries from outside the system.


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

Restricted to a narrow area of knowledge because human knowledge is so

vast that it would need massive areas of data
Results cannot be given within any degree of accuracy

How is a knowledge-based system set up?

Experts in the field are interviewed
Information needs to be collected from many sources
This information is used to create the knowledge base
The rules used to interrogate the knowledge are collected in the rule base
The set of algorithms used to tell the rules in the rule base to interrogate the
knowledge base are stored in the inference engine
HCI is set up to provide communication outside of the knowledge-based

o contains the information supplied to the system by the experts
o Contains the rules that can be applied to the knowledge
o This uses the rules in the rule base and searches through the knowledge
o Allows for queries to be input and results to be output

Q. describe the purpose of operating systems

An OS is a suite of programs designed to manage the hardware of the system
Used to control the hardware of the system through software like hardware
drivers and systems software
Used to provide a platform on which applications can run and deals with
issues that the software may have (e.g. storage of files)
Provides a user interface with the operator to allow communication between
the user and hardware. The specific type of user interface depends on the
Handles communications using protocols to govern the communication
Handles translation of code using compilers and interpreters
Has many utility programs used to carry out housekeeping tasks on the


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

R. describe the characteristics of different types of operating systems and

their uses: batch, real-time, single-user, multi-user, multi-tasking and
distributed systems

Data is collected and input into the system over a period of time
Inputs are stored as a job to be processed later and collected into batches
Processing occurs when all input has been collected
Therefore, there are large amounts of data to be processed
Processing is carried out from beginning to end without human interaction
There is no need for instant responses to input (not time sensitive)
Data is similar in nature and requires similar processing

Data is processed instantly and the system responds instantly to changes in
Therefore, the output affects the next input and occurs before the next input
The computer must respond within a set time limit

Allows one user at a time to use the system
Allocates each user with rights
Keeps user files separate

Allows more than one user to access the system and their files simultaneously
User have their own unique access to the computer
Keeps user files separate
Allocates each user with rights

Allows more than one task to run simultaneously
Use of separate windows for each task
Each task is given an amount of processing time before going on to the next
E.g. play music while typing an essay
A typical PC is described as multi-tasking because more than one task will be
apparently running simultaneously

File storage or processing is shared between different computers at different
locations, which make up the entire system
Users will be unaware of the exact physical location of the data that they are


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

Speeds up access to files because there is no single place which all the
information must pass through

S. describe a range of applications requiring batch processing, and

applications in which a rapid response is required

Optical Mark Reading (OMR)
o Multiple choice OMR forms- e.g. multiple choice examinations
o Scripts are batch processed
o Scripts are processed incredibly quickly
o All processing is similar in nature and data is of similar type
o Large amounts of data to be processed
o Scripts are rejected if they cannot be read
Produce bills for customers
o Data collected over a month
o Similar data is collected
o Processed at a convenient time normally at a quiet time
o Results are not needed immediately
o No need for human intervention
o Processing is simple
o All the processing is the same for each bill
o Inputs are stored and collected over the course of one week because
inputs are only useful when full week of values are collected
o Payroll run once a week all at the same time
o No need for humans to be present
o Runs when workers have gone home
o All processing is similar in nature and data is of similar type
o Large amount of data to be processed

Airline booking system
o When a seat has been booked on a flight, the system needs to be
updated before the next transaction (input) occurs in order to avoid the
possibility of a double-booking
Missile guidance
o Various sensors detect altitude, latitude, speed etc
o Constantly providing up-to-date information to the guidance system
o If the missile is slightly off course then adjustments must be made
o A one second delay could result in the missile hitting the wrong target


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

Temperature/pressure control
o E.g. sensors in a nuclear power station will be providing data on the
current temperature of the reactor
o If the reactor starts to overheat, then initiating cooling will have to
happen instantly to avoid a potentially dangerous situation
Process control
o In the manufacturing process, 1000s of signals per second can arrive
from sensors attached to systems being controlled
o As such systems are fast moving, the response time would need to be
extremely minimal

t. identify and describe the purpose of different types of user interface: forms,
menus, GUI, natural language and command line, suggesting the
characteristics of user interfaces that make them appropriate for different
types of user

o Has specified areas for data input (input/text boxes)
o Has a cursor which moves to the next box to be filled in
o Provides list of alternative responses through drop-down list
o Use of radio buttons and check boxes to enter data
o Cursor shows position of next input box to be filled in and would move
to it
o Cursor may not move until data has being supplied to important boxes
o Checks input is sensible/help button available
Why use it?
o Computer outputs prompts and the user responds
o Presents user with an on-screen form in which data can be viewed or
o Clear instructions to prompt user
o Makes sure information is input in the correct order (standard format)
o Simplified validation process- fixed options of drop-down menus
o Very few errors on input
o Ensures no necessary information is missed
When is it used?
o Travel agents and other booking systems
o Workers taking orders over the telephone

User interface which obtains input from the user by displaying a list of
options- the menus- from which the user indicates his/her choice by using a
sequence of key presses or by using a mouse. This may lead to further menus.


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

Why use it?

o Simple/easy to use- requires no specialist knowledge
o Limit on choice- menus restrict options/restricts user
o User may be computer illiterate
When is it used?- systems that require touch screen
o ATMs- cash machines
o Mobile phones
o Tourist information system
Avoids need for additional peripherals such as a mouse
Suitable for environment-provides an enclosed system with
protection against vandals and the weather

User uses a device such as a mouse to move a pointer and press a button over
an icon. The mouse can be used to control windows or frames on the screen
o bounded areas of screen within which different tasks can be running
o screen is organised as a series of windows/overlapping frames
o windows can be viewed singularly or in combinations
o windows can be minimised/maximised/resized/moved
o allows for multi-tasking
o Small graphical image to allow easy recognition of applications
o Can be pointed and clicked on
o Used as a shortcut for the user
o The listing of options from which the user may select features/options
o Combination of buttons
o Each button has an icon/letter depicting an option
o Situated on the screen and used in conjunction with a mouse
o To allows the user and the computer to interact in a controlled manner
o To allows the computer to control what the user in doing
o By offering a limited number of choices such as yes/no/cancel
o Allows for simple navigation
o Usually controlled by a mouse
o Used to select appropriate options
o GUIs are intuitive
o Easy to use/navigate- online help available


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

o No commands/instructions have to be learned/necessary

o Easy execution of commands- drag and drop / point and click
o Requires more processing power and system resources
o Can be restrictive for more experienced user

Allows user to interact with computer using a human language such as English
Operated via use of microphone or keyboard
E.g. Expert systems
o User may find use of a natural syntax easier
o OS has to try and interpret what the user has requested however there
is a problem because the English language is full of ambiguities

User interface that involves typing in commands for the operating system via
a keyboard to perform specific task
Least user-friendly and can only be used by a computer literate
Allows most direct control of OS
Task can be performed quickly by entering commands directly- need not
follow a sequence of menus or windows to get to the desired options
o Technician needing access to the whole system
o Computer programming
o Low processing power and system resources required
o Experts able to perform complex tasks using single commands quickly
o Difficult for an inexperienced user- requires the user to learn a large
range of text-based commands and their uses
o Easy to make mistakes- syntax of command is vital, instructions will not
execute if the command is typed incorrectly

u. Discuss the importance of good interface design

Form of output
o Sound may be inappropriate
o Sound must be minimal otherwise in emergency situations it will be


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

Volume of data
o If large amounts, operator might miss seeing some information
o Information must be ordered
o There is danger of information overload, leading to omissions
o Information must be prioritised as only some data is crucial
o Information must be presented in such a way that it has immediate
Colours used
o Must be enough contrast to make information readable
o Sensible use of colours like red for danger
o Must be consistent
Experience of the operator
o E.g. CLI not suitable for inexperienced operator
Operator disability
o To ensure that disability is not an issue
o Is the operator colour blind/deaf/capable?
Hardware choices
o Suitable for both user and environment to be used in
o Information spread around the screen
o Important information in top left of screen
o No overload

V. identify and describe the purpose of a range of utilities, e.g. compression

software, hardware driver, anti-virus software, file handlers

Reduces the size of files by cutting out much of the duplication of data in the
stored material but maintain the content of the files
Used to speed up transmission of data from one place to another
Files are decompressed using a decompression algorithm at destination

Contains the instructions to the OS for using a peripheral
Used to configure hardware
E.g. would be used when a new printer was bought in order to install
communications protocols to the OS

Continually looking out for the characteristics of a virus
It will delete any viruses that the software finds


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

Set of programs that manage data storage
Allows files to be searched, stored, accessed, altered, deleted, merged, sorted,
ordered, renamed or copied

Automatically makes copies of files
To prevent loss of files
Protects important work by ensuring that back-up copies are made on
different hardware devices and at regular intervals
Incremental backups should be made

Used to check that data has not been corrupted after data transfer from one
part of the system to another
Often error checking software will automatically correct errors
E.g. echoing back or parity checks



D. explain the use of code to represent a character set (ASCII, EBCDIC AND

The symbols that a computer can recognise and use
Each symbol is distinguishable from all others

Word Processing
ATM terminal
o ATM uses 10 digits + 6 command codes, with 4 bits per character

Each required character is given a unique binary code
The more characters required, the more bits in each code
The number of bits to represent the code establishes the size of a byte
E.g. ASCII uses 8 bits per character- 256 maximum number of characters
EBCDIC uses 8 bits per character- 256 maximum number of characters
UNICODE uses 16 bits per character- 65536 maximum number of characters
Number of characters will therefore tend to be a power of 2
Allows keys to have different characters


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

E. describe manual and automatic methods of gathering and inputting data

into a system, including form design, keyboard entry, voice recognition,
barcodes, optical mark recognition (OMR), optical character recognition
(OCR), magnetic ink character recognition (MICR), touch screens; image
capture, chip and pin, sensors and remote data logging

A form would be used to collect the required data
The form should not be ambiguous
The data is then input into the computer via a keyboard
i.e. an operator would read the data in the form and type it into the computer

Voice recognition
use of a microphone to read instructions into computer
Data is input in audio form directly through use of a microphone
sound waves produced are sampled and digitalised
digital values compared with stored values in a library of sounds
digital values interpreted by computer
command is executed if understood
e.g. security systems/mobile telephones

How a barcode stores data
A barcode comprises of patterns of light/dark lines of varying widths
Pairs of lines store digits
Check digit included in barcode for automatic checking
Start and stop codes allows bars to be read both ways
How data is input from barcodes
A laser, infrared scanner is used
Reflections show up thickness of lines
Check digit calculation done for immediate checking of reading
Start and stop codes decide direction of reading
Barcode reader
High level of accuracy achieved
Data capture is fast
Eliminates human entry
Barcodes can be easily misread by the system
Barcodes are easily damaged


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OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Shapes of individual characters are scanned optically
These shapes are compared with standard shapes stored in the computers
Unreliable form of input- only effective when having to recognise a standard
(printed) character set rather than hand-writing
E.g. reading documents for the blind, scanning a hard copy into a word-

Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)

Special characters are printed on documents in magnetisable ink
Are both computer and human readable
Magnetised ink means that characters are more likely to be read accurately
E.g. account numbers on cheques

Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)
Position of marks on a document equates with information
Document is scanned for coordinates of marks
Scanner reads the reflected light from marks
E.g. input of lottery choices

Multiple choice tests

Correct responses will all be in predetermined positions
Answers are right or wrong
There are no areas for debate
Tests are marked very quickly and very accurately
Position of shaded areas compared with correct positions
Number of correct positions added and stored in a file according to candidate

Touch Screens
Input achieved by pressing on the screen
Used when there are a finite number of possible choices
User restricted to what available on the screen
E.g. ATM machines

Image Capture
Taking and storing pictures
o To input pictures from hard copy
o Pixels are scanned and the reflected is measured


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

Electronic camera
o Camera would take a picture
o Lens focuses image onto matrix of receptors
o Picture transferred to computer via cable or a memory card

Chip and pin
Personal information is extremely sensitive and valuable
Stored on a computer chip embedded into a card
Identification code (PIN) required to gain access to information
E.g. credit or debit card- to input card details

Input device that detects physical quantities
Including heat, light, sound, movement
Sensors convert these quantities into electrical signals
E.g. measuring temperature, measuring humidity

Magnetic Stripe Card
Data can be read from the stripe by a magnetic stripe reader
Encoded information stored on the strip can be automatically read into a
Very accurate/input not prone to human errors
Stripe can only store a small amount of information
E.g. credit card/debit card/membership card

F. explain the techniques of validation and verification, and describe

validation tests which can be carried out on data

Inputs data/values twice to the computer system
System checks the two inputs are the same
Another technician also enters data/values to the computer system
System checks two inputs are the same
A check on data input to the system by comparing the data input with a set of
rules that the computer has been told the data must follow
o Checks to see if entered data is of the correct type
o E.g. letters of alphabet the name
o Check to see if the value entered is in a certain range


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OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

o Checks to see if input data contains a certain number of characters
o Number of characters entered should be within a pre-defined limit
o E.g. Herd type should be 1 character followed by 3 digits

o Ensure that a value has actually been entered
o Input data is searched on a database. If data is not recognised then
either the data does not exist on the database or the data has been
wrongly read
o In a string of digits, one of the numbers is special. It is called the check
digit. The value of this digit is calculated by applying a simple algorithm
to the other digits. When the strings of digits are sent, the check digit is
calculated again at the receiving end. If the arithmetic does not give the
check digit, then the string of digits have been corrupted during data

G. describe possible forms of output such as graphs, reports, interactive

presentations, sound, video, images, animations, stating the advantages and
disadvantages of each with reference to the target audience

o Shows trends very clearly when two variables need to be compared
o Not possible to take reliable readings to any degree of accuracy
o Hard copy printout of values for future reference/research
o Produces the actual figures specified by the user
o May need skill to interpret significance of the figures themselves
o E.g. to allows analysis of a patient condition in a hospital

o Takes large amounts of memory to produce
o Useful for demonstrations of technique

o Used to enhance understanding- shows details
o Makes trend spotting easier
o Created using graphics packages
o scanned into computer
o imported from camera


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

o Beep to signify data has been accepted
o To present alarm signals

H. explain the procedure involved in backing up data and archiving, including

the difference between data that is backed up and data that is archived

Making copies of important files
Storing them on a portable medium
Copies are kept away from the originals (master files)
So that if the original files are corrupted, they can easily be replaced
REASON- files are important to an organisation and so must be protected
Data could become corrupted and data could be lost.

Storing the data produced on a long term storage device
So that it can be referred to if necessary
REASON- Data is available without taking up space on working storage

Frequency of backup- e.g. back up copy taken weekly
On or Offline? - e.g. at least one copy should be stored offline
Multiple copies of data should be taken
Incremental or full backups- preferably incremental back ups taken
When taken? immediately after updating of data on computer system
Where stored? - Back ups should be stored in more than 1 location and stored
in secure locations
Media? copies of all files stored onto a removable storage device, e.g. CDRW


A. describe the function and purpose of the control unit, memory unit and
ALU (arithmetic logic unit) as individual parts of a computer

Manages execution of instructions
By sending control signals to other parts of the processor using busses
Controls the fetch/execute cycle
o It decides which instruction to carry out
o Then fetches it, decodes it, and synchronises its execution
Synchronises actions using inbuilt clock


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OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

This is where everything the processor is going to use is stored
Stores the part of the OS currently in use
Stores software currently in use
Stores data needed to carry out those instructions

Carries out arithmetic calculations
carries out logical decisions
acts as a gateway to the processor

B. explain the need for, and use of, registers in the functioning of the
processor (Program Counter, Memory Address Register, Memory Data
Register, Current Instruction Register ad Accumulator)
A register is a small area of memory, within the processor itself, where data or
control information is temporarily stored
Registers are used because transferring data to and from a register is much
quicker than transferring the data between the processor and main memory

Stores the address of the next instruction
Controls the sequence in which instructions are executed
It is incremented after being read
It is altered as a result of a jump instruction

Stores the address in memory currently being accessed
Holds the position in memory of the location containing either the next piece
of data to be read or the next instruction to be used

Stores the data being transferred to or from memory
Acts like a buffer between the IAS and CPU

Stores the instruction currently being operated on

Temporary store for the results of the last arithmetic or logical operation until
it is decided what to do with the data


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

C. explain the need for, and describe the use of buses to convey information
(Data, Address and Control buses)

Carries identification about where the data is being sent/coming from
Necessary if large amounts of memory need to be used

Carries data being transmitted between areas of the processor
Two-way bus as data can be transferred in either direction

carries control signals from the control unit to allow synchronisation of signals

D. describe the connectivity of devices (methods of hard wiring, and wireless

Fibre-optic Cable
o Transmits data using light beams sent down a fine glass filament
o Interference free

Wireless System
o Used over short distances
o Not secure because anyone can tap in system
Microwave transmission
o Use of satellite dishes
o Line of sight necessary
o Used by businesses to connect a network in different locations
Infrared transmission
o Unobstructed line of sight
Serial, parallel, Duplex, Half-Duplex data transmission

E. describe the differences between types of primary memory and explain

their uses


o Non-volatile
o Contents of memory are not erased when power is off
o Memory contents cannot be altered/changed
Type of software stored
o Contains the boot program (start-up software)


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

o Program is required immediately when power is switched on
o Therefore the boot program must be in ROM

o Volatile
o Contents of memory is erased when power is off
o Processor must have some RAM as working memory/buffer
Type of software stored
o Applications software
o Operating system
o User files
o Allows changes to be made to saved contents
o Allows changes to be made to files in current use/user can enter data
o Fast access to data

F. describe the basic features, advantages, disadvantages and uses of

secondary storage media

Peripheral/external device which allows storage of data over a long period
Hard disk drive (HDD)- Magnetic medium
o Used for storing software including operating system, other systems
software, applications programs and data files
o Fast access to data
o Large capacity
o However requires formatting before use

CD-ROM- Optical medium

o Uses reflection of a laser off a pitted surface to store information
o Stores significant quantities of information
o Completely portable from one machine to another
o However access to information is slower
o CDROM cannot be altered/changed by the user
o E.g. to load software such as Encyclopaedias
CD-RW- Optical medium
o Same as CDROM except
o contents can be both erased and rewritten
o used to make back up files
o useful for transporting files


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OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

DVD-ROM and DVD-RW- Optical medium

o Same as CD-ROM and CD-RW except
o Hold larger amounts of information
o Faster access to information

Memory USB Stick- Solid State medium

o Useable on any machine
o Very fast access to information
o Device is fully portable, small and light
o No moving parts and are therefore more suitable for carrying around
o Large capacity
o Used to store sensitive information as device can be kept with owner
o Can be used to transport files
o Can be used to make backups

G. describe the transfer of data between different devices and primary

memory, including the uses of buffers and interrupts
A buffer is a temporary storage that is used to hold data while it is being
moved from the primary memory to a storage device
An interrupt is a message sent to the processor telling it to wait whilst
another more important command is executed
o Data is sent to buffer from primary memory
o Processor can continue other tasks while data is transmitted
o Interrupt is sent when the buffer is full
o Buffer is emptied to the storage device but at a slower speed to
accommodate the device
o When the buffer has been emptied, an interrupt is sent to the processor
to request buffer refill
o Process is repeated until the file of data has been successfully and fully
transferred to the storage device
o Data is arranged in packets and sent via parallel communication
o Data is checked for errors on arrival at storage device
o If there are any errors, data would be resent

H. describe a range of common peripheral devices in terms of their features,

advantages, disadvantages and uses: bar-code readers, MICR, OCR, OMR,
scanners, printers, plotters, speakers, microphones, sensors, actuators

Hardware device that is external to the computer but can be attached to the


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

Provides a permanent output known as a hard copy
Can be kept for later use
E.g. proving evidence for updating other files
Advantages of sharing printers on a network
o More than one printer in case of failure
o Ease of maintenance
o Each user has access to different types of printers for different jobs
Disadvantages of sharing printers on a network
o Need to queue for printout
o Printouts are not private
o Printer may not be local
o There would be no direct control over printer
o Lack of back-up if printer fails

Type of printer designed for drawing lines and geometric designs
Image created by pens begin moved across a piece of paper
Used for drawing blueprints, e.g. detailed drawings of buildings

Output device operated by a computer which produces and controls physical
E.g. in rolling process, actuator used to adjust gap between rollers

Instructions or data can be read into computer

Used to output sound from a computer system
Tells user what the computer has processed
Useful for visually impaired people instead of monitors


A. describe the characteristics of a LAN (local area network) and a WAN
(wide area network)

A collection of computers and peripherals over a small geographical area,
usually one building or site
LAN can be hard-wired using cable or connected via a short-range wireless


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

LAN is far more secure

LAN requires no extra communication device
Allows sharing of devices
E.g. school computer room

A collection of computers over a large geographical area
Machines in a WAN tend to be spread more remotely
WAN tends to use third party communication links
Data on a WAN is subject to interception/attack
WAN requires a modem
E.g. Internet

B. show an understanding of the hardware and software needed for a LAN

and for accessing a WAN, e.g. the internet

o Network Operating System (NOS)
o Communications software
o Drivers for hardware
o Network versions of applications software
o Network Interface Card (NIC)
o Cabling/wireless access points
o Server

o Same as LAN
o Fibre-optic cable
o Telephone cable
o Infrared/microwave satellite
o Need for a modem/router- to link the LAN to a WAN

Why network computers?
o Allow each computer to access up-to-date information
o Shared access to database/system
o E.g. ticketing system- avoid double-bookings


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

Advantages of networking
o Sharing of hardware
o Sharing of software
o Sharing of data files
o Can use any machine
Disadvantages of networking
o Fault in hardware may cause problems throughout the network
o Security of files is worse
o Viruses spread more easily

C. describe the different types of data transmission: serial and parallel; and
simplex, half-duplex and duplex modes

A byte is sent, one bit at a time, through a single wire
Slower, but simpler and more reliable
A byte is sent through multiple wires, one wire for each bit in the byte
Therefore, multiple bits are transmitted at a time
Faster but less reliable because the bits can become muddled up as bits will
naturally be transmitted at slightly different rates

Communication in one direction only

Communication in both directions but one way at a time

Communication in both directions simultaneously

D. explain the relationship between bit rates and the time sensitivity of the
The rate at which data is transferred
How many bits that can be sent in a specific time period
Measured in bits per second/baud
E.g. Streaming of a video to a machine
o Require large volume of data
o Video file is large and is used immediately
o Time sensitive because delay will interrupt video output
o If delay, video will freeze or lag
o Therefore, requires high bit rate otherwise data becomes useless


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

E.g. Simple Text files

o Use a small volume of data
o Tend to have less data to transmit than a video file
o Not needed immediately
o Therefore, bit rate is unimportant because there is time for data to
download even at slow rate
Consequently, number of bits per second is important and dependent on the
data being sent

E. recognise that errors can occur in data transmission, and explain methods
of detecting and correcting these errors (parity checks, the use of parity in
data blocks to become self-correcting, check sums and echoes)

Number of ones in a byte is either always odd or always even
System has been initialised to always expect either odd or even number of
ones in a byte
Each byte has one bit called the parity bit which does not contain data
It is set to 1 or 0 in order to maintain the agreed odd or even parity
When transmitted, the number of ones should match agreed parity
If not, the byte contains an error

Each byte has a parity bit
Each bit place has also got a parity bit
All parity is checked
If there is an error in the parity for a byte and the parity for a place value
Then where they intersect will be the faulty bit
If it is 0, change it to 1
If it is 1, change it to 0
If more than one error in the block has occurred then data is re-transmitted

Blocks of bytes are added together before transmission
This total is transmitted with the block
The same calculation is done on the data blocks at the destination
The result is compared with the transmitted value
If different, a transmission error has occurred


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

When a set of data is transmitted from one device to another
The received data is retransmitted back to the sender
It is then compared to the original data
Any differences will signify a transmission error
And the original data is retransmitted

F. describe packet switching and circuit switching

File of data split into packets which are sent onto the network
Each packet is sent to the destination via different (individual) routes
Packets arrive at the destination at different times and in a wrong order
Packets must be reordered at destination

Route is deserved before transmission
For the duration of the transmission
All packets follow the same route
Packets arrive at the destination in the correct order

G. explain the difference in use of packet switching and circuit switching

No established route

Packets sent on individual routes

Secure because impossible to intercept

all packets

Establishes a route along which to send
packets for duration of message
All packets follow the same route
Message can be easily intercepted
because all packets are on the same
Packets remain in correct order

Packets need to be reordered/only as

fast as its slowest packet
Maximises use of network
Ties up large areas of network

H. define the term protocol and explain the importance of a protocol to the
transmission of data
A set of rules to govern communication between devices


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

I. describe the need for communication between devices and between

computers, and explain the need for protocols to establish links

A handshake signal is a signal sent between two devices to ensure that they
are both ready to communicate
A handshake signal is sent from one device and acknowledged by the other
This sates that both devices are now ready for communication
(Establishes medium for communication)
Why necessary?- Unless both devices follow the same rules, there can be no

J. explain the need for both physical and logical protocols and the need for
layering in an interface

What frequencies?
Serial or parallel?
Radio or microwaves?
Copper cable or fibre-optic?

Baud rate
Error correction technique
Flow control
Packet size
Compression type
File type

Protocols are arranged in layers because it allows different rules within a
protocol to be set up independently
Layers are ordered which simplifies the creation of the protocol
Allows manufacturers to design for particular layers
Changes can be made by altering a single layer and the links to the other
layers in contact with it


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor


A. discuss changing trends in computer use and their economic, social, legal
and ethical effects on society

o Less socialising because young people on computer all the time
o See other societies which may cause friction with parents and other
figures of authorities
o Will raise expectations/wants
o Will increase knowledge of other societies
o Give opportunity to communicate directly with others
o Copyright and plagiarism
o Use of internet for educational purposes
o Use of internet to spread understanding

o Employees save money on commuting
o Company would not need to supply offices
o Ability to work at own times (more flexible working hours)
o More freedom with family- combine work and family commitments
o Save time on commuting
o However more easily distracted
o Lack of social contact/interaction between people (feeling of isolation)
o Team communication more difficult
o Difficultly if system malfunctions
o Company would have less control over the work of individuals
o Less flexibility in altering course of work
o Opportunity for employment of disabled people
o Difficult to arrange meetings
o Less pollution (more environmentally friendly)
o Reduced traffic congestion as fewer cars on the road


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

B. explain changes to society brought about by the use of computer systems,

e.g. in changing leisure patterns and work expectations

Worry about job loss (redundancy issue)
Worry about training
Less time spent on mundane tasks
Employees given more responsibility- good/bad?
More information available when needed
Changes of stress levels
More chances of improved qualifications as training makes employees more
Leading to enhanced job prospects (promotion) and more pay
Employees expected to be more literate with new computer system
Increased work load to bring new system on line

Customer concern about lack of human contact

Customer satisfaction due to reduction in chance of human errors
Saving of costs due to redundancies

C. discus the effects of privacy and confidentiality of data held in computer
systems and steps that can be taken to protect confidentiality


o Data is not readable without access to a computer
o Easier to log who has accessed the data
o Data is not stored in a human readable form
o Files of data can be easily and quickly copied
o Copies of data can be placed on to the media or sent electronically
o Searches for specific data to steal can be made easily and quickly
o System can be hacked and data looked at remotely
o More difficult to restrict number of copies of data in circulation

o Use of firewalls- prevent identify theft
To stop signals from unauthorised users reaching the system
o Passwords
Restrict access to system and files
Passwords should use a mixture of cases and characters for


Computer Fundamentals
OCR Computing F451

Bhavesh V Tailor

o Encryption
So that if unauthorised access is gained, the data is unintelligible
o Proxy server
Restricts the users allowed access to individual machines on
network from internet
o Intrusion detection system
Warns when uninvited access is attempted

D. understand the need for legislation governing computer use

Information is confidential and sensitive
Information must be accurate
Clients must have confidence that measures are being taken to protect their
Data stored must be updated regularly to ensure irrelevant data is not kept
There is worry about identify theft and fraud
Legislation may stop data being passed on

Data must be kept secure with no unauthorised access
Data must be obtained and processed lawfully and fairly
Data must be accurate and up-to-date
Data cannot be transferred to a 3rd party without permission
Data should not be excessive
Data must be relevant
Data must not be kept longer than necessary
Personal data should not be transferred to outside the E.U
Difficult to monitor whether companies are abiding to the principles of the act
Some parts of the world may not comply to data protection law
The changing nature of technology requires constant reviewing of data
protection legislation


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