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An Open Letter to the Community of Mansfield Township New Jersey

From Scott Minter Candidate for Township Committee

May 27, 2015

Dear Mansfield Township Resident,

In a recent letter addressed to all registered Republicans, my opponent, Joe Watters is attempting
to deflect attention from his fundamental failures as a Mansfield Township Committeeman over the
past 12 years by throwing dust in the air about me and my campaign.
Let me be clear, I am running for Mansfield Township Committee because I believe Joe Watters
lacks the integrity and professionalism to appropriately serve and represent our
community. I am a fiscal conservative and will bring my years of executive experience and
leadership to the committee to reimagine how we operate our local government in a more
professional and thoughtful way. By introducing best practices around strategic planning, fiscal
responsibility, accountability and effective communication to the township committee, I believe we
can begin to fix the problems of the past and create a better future for Mansfield Township.
Here are some FACTS that may open your eyes to Joe Watters behavior since being elected to
the committee:

FACT Joe Watters cost the Mansfield Township taxpayers thousands of dollars when in
2007 he directed township employees to lay down pavement millings on Cary Road, the road to his
personal home. The municipality spent more than $50K of taxpayer money defending his actions
and sanctioned him from participating in any DPW related activities. Fast forward 7 years to
December 18, 2014, Mansfield Township owned millings were used on the driveway of a
rental property owned by Joe Watters father that is now rented by former Mayor Ted
Tomaszewski. Coincidence or pattern of behavior? You decide.
FACT Joe and former Mayor Ted Tomaszewski, both voted against the appointment of
Chief Reilly to his current post even though he was actively doing the job for over a year.
FACT In December 2012 then Deputy Mayor Joe Watters and former Mayor Ted
Tomaszewski sold a township owned tractor to one of their friends for $15,250. This was
approximately $5,000 less than Oxford Township offered to pay which was rejected by
Watters and Tomaszewski. Sure sounds like a sweetheart deal to me.
FACT Joe Watters recently suggested that the committee lower the starting bid for farming of the
township owned parkland from $80/acre to $50/acre in what appears to be an effort to continue to
benefit his father-in-law who currently leases the land from the municipality. In March 2011, Joe
Watters voted to award the lease to R. Hengst Farm his father-in-law. Recusing yourself
from the vote would have been the right thing to do.

FACT Joe Watters claims credit for negotiating with a local developer to bring in senior housing
instead of single family homes. The truth here is that Joe Watters led the Land Use Board
decision that ultimately cost the taxpayers of Mansfield Township several hundred
thousand dollars in legal costs and fees after the developer sued the Land Use Board over
housing discrimination. In 2015 alone, the Township had to budget an additional $180K for
developer permit fees for Phase 1 that we must now pay as a result of this lawsuit! Thanks Joe.
FACT Joe Watters claims to have a strong relationship with the Board of Education yet has
attended very few meetings and rarely reports back to the Township Committee on what has
transpired. The truth is that Joe only attends meetings of the Board of Education when hes
running for reelection. Check the minutes and see for yourself.
FACT Joe Watters has been the Chairman of the Finance Committee for many years. For the
past four years, we have failed to meet statutory requirements to have a state certified CFO.
Weve had to rely on expensive outside experts because our internal employees have failed to
acquire their state mandated certifications.
As a result, we have been red flagged on our
financial audit for multiple years often over the same avoidable issues.
FACT Joe Watters quoted a municipal debt service of $1.4 million during a recent campaign
event with the Mansfield Seniors. The truth is we owe over $2 million dollars in municipal debt.
After serving so many years as Chairman of the Finance committee, how could Joe Watters
not know what we owe?
FACT Joe Watters claims that hes been keeping the tax rate stable during very difficult
economic times. Joe Watters and former Mayor Ted Tomaszweski kept our taxes artificially low
by not keeping up with infrastructure repairs, buying necessary equipment and cutting community
services. The fact is that we now have roads that are crumbling and beyond basic repair.
Joes lack of leadership has put us in quite a predicament. Thanks Joe.
Joe Watters has served on the Mansfield Township Committee for almost 12 years. He is running
as a fiscal conservative yet his legacy of missteps have unnecessarily cost the taxpayers
thousands of dollars, reduced our community services while benefitting him and his family. I
shudder to think what giving him another 3 years will cost us!
Its time for a change in the Mansfield Township Committee. Under Joes brand of leadership
weve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to correct his hapless blunders. Joe has used
his committee position to further his own personal agenda. His family has benefitted materially at
the expense of the taxpayers in our community. Its time to put a stop to this kind of reprehensible
On June 2nd cast your vote against Joe Watters and elect a candidate that truly represents the best
interests of Mansfield Township.
Thank you,

Scott Minter

Web: Phone: 908.799.3126

Paid for by Scott Minter for Township Committee 545 Mount Bethel Rd., Oxford, NJ 07863

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