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Transilvania University Brasov

Faculty of foreign languages and literatures

Departament of English

The show must go on



BV 2014

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Transilvania University Brasov

1. Introduction
o -topic choice

2. The beginning of Queen

o -The success of the band

3. End of a legend Freddie Mercury

o -Sexual orientation

4. A rock legend remembered

o -quotes about The Legend

5. Key words

o -The sum-up of this present paper
o -personal opinion


1. Introduction
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Transilvania University Brasov

I have chosen to write about Queen because is one of my favourite band all over the world. I
admire Freddie Mercury because is a legend of rock, because the way he devoted to the
music.He entered in the history of music and he will be heard and remembered for generations
yet to come.Their songs have a strong message and a deep feeling.


is a British rock band formed in London in 1971, originally consisting of Freddie

Mercury (lead vocals, piano), Brian May (guitar, vocals), John Deacon (bass guitar, vocals), and
Roger Taylor (drums, vocals).

As cool outside brought a change in hot weather lately so Queen changed public perception of
rock music 39 years ago when they released their debut album.
Energic music but although romantic-That is what Queen brought in music market.
They introduced the piano as the main instrument.
Freddie Mercury and the gang put the piano on pair with electric guitar transforming it into a
cool instrument despite the fact that others saw it obsolate.
The name of the band is often confused with the charismatic and energizing personality of the
singer,Freddie Mercury.
The other members have made their contribution to the band turning into one of the most
successful in the world.
Queen ranks as one of the best bands of the century.
Their principal strength was that all four members
Were great individual songwriters.(Sir Tim Rice,1999)

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2. The beginning of Queen

The band almost fell by the wayside, like so many others.The groups first tentative steps into
the world of rock were taken way back in 1968, but it took another six years of struggling for
recognition and battling against the bad reviews before success was in sight. (Rick Sky,1994:20)
The success of the band Queen was established in the mid 1970s. From then until now famous
band has a fan base all over the world. Throughout their career, the band has been heavily
criticized, but despite this did not stop the audience to listen and recognize creative force.
The band Queen has had a strong influence on later artists as part of subcurents like : arena
rock, glam rock, hard rock, heavy metal and progressive rock. Their debut album, "Queen", was
released in 1973.This album not attracted much public attention but failed to produce a hit on
radio - "Keep Yourself Alive".
For most of the band's albums each member wrote at least one song, and although Freddie
Mercury composed many hits, was not the dominant composer. The four artists were considered
equal in terms of creativity.
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In the category album, the band Queen had a total of 18 first places, 17 places single category,
and also eight first places in the DVD category.
The key to the bands success- a success that kept them at the top for almost twenty years and
resulted in sales of a hundred million records-was their musical versatility.Through they had an
identifiable sound,their songs were never stuck in a rut but were as varied as Mercurys everchanging wardrobe.(Sky, 1994:24)
Year in, year out,Queen were able to create new and exciting songs which captivated an everincreasing audience that never showed any real signs of tiring. In a career which spanned
nineteen albums their range of musical styles seemed almost endless, and they were constantly
exploring new directions and new horizons- always entertainingly, if not always

Discography :
* Queen I (1973)
* Queen II (1974)
* Sheer Heart Attak (1974)
* A Night At The Opera (1975)
* A Day At The Races (1976)
* News Of The World (1977)
* Jazz (1978)
* The Game (1980)
* Flash Gordon (1980)
* Hot Space (1982)
* The Works (1984)
* The Complete Works (1985)
* A Kind Of Magic (1986)
* The Miracle (1989)
* Innuendo (1991)
* Made In Heaven (1995)
Queen + Paul Rodgers :
* The Cosmos Rocks (2008)

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3. End of a legend Freddie Mercury

If I am dead tomorrow I dont give a damn.I really have done it all.

(Freddie Mercury)

Sexual orientation :

He had relationships with women and men up until a few years before he died when men played
a bigger part in his life. He had meaningful relationships with both though, he identified himself
as bisexual.
He didn't claim to be gay before he died, he claimed to be bisexual and always valued women
and sought attention and love from them right up until he died, despite having relationships with
men also. He was flirtatious with language and would describe himself as many things over the
Freddie Mercury was gregarious, ambitious and easily bored.
According to Hutton's book, Mercury and Me, Mercury was diagnosed with AIDS in the
spring of 1987, shortly after Easter. In the same year, Mercury said that his test came back
negative. His appearance in his last video, "These Are the Days of Our Lives" confirmed
Freddie Mercury's death represented a milestone in the history of AIDS. In the spring of 1994,
members of the band surviving Queen founded The Mercury Phoenix Trust and organized
Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert for AIDS prevention.
<<At seven p.m. on that bitter evening of Sunday 24 November, Freddie Mercury s life and
reign were over and the rock world became a much smaller and colder place.His death was
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finally announced at midnight in a short statement which read:Freddie Mercury died peacefully
this evening at his home.His death was the result of broncho-pneumonia, brought on by AIDS. A
few days later Dave Clark reassured the world that the singer had died happily : He didnt say
anything.He just went to sleep and passed on.It was very peaceful.He was a rare person, as
unique as a painting.I know he has gone to a much better place. >>
He lay beneath white satin sheets in his king-sized canopied bed, which he had once boasted
could comfortably sleep six, all alone but finally looking at peace with the world (Sky,1994:3)
Freddie never copied another performer. Freddie was always Freddie, very angular, very
showbizzy about everything he did and was entierly his own creation.As a front man, he was, to
say the least, a culture shock but there wasnt a lot of difference between then and when he
became famous with Queen. All the poses were already there. (Jackson,1999:32)
When we lost Freddie, we not only lost a great personality, a man with a great sense of humour,
a true showman, but we lost probably the best. The best virtuoso rock 'n' roll singer of all time.
He could sing anything in any style. He could change his style from line to line and, God, that's
an art. And he was brilliant at it." - Roger Daltrey
After Mercurys death, Dannii Minogue,a new teenybop idol in Britain was interviewed. She
thought Freddie should have spoken about his illness earlier.She said :<< His death was pretty
sad. I wasnt a huge Queen fan,but I know some friends who were closet o him and I think its
sad he didnt announce about his illness earlier.
Everybody could see what was happening to him; it was very obvious. It is a shame that he
didnt admit exactly what was wrong with him. If he had everybody would have been so much
more supportive of him. He should have done what Magic Johnson did and used it as a platform
to spread the word about AIDS and raise money for it. Instead it just seemed that he was
ashamed. When he finally announced about how we should fight against this disease in our midst
it was a nice gesture, but I just thought it was a message he should have given ages before.
But in the end it was a decision Mercury had to make on his own, whatever the rights and
wrongs of his choice.And if he chose to cover up the facts it was because he knew that however
hard it is to live in the limelight, it is even harder to die in it.>> (Sky, 1994: 169-170)

Oh, I was not made for heaven. No, I don't want to go to heaven. Hell is much better. Think of
all the interesting people you're going to meet down there!(Freddie Mercury)

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4. A rock legend remembered

We thought we were prepared for Freds death, but we werent. We were totally destroyed. And
we all got seriously messed up in the time leading to Freds death because we were part of it and
we felt so helpless. None of us could belive it was happening before our eyes.Its almost a selfish
thing to say, but when Fred died, I lost a part of myself, too. (Sky,1994:181)
Freddie, as I have said time and time again, meant the world to all of the band. When he died, it
was like losing a member of the family. But one thing that comes out of his loss, is that now
there is no option but to move on with our careers. (Sky, 1994:183)
5.Key words:
Rock legend,music,show ,bisexual,sweet success,AIDS,death.
To sum up,I believe that the band Queen has worked hard to achieve the success they have
finally earned,Freddie Mercury left a huge mark in rock music. I admire him so much, Freddie is
and will always be the greatest!He will always gently play on my heart strings!
But whatever happens, one thing wont and cant dieand thats our memories of Freddie
Mercury and Queen (Sky,1994:198)

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References :
Rick Sky, The show must go on,1994,London
Laura Jackson, Queen- The definitive biography1999,London

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