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12 Sayings about Learning, from the Analects of

Verse 1 of Chapter 1
English: Confucius said: "To learn and then practise it time and again is a pleasure, is it
not? To have friends come from afar to share each other learning is a pleasure, is it not?
To be unperturbed when not appreciated by others is gentlemanly, is it not?"


Verse 6 of Chapter 1
English: Confucius said "At home, a young man should be a good son, when outside he
should treat others like his brothers, his behavior should be one of trustworthy and proper,
and should love the multitude at large and keep himself close to people of benevolence
and morality. If after all these activities, he has any energy to spare, he should read
widely to stay cultivated.


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Verse 11 of Chapter 2
English: Confucius said:"One is worthy of being or becoming a teacher if one is able to
derive new understanding while revising what he has learned."


Verse 15 of Chapter 2
English: Confucius said:"To learn without thinking, one will be lost in his learning. To
think without learning, one will be imperiled."


Verse 15 of Chapter 5
English: Confucius said of Zi Chan:"He has four areas befitting that of a gentleman. He
is courteous in his conduct. He is respectful of the person he is serving. He is generous
towards the people and in employing them, was just."
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Verse 18 of Chapter 6
English: Confucius said:" To merely know is nothing compared to being interested to
know, being interested to know is nothing compared to deriving joy from learning it."


Verse 1 of Chapter 7
English: Confucius said:"To relate and not to invent, devoted and love antiquity, I strive
to be like Lao Zi and Peng Zhu, to pass down the essence of ancient works."


Verse 7 of Chapter 7
English: Confucius said:"I have yet turned away anyone who comes with gifts as small
as a bundle of dried meat."

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Verse 6 of Chapter 9
English: A high ranking officer asks Zi Gong:"Isn't your Master a sage? How is it that he
has so many abilities?" Zi Gong replied:" Because heaven wants to make him a sage,
with many talents." Confucius on hearing this, said:"The official does not know me well.
I was of lowly station when young. So I am skilled in menial matters. Should a gentleman
have many abilities? I do not think so." Zi Kai said:"Confucius said:'I was not recruited
into office, thus I picked up some skill.'"


Verse 7 of Chapter 9
English: Confucius said:"Do I have wisdom? No, I do not have. If someone is to ask me
a question, I do not think I would be able to answer. But I will point out two sides of the
problem, to help him solve the problem."


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Verse 30 of Chapter 15
English: Confucius said:"I once spent all day thinking without taking food and all night
thinking without going to sleep, but I found that I gained nothing. It would have been
better for me to have spent the time on learning."

Verse 9 of Chapter 17
English: Confucius said:"Why is it that the young ones do not study The Odes? The
Odes can enhance inspiration, socializing skills, complain appropriately. One can use it to
immediately serve our parents well or serve the lords later. And one can also gain the
knowledge of birds and animals, trees and plants."


For the complete English and Simplified Chinese translation of the full Analects of
Confucius, please go to
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