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Enterprise PDM Files and Variables in works well. However, if you need to load another copy of the file over the top of the existing file, use this strategy. The first and last steps are the same. You need to check out and check in. But instead of editing the file after checking it out, you can use the File.Copy method from System.IO namespace. This method lets you copy a file over the top of an existing file. As long as you have the vaulted file checked out, you can do this. Check the file back in to finish the procedure. There is no need to use the AddFile method since you are working with an existing vaulted file rather than adding a new file. Conclusion Now that you have the ability to read and write properties and check files in and out of the vault you can start automating. I have used these same methods many times to help companies load metadata into file cards from ERP databases and other PDM systems. And hopefully, your new familiarity with the Enterprise PDM API basics can jumpstart your exploration of how to move files through workflow states and createing add-ins. 379

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