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Petra Charles

LP#13A Walke Street

Sangre Grande
01 May 2015
Allison Rapheal
ufs Mr Nayaka Ramadhin
ACIR Compliance
ufs Ms. Marcia Douglas
Board of Inland Revenue
St. Vincent Street
Port of Spain
I am writing to announce my resignation from the Board of Inland Revenue. In keeping with the
terms of my contract I am hereby giving you one month notice of my intention to leave my
position as a Tax Monitoring Officer effective 05th June 2015.
I want to take this opportunity to also thank you for all of the invaluable knowledge and
experience that you have given me for the past three years. I have thoroughly enjoyed my
time at the board; however,the time has come for me to take up new responsibilities and
challenges with another organisation.
Thank you for the opportunities for growth that you have provided me and I wish you and the
organisation all the best in your future endeavours.

Yours Sincerely

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