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The Storm

I woke up at night BOOM! CRASH! Thunder and lightning flashed in my

window. I realised that the power has gone out. I reach out quickly for my
bedside LED lantern to turn it on click I turn it on and then I start to hear the
pitter patter of rain on the roof. Slowly growing louder BOOM! Thunder
rumbled across the sky. I looked at my watch it was 1:12 at night then I
hear soft footsteps from the hallway getting closer. My heart starts
thumping and I think of what's coming
My door creaks open and Milo my cat comes in followed by Mille and they
jump up onto my bed and I feel a bit better as I start patting them and they
start ((Puring)). Bang my LED lamp fell onto the floor and one of the
batteries fell out which scared me. Flash BOOM! aaaaa I said as I tried to
find it and put the batteries back in. Click the battery slid back into its
space and I let out a sigh of relief as the light went back on. Flash BOOM!
The lightning struck again and I heard Ryder call out and footsteps in the
hallway so I decided to go to mum with the LED lamp to help. Flash BOOM!
MUMM Ryder screamed and I saw mum hurry into Ryder's room. I heard
her trying to comfort him Its ok Ryder its just a thunderstorm. Then I
came in and asked Whats happening
Theres a thunderstorm and the powers gone out mum said
Lucky I brought my lamp, I said
Yes, whats the time mum said.
I looked at my watch it's 1:16 I said
Go back to bed. Zavier mum said
What about Ryder I said
Ill calm him down said mum just go back to bed said mum ok
goodnight mum I said and I went back to bed. BOOM! flash I heard Ryder
scream once again and mum trying to calm him down when I was in bed. I
closed my eyes and listened to the rain pitter pattering on the roof. I
opened them the LED lamp was on dimly and when I looked at my watch it

said it was 12:05. Weird I thought SMASH! That came from the kitchen
something must have fallen over thump, thump, thump, there were dads
footsteps. They were coming from the kitchen to my room then I realised
that isn't dad. I quickly turned my LED lamp all the way on creak moan! I
quickly leapt out of my bed and grabbed the cardboard and plastic swords
to try to protect myself with and then a MONSTER came in and I hit it with
the swords but it got me and it was going to grab me BOOM!..
I woke up and started panicking because I was scared that it would come
again but then I realised it was just a bad dream. I looked at my watch it
was 6:03 but the power was still out so I went to ask mum if I could play on
my phone.

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